2009-04-12 23:40:00 UTC
Mystery Bay Village is a small place in New South Wales, Australia. I would never, in my entire life, consider living in hot, snake filled Australia, but here I find myself in this boring old village acting as if I belong here. But I don’t and never will. So far in my sixteen years of life I have never found a place I feel welcome, a place I belong. I laughed as I looked out my new bedroom window. It was the funniest thing I had seen so far. Mrs. Staed, a little old lady from next door, was standing in her garden arguing with herself for not watering her plants. I glanced around her garden and saw nothing but brown wilting flowers.
“That woman needs to be locked in a padded cell for the rest of her life, she’d probably be better off” I said to my step sister Vanessa, who was sitting on her bed plating her long black hair.
“What on earth is she doing now; fighting with her spade?” Vanessa laughed.
I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her. I had only been in this village two days and I was already thinking of an excuse to leave. Vanessa sighed and I looked up to see her staring at my hair. I looked at her quizzically.
“I wish you’d let me do something to your hair,” she explained “it just hangs limply over your shoulders.”
I moved out of her reach as she tried to fix my hair. Vanessa has always, ever since we met two years ago, wanted to be a hair dresser but I refuse to be her test subject.
“No, Vanessa that’s the way I like my hair” I said adamantly.
“Fine, you can be so stubborn sometimes,” she mumbled
“I—AM—NOT—STUBBORN!” I yelled.
“Um, is this a bad time,” my older brother Liam said walking into our room.
“Get out Liam, of course this is not a good time” Vanessa said her voice ringing with authority.
“Sorry, I just thought I’d let you know lunch is ready,” he gave me a sly wink.
“Oh my gosh, food,” I got up and sprinted down the stairs. From behind me I heard Vanessa sigh and Liam laugh.
My good mood left me faster then it had come on. For, standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting, was the person I thought I’d never have to see again. The one person who had the heart to **** up my whole life. Dad.