For ages now, I've had the same story in my head. I first wrote it when I was 12, and picked it up again when I was 14 but could never finish it. Now I have a more solid idea of where it's going, how it starts and how it ends. I want to make it into a solid story and I definitely think it has potential. But I have about 600 pages worth of starts and re-starts. I can never seem to make it through to the other side. And I'm told I should just put it down for a minute and write something else, and that's what I used to do back then but I just can't get this story out of my head. It's all I think about. I know the world, I know the characters, I know the plot, I can practically see it every time I close my eyes. I feel something inside me propelling me to write something about it, write anything. So why can't I???
Please help, and thanks in advance any advice is greatly appreciated.