Hey remember that time I tried to save a pigeon with a broken wing? A street cat got him by morning and I had to bury pieces of his body in my building’s playground...
You get like a zillion stars for referencing that song. :D:D Hahahaha, no really, you just made my entire week. :p
To answer your question, yes, there was a time when I would only read certain books. Of course, it was Harry Potter:p I went through a phase where all I did was reread those books over and over again when I was about twelve. Finally I discovered the existence of other works of literature! And I've also had phases where I didn't feel like reading any books at all, so the backs of cereal boxes were probably a big thing with me. Personally, I really like Honeycomb and Cinnamon Toast Crunch boxes. They always have good word searches, and the last Honeycomb box I ate from had a Sodoku (sp?) puzzle on the back which I had a great time solving because it was easy! I like easy Sodoku puzzles, because they make me feel smart when I can actually solve them.
And I'm sure that as time progresses, and my taste in literature expands or becomes more sophisticated, there probably will come a time when I will only read Shakespeare! Oh, not to mention there was a time I would only read Regina Spektor lyrics:p I went to google and looked up the lyrics to every Regina song I could think of and just read them through and analysed them. Such poetry! :p
Edit: Oops, I forgot the BQ! Okay, let me think...
Do you ever put ketchup or mustard on your hamburger, hot-dog, fries, or anything else for that matter?