Leo Tolstoy--Anna Karenina
Herman Melville--Moby D!ck
Oscar Wilde--Ballad of Reading Gaol
George Bernhard Shaw--Man & Superman
Lawrence Durrell--Justine
Celine--Journey to the End of the Night
Flaubert--Sentimental Education
Franz Kafka--The Trial
Thomas Mann--Doctor Faustus
Marcel Proust--Swann's Way
Gabriel Garcia Marquez--Love in the Time of Cholera
Patrick O'Brien--Master and Commander
Dostoevsky--Crime & Punishment
DH Lawrence--The Rainbow; Women in Love
Erica Jong--Fear of Flying
Cervantes--Don Quixote
Philip Roth--Portnoy's Complaint
Thomas Woolf--You Can't Go Home Again
Jane Austen--Emma
Samuel Beckett--How It Is
James Joyce--Finnegans Wake
John Toland--The Rising Sun
Mishima--Confessions of a Mask
Lady murasaki--Tale of Genii
Thomas Malory--Le Morte d'Arthur
Thomas Hardy--Jude the Obscure
Henry James--Portrait of a Lady
Theodore Dreiser--An American Tragedy
Turgenev--Fathers and Sons
Chinua Achebe--Things Fall Apart
Henry Miller--Tropic of Capricorn
Lawrence Sterne--Tristram Shandy
Hermann Hesse--Narcissus and Goldmund
Charles Dickens--Little Dorrit
Ernest Hemingway--Collected Short Stories
Toni Morrison--Song of Solomon
Joseph Conrad--Heart of Darkness
Nathaniel Hawthorne--House of the Seven Gables
Friedrich Nietzsche--Thus Spake Zarathustra
Nikos Kazantzakis--Zorba the Greek
Thackeray--Vanity Fair
Henry David Thoreau--Walden
Aldous Huxley--Point Counterpoint
Marguerite Duras--The Lover
Malcolm Cowly--Under the Volcano
Alexandre Dumas--Count of Monte Cristo
Victor Hugo--Les Miserables
Jack London--Call of the Wild
Djuna Barnes--Nightwood
Mark Twain--Life on the Mississippi
Manzoni--The Betrothed
Henry Roth--Call It Sleep
Saul Bellow--Adventures of Augie March
Andre Gide--Strait is the Gate