2011-09-15 12:29:26 UTC
Ah, Facebook. I haven't gotten one until six months back. I figured, if all the drama started on some site, then what's the point? I mean, all you do is post statues.. What am I going to post? "Doing my homework," "Going to the bathroom," "Fighting with my brother,." The sad thing being, I've actually seen some statuses identical to that on my newsfeed. However, lucky for me I've avoided Facebook fights and drama.
I just finshed my last problem on my worksheet when I heard the loud ringing bell dissmissing us from school. I flipped a piece of my blond shaggy hair away from my eye and began to look for Zeke. Zeke may be the older twin, but he still acts like a toddler.
"Duke!" I heard the familar voice call my name. I turned around, and no it wasn't Zeke. It was Andrea. She pushed her 3D pop out-like glasses up her crooked Italian nose. Andrea always hated her nose, but I loved it. It had personality, unlike every other girl's perfect little circular snout. . Andrea was about six inches shorter than I was, she had straight auborn layered hair, and short bangs.
"Hey," I shot a friendly smile at her while closing my notebook and cramming it into my already-full backpack.
"Duke! You'll never guess what I have!" Andrea squealed quietly. "The cinema up on Vernon Road is having a Harry Potter marathon at midnight! They're showing all of the movies starting from The Philosopher's Stone, all the way to Deathly Hallows Part Two!"
Andrea and I loved Harry Potter, for the last movie we dressed up as Fred and George Weasley. I was Fred, and Andrea was George. From the look on Andrea's face, we may just be putting on our neon orange wigs and our "F" and "G" sweaters back on. Not that I minded, some random group of girls even took their picture with us. Actually, I was kind of flattered. Usually I have to beg for attention.
"So! What do you say?" Andrea formed a huge grin on her face.
"I don't know, I'll have to check my schedule," I said jokingly, then Andrea elbowed me.