2009-08-28 20:49:17 UTC
I posted a similar question not to long ago...
But i posted it in 'myth and folk' and got
a whole bunch of negitive comments...
One being 'vampires are out of fashion'
I don't follow fashion :P
I came up with a great vampire story.
It's unique and i enjoy writing it.
Everyone keeps telling me that
'there's TOO many vampire stories..'
But i refuse to give up- i had my idea
BEFORE Twilight... And even though my
main character (who is based on what i look
like) - looks similar to 'Bella' that isn't my fault...
Sorry about the babling...
My question is just to see what the majority of
the audience- thinks vampires should be like.?
Eg: Mean, nice, sparkle?
Pretty much i want to know what you would want/expect
vampires to be like. I want to know if people will respond
well to my vampires. :)
(They are the 'old fashioned vampires)
(Similar to drac- i guess?)
P.s i also have werewolfs.
And my vampires DONT sparkle . Haha :P