2011-12-16 05:56:24 UTC
Nearly all that goes for poetry these days is just prose
Technically you can only call something poetry if it has form ie metre
”In poetry, metre (meter in American English) is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse “
Thus most of 20th century poetry is really just prose as it has no form or structure and most of what is called poetry on poetry forums is really only prose
Of one of Americas great modernist poets Allen Ginsberg even William Carlos William said “most people, most critics would call (Allen Ginsbergs collection called “Empty Mirror”{1947-1953)) just prose”
Now a poem is an objective thing just like a chair or electron it is objective in that you or any one else can hear the structure of the poem. The essence of poetry is a structure without structure a work cannot be called poetry. A completely meaningless bunch of gibberish would still be poetry if it s structured as you could hear the structure Things like metaphor enjabement epanalepsis synaesthesia rhyme alliteration etc are techniques used to embellish the structure of a poem if these things are present in a non structured work then that work is not poetry-you are free to call such a work anything you want but you cant call it poetry. Poetry being an objective thing ie structure means there are objective criteria to judge a poem namely whether the structure is perfect or if there are flaws in structure The content or use of techniques are irrelevant as to say a poem is good or bad based upon these techniques is only arbitrary subjective value laden judgment-the history of poetry show how these thing come into fashion and go out of fashion A poem firstly and lastly is good or bad if its structure is good or bad.. Any other criterion is just subjective arbitrary value judgment-open to changing fashion- which have no place in judging a poem. Oscar Wilde said it correctly
“There are no such things as a moral or immoral book
Books are well written or badly written That is all”