You need to spend some time learning the realities of the industry. Very few self-published books get into brick and mortar bookstores.
1. They tend to be poorly written, with no proofreading or editing.
2. Book stores require media kits, which include information on your marketing plans, promotions, etc. Most self-publishing authors don't have any money to place ads, send out review copies, or do any real marketing. And if you can't show a bookstore you have a plan to market the book, they will not stock it.
3. Most self-published titles today are handled with print-on-demand outfits. POD titles are generally non-returnable. Book stores usually will not stock non-returnable books.
4. Bookstores generally demand discounts of 45-50% off the retail price. Self-published books generally only have a margin of 20-30%, so you can't offer them the discounts they expect.
If you are serious about publishing, you either need to spend a lot of time and money researching the industry and educating yourself on business and publishing, or seek out a traditional publisher. Self-publishing is NOT a shortcut.