2013-01-23 15:40:31 UTC
And I'm Writeing a Wattpad story about steam punk, My idea is I want it to resemble to Bioshock, the game, it had inspired me, but the idea is of this girl Aria Granday but also my idea is how the world changed into hell and evrything changed! There is 4 lands.. 1) Wetlands the bioshock like underwater city, 2) the dustlands hot and desert like, 3) the Ice lands covered in all ice and ice only 4) the main land where it looks like london and is the only nice place left in the world. Evryone wants to be there but it's a small land soo not meny poeple can just randomly live there they have to have to live up to the evil goveners reqeasts and demands. Aria is tired of it and trys to assasinate the ruthless dicktator and her minoins. Oh and in this story there is more female then male so that should help you visualize. :) But the plot seems a bit cheap, quick and poor made soo plzzzzzzzzzz help me get a title and plot idea!!! PLEASE!!! :""(