Attn Writers - A short story writing activity?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Attn Writers - A short story writing activity?
Three answers:
Katya Sude
2009-07-24 23:34:12 UTC
"Damn it!" I said, breaking yet another piece of lead from my mechanical pencil. "Click. Click." I tried clicking it for more lead to come out. Empty.

"You know you really gotta stop swearing, Jenn. It's not good for the soul." said my sister, Laura, trying to act as if she were a Buddhist god. Laura was my older sister/roommate. She believed in all that hippie junk that supposedly brings peace and happiness.

"Oh shut up." I said as I went digging into the desk drawer trying to find that little packet of 7.0 lead. Laura was doing yoga in the middle of the living room as I was at the corner desk, writing an essay about this popular website. But I was stuck. It was like having brain lock. So I decided to clear my head and go for a walk. As I slipped out of the tiny living room to the front door, I noticed a bill but decided not to look at it. It would only disappoint me. I slipped on my right shoe then my left. I took one step and noticed a hole in the bottom of my left shoe. Laura wouldn't mind if I "borrowed" a pair of her shoes. Would she? I slipped off my nasty, worn out shoes and put on a pair of Laura's sneakers. A little tight but they'd do. I opened our apartment door and stepped out into the smelly hallway. I heard our neighbors, Carl and Jess, fighting again. I ran down the steps and out into the pollution filled air of the place I call home. Manhattan. Beautiful yet very polluted. I looked up at the dark black sky. Nothing. No stars. Just a plain sheet of satin black. I looked across the street at my boyfriend's apartment. I decided not to visit him. We just got into a huge fight about him buying me a convertible for my birthday and me telling him it was to much money but then him refusing and saying to live my life to the fullest or something. Instead I went to go see my Aunt Vella. She lived just a few blocks down and anyway, I needed some exercise. She rung me in and I took the convenient elevator, that my apartment just couldn't afford to have, to the fifth floor. She was at the door waiting when I stepped out of the elevator. She was crying her eyes out when I saw her. She dropped down onto her knees and started crying even harder.

"Aunt Vella!" She was wearing tan khakis and a navy shirt and had the phone to her ear. I grabbed the phone and asked who it was.

" Yes hello, this is the National Guard regarding a Mister Fellicheni."

"Yes that's my brother, is there a problem?" See, my brother was in the army. Fighting in Iraq.

"Ma'am, I am sorry to tell you this," I could hear him taking off his hat," Your brother, Mister Fellicheni, was shot this morning and died at two-thirty p.m. I'm terribly sorry." I said thank you and hung up before the police officer could hear me cry. As I pressed the end button, the tears started. I knelt down with my aunt and we sat there crying for an hour until one of the residents living next door got concerned and came out.

That night everyone was called and everyone was crying. Me and my sister took the next few weeks off of school to grieve. My boyfriend bought me a little catfish to try to keep me company. It didn't work. My brother ment the world to me. Every night while our parents were out drinking and partying, me and my sister would look after him and love him. He was are little Joey; the baby of the house I never called home. He was the reason Laura and I woke up every morning and made breakfast and sent him off to school. He was my little brother and I loved him deeply. My grandmother and aunt set up the whole funeral. It was beautiful but I still wish he hadn't died.

Laura and I both went back to school and got back on track. Every now and then I'll hear her crying in her sleep;As I do the same. And I still never finished that paper on the popular website.

this one was very tricky and confusing. but like you said, it is better to write something than nothing at all
2009-07-24 12:31:53 UTC
Hey there Spec Tac. I do love the challenge of these questions! I've decided to incorporate the theme of the 40th anniversary moon landings - with a twist, of course - into the mix as well. Enjoy!


A large blue orb floated into sight. Streaked and splattered across the surface were patches of fluffy white, and here and there a green patch showed through. Taking the expeditionary craft down closer, the two sentient beings within looked at each other nervously.

Seventeen trillion light-years. Now, here they were, as far away from home as any had ever been, and really, REALLY in need of a toilet stop. This planet seemed to be the most habitable in this godforsaken corner of the milky way, and so it would be the subject of the First Landing. No doubt a matter of extreme political significance back home. Well, as long as these two beings managed it before the other beings that would no doubt be representing their communist rivals.


The azure halo of the atmosphere came into view and swallowed the craft. Various pieces rattled with the strain, and glimpses of flame edged the craft. On the outside, even though the aliens had no idea, the blue-and-white striped flag with the fifty red stars was being stripped by the friction.

They avoided the treacherous-looking white fluffy rocks that covered most of the planet, and landed instead in a grey-green patch of land in the northern hemisphere. In a cloud of flamboyant smoke and political victory, the two beings stepped out.

For the newsreels back home, Kneel Tentaclestrong muttered something about it being a small slither for him, and yet a rather large slither for the species in general. With all six eyes peering out from behind a visor, he looked around.

A ribbon of black roughness stretched towards the horizon on either side, followed by a persistent line of masts joined by slack black string. Most of the land seemed to be composed of tall, brown waving grass and occasional divisions by means of low fences. In front of him, a rectangular structure squatted in the burning sunshine. A tattered flag advertised the nationality of the building ("Beyond Petroleum"). It fluttered and snapped in the light breeze. Set before the building were four machines, with symbols in the top, and coloured hoses hanging from the sides. Evidently the proprietor of this... location... was a patriotic one - the national flag was repeated upon each of the machines.

A noise stirred within the building, and suddenly a creature burst out. It was a medium-sized biped, wearing a faded check shirt, tattered jeans and a worn straw hat.

"Oh, lord," it said. "Jeez, Mary, its aliens!"

Kneel Tentaclestrong extended a tentacle. "We come in... accord. No, wait, armistice. Union? Err... neutrality?"

Buzzed Cauldron snatched the Earth dictionary from his hands. "Peace. We come in peace."

"Aw, christ. They're really prawper goddamn aliens! They all say that in the pictures!" said the biped. He wiped his hands on his jeans and looked up. "We-ell, I guess I'd better show you aroun', whatcha reckon?"

Without waiting for a reply, the man lead the aliens (slithering tentatively) towards the building. On the way, he pointed to the machines standing stoically in the forecourt. "These 'ere are gas pumps," he said. Then, remembering his newfound status as Earth Ambassador, he repeated himself in over-loud tones reserved for the hard of hearing. "Gas Pumps!"

The aliens looked at eachother. Kneel picked the hose from one, and snapped the nozzle off. An oily liquid dribbled out. He looked at Buzzed. "These bipeds must be fairly primitive. This is clearly Liquid, not Gas," he whispered conspiratorially. They then slithered quickly to catch up with the biped, lest he notice the damage they had done to his Liquid Pumps.

When they were inside, the man set about showing to them the wonders of Earth by picking up whatever he could find. First, he showed them his old shoes that he kept by the door. They had a hole in, but they got across the general point that Humans Wore Things On Their Feet. He clattered towards the till from which the humans purchased their Liquid, and picked up a small stick-like object.

"This 'ere is a mechanical pencil. Mechanical Pencil. Ya write with it," he said, holding the small marvel aloft. He twisted the end, and nothing happened.

"Gosh, they haven't even invented the lead for it yet," said Kneel, through his radio so that only Buzzed could hear him.

"I know!" he replied. "And that shoe? It had a hole in it! They aren't even good enough to make decent footwear to stop the water coming in!" They both shook their six-eyed heads disappointedly.

Meanwhile, the man, who had given up in sheer exasperation with the mechanical pencil, turned the dusty screen of the till computer towards the aliens. The screen was mainly white, with coloured symbols and some boxes beneath. The aliens looked in confusement at each other.

"Google," proclaimed the biped triumphantly. "Goo-gle. With this we can find out ANYTHING." And with that, he typed 'recipe for catfish' into it, and waited. Nothing happened.

Buzzed and Kneel looked at eachother.

Still, nothing happened.

Eventually the man gave up and kicked the computer. "The darned internet's down again! I tell ya, my connection here is about as bad as a piece of wet string!"

The comment on the standard of communications on the planet went unsaid between the two aliens.

Conversationally, the man went on. "Or it could jest be me hard drive. I'll be darned if I know what the heck one of 'em is, but somebody told me once that it was purty important in these 'ere machines..."

Education, clearly, was also lacking...

Sensing that his Introduction To Earth wasn't going too well, the biped changed tactics. "Come in here," he said, ushering the aliens into his back room. "I wanna show ya somethin'."

At the back of the room was a metallic cage in which sat a small white-and-black furry creature. It looked at the aliens contemptuously at first, and then squeaked and huddled in the far corner of the cage.

"This 'ere's a skunk," said the man, pointing feverishly towards it. "They're famous for makin' a great, big smell when ya threaten it!" he continued, and then made over-exaggerated gestures with his hands to illustrate the point.

Kneel took out his walkie-talkie, and with the long antennae, poked the skunk a few times. Nothing happened. Not even a whiff.

The biped, head now flushed red and with beads of nervous perspiration now appearing, explained. "Err, you see, this 'un can't. He's a pet, see, so we got his smell glands removed..."

Kneel rolled his eyes. All six of them. Even the animals on this ridiculous planet were defective!

He turned and nodded to Buzzed. Together, they haughtily squelched back into the open air. The biped followed them hurriedly. "Wait! Wait, you haven't even seen the car yet! Car! Aut-o-mobile!"

As a matter of fact, Kneel had seen it. It didn't even have a roof.

"Wait!" the man continued to howl.

Buzzed and Kneel turned slowly around. They were running out of patience with this uneducated, backwards planet that seemed to be full of endless items that were inadequate for their purpose.

Well, if they were going to leave, they were at least going to jolly well get what they came for.

"Biped!" cried Kneel, momentarily terrifying the man. "Take Us To Your..."

Buzzed quickly fished out the dictionary again. Kneel was impatiently snapping his tentacles.

Finally, he found the correct page.

"Take Us To Your... Toilet!"
2009-07-24 09:40:54 UTC
okay, so when I first read this question I didn't really feel like writing anything for it, but then I continued to think about it so I wrote a little something. It may not make that much sense, but it's just what I wanted to write it! :)

BEEP! BEEP! The small mickey mouse alarm clock blared. Liza rolled over in bed and peered lazily at the time displayed on the clock.

7:05 AM

Her eyes flew open when she read it and she flung herself out of her bed. Ripping off her flannel pj's she tore down the hall while pulling a small comb through her tangled hair. Slipping on her shoes her toe sunk into the familiar space of the hole in the left one. She didn't have time to find anything for breakfast, so she started heading to school. The red convertible raced down the street, leaving dust in its wake.

When Liza finally reached the large high school it was nearly 8 o'clock. She knew she had missed her early morning band rehearsal and she'd have to visit Mr. Flute at lunch to explain. As Liza walked up to her locker on the third floor her heart sunk. The bottom left corner had been kicked in and she would have to find the janitor to open it. Practically jogging down the halls, she spotted one of the janitors pushing a cart towards the washrooms.

"Excuse me," she called out brightly, stopping next to her. The middle-aged woman looked up, a don't-bother-me look written plainly across her face.

"What?" she croaked.

"Well, my locker has been kicked in and I need my books from it for first period," Liza quickly said. The woman, whose name Liza suddenly remembered as Gertrude, heaved a great sigh.

"You'll have to go to the custodian's office. Someone there'll be able to help you," Gertrude said lazily, turning back towards the washroom. Liza sighed and started out at a jog towards the first floor where the office was located. When she finally spotted it, she knocked hard several times, but there was no reply. She waited for a few minutes but nobody showed up. Accepting defeat she headed back towards the third floor where her period one class was. As she reached the stairs the bell rang, marking the start of classes. Liza hurried up the stairs, taking them two at a time. When she reached the door to her class she was already a few minutes late, and she tried to hurry in unoticed. As she sat down in her usual seat near the back everyone stood up. Confused, she looked around, spotting the website written on the board below the word quiz. Swearing under her breath she looked around for something to write with, and she spotted a mechanical pencil laying near her feet. Taking a small, crumpled piece of paper out of her pocket she scooped up the pencil to write down the URL for the online quiz. To her dissappointment she discovered the pencil had no led in it and her teacher was waiting impatiently at the door for her. Sighing she hurried out of the class after her classmates towards the computers in the library where the quiz would most likely take place. Sitting at one of the computers she glumly typed in and scrolled through it as everyone else did the quiz.

By the end of the day Liza had a fairly large stack of homework. She had retrieved her bag from her locker at lunch, and now it was filled with all the assingments she needed to finish. Walking away from the school she spotted the red convertible she had seen that morning. Several laughing girls filed into it as she walked by.

Liza took the familiar path towards the small pet store. A small bell tinkled when she walked in, and she smiled at the young girl sitting behind the counter looking bored. As she made her way through the store she peered into the various fish tanks, spotting the large catfish near the back of the store.

An hour later Liza had peered into just about every tank in the store, and she walked up to the counter.

"Hey, anything new today?" she asked the girl at the counter.

"Not since yesterday,"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.