Sharon D
2009-12-01 15:13:28 UTC
The landing was smooth, apart from a few bumps, when the wheels touched the runway. Gathering my carry-on I turned to see Lisa smiling at me. There was not one ounce of fear, or panic, on her 19 year old face. She and Mark were giggling about seeing their family. I walked towards the exit, that’s when I saw Mary, with Harry. She still sang to him, but this time I saw his carefree eyes. As I walked along the gangway and towards the arrival's lounge, I saw Laura, she was as flawless as before, nothing on her was out of place but she was laughing and applauding. Why was she laughing? When I entered the lounge, Lisa was getting her photograph taken, and was speaking to someone about the flight. There were more people here, clapping and calling out to us. What did they want?
“Claire, wake up, we have to go,” Mark said, as he shook me. I opened my eyes to see everyone grouped together. Their clothes tore, blood stained, and dirty. The fear still present on their faces. Laura passed me a bottle of water, much to my relief; my mouth felt like it was glued together. Looking around, my attention turned upwards towards the sky; the sun shone down on us, and I felt my lips pulling up at both sides. How ironic; what a beautiful day it had turned out to be, a million miles away from yesterday. Sudden realization swept over me, it was the first time I had smiled since the crash, and I quickly amended my face. Drawing my eyes away from the sky, I found everyone staring at me.