How did Chris Paollini get Published?
2011-10-06 06:53:26 UTC
A serious question...

I bought the first two books (Eragon series) and I couldn't believe how badly written it was.
How has he got literary agents/publishers interests? I mean, it was so average it shocked me. It was like reading a novel from a typical student in my creative writing course.

What made him stand out? I know Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings had unique plots and character developments. But his lacked any major detail, the writing was slow, sluggish. It was cliche throughout and I could predict what was going to happen most of the time.

I was sat there, left dissapointed as I read the last page. Throughout the book, I found dialogue lacking and his journey just so simply thought out. It was a bad attempt at mimicking a medieval/ Lord of the Rings style book.

I'm not saying I am a perfect writer -- far from it. It's just, if he can get published, then any of us can!

I don't know how his editor didn't see the mistakes that I did. I am not a professional, but even I spotted obvious grammatical mistakes throughout.

Thanks for your time. Obviously some of you will disagree with me, but for those who agree are you just as puzzled as to how such a standard story got published... and majorly hyped?
Ten answers:
Roald Ellsworth
2011-10-06 07:23:13 UTC
Publishing is a business. As sad as it sounds, publishing houses take many things into consideration besides quality. They like it if the author has a strong built-in audience (because of a popular blog, for instance, or in Paolini's case: he'd been traveling around promoting his own work at schools). With interest in the author prior to the contract, marketing is easier. As one literary agent said on her blog recently, if she does an internet search on a potential client and finds that person doesn't have a strong presence online, she automatically rejects the work (very sad, isn't it?).

Paolini also stood out because of his young age, which drew in curious readers. And most importantly: he was writing during the height of Harry Potter's popularity, when publishing houses were looking to cash in on readers' interest in fantasy. Publishers are always looking for the next big trend.
2011-10-06 13:55:21 UTC
I know at least his first novel is self-published. His parents owned the publishing company and they published his book and since they published it, it constitutes self-publishing. He also mentions on his website that the first book is self-published.

Next, his parents did a darned good job of marketing his book. They took his book to schools. Some kid who just happened to be the kid of an editor liked the book, the editor ended up reading it and it was picked up by the publisher. BUT, it also had lots of sales, because otherwise no publisher would want a self-published book unless it sold thousands of copies.

So, yeah, he lucked out. He's the EXCEPTION when it comes to this process - self-publishing a bad book, selling thousands of copies, and then being picked up by a major publisher.

"It's just, if he can get published, then any of us can!"

-- Keep dreaming. Publishing is harder and the standards are higher. There will always be badly written books that slip through the cracks. Again, they're the exception, which means it won't happen to most people, which means that if you write a badly written book then an editor will LAUGH at you before sending you a rejection. Either laugh or groan from despair. If you read a lot, and I'm sure you do, then you'll find that most books you read are pretty decent and not badly written. It's not often that you'll come across a book that's so bad that you wonder how it ever got published.

And, about the mistakes. Everyone is a human. Different types of editors at the publisher, and the author, go over the book looking for typos or any errors, and sometimes they're missed. It happens. If you've polished your work as best you can and then have a few other people look over I'll bet anything they'll find simple errors that you overlooked. That's just how it is. Our eyes can't catch every single mistake.
2011-10-06 09:36:11 UTC
I'm 19 now and when I first read Eragon and Eldest when I was 13 I absolutley loved it and thought it was fantastic. For a 13 year old reader who had never read any fantasy before it was incredibly original and interesting. It's clearly a young adult series, and for kids that age it's a perfectly fine book. I just read the Fellowship of the Rings for the first time a few months ago and I do see a good many similarites between the few series. But let's face it, the book's target audience is most likely to pick up Eragon than Lord of the rings.

But all that being said, and having read alot more fantasy since then, I still do love the series.
pj m
2011-10-06 07:59:17 UTC

The same way Stephenie Meyer got published with the Twilight series drivel. I believe writers get published at times because the publisher likes the premise of the story and feels it would make a great movie after publication. It's a piece that simply catches a literary agent's eye. It's basically the same with movie scripts. We've all went to the movies or watched a dvd and said, "OMG, this has got to be the worst movie I've ever seen in a long time."

I guess it's just the luck of the draw.

2011-10-06 09:05:04 UTC
I was reading some responses to a question about publishing. One answer that I think fits here is that when there is a genre that is a hit, the publishers look for more of the same genre. Potter really brought fantasy back. He got published as the frenzy for more Potter was growing.

However, yes they are simple but I still like the stories. His books sell because they are liked.
2011-10-06 07:20:50 UTC
I ve never read Eragon but if you read Sword Of Truth by Terry Goodkind, you will think a 10year old wrote it. It is full of so much repetition and details that are just as unnecessary as they drag down the book. I normally take a week or two to finish a book but this is my fourth MONTH! and I still haven't read half of it . . .

I don't mean to sound arrogant but, you're write, some of the these ''authors'' don't deserve being labelled that. I bet you're a better writer than Terry Goodkind . . .

And if Eragon is half as bad as Sword Of Truth, then Eragon novels should be burnt - all of them! And the author, too (joking).
2011-10-07 02:34:18 UTC
I agree. While I've read worse (Goodkind,as mentioned by another poster, is one that springs to mind), Paolini's novels are derivitive and pretty bog-standard. The 'hype' was because this teen boy,who supposedly lived inthe boonies and never read fantasy (yeah right) somehow came up with this wonderful, massive epic. What was less known is that his parents actually ran a small press publishing business, so they were very much involved in the 'hype machine' as well as were undoutably able to aid him with editing,plot and so forth, as well as printing copies which they could distribute to schools and other organisations,hence helping to bring his name to attention. Apparently he's become pretty arrogant too,making the statement 'I'm comparable to Tolkien at his best...'! (No, dear, I'd rather read Tolkien's WORST (possibly Bombadil's poems) than your ponderous spider-killer.)
2011-10-06 07:10:22 UTC
I wasn't impressed with it either. I saw the movie (which was craptastic, and *clearly* a movie adaptation of some amateurish writing). Tried reading the book, but meh...

Read the summaries, and even the summaries presented a very blah story.

Now, I'm a huge fantasy fan, and I'll read just about anything (except Twilight), and this looked to me like the only reason he got published was the novelty of a teen writing a novel length book.

Sorry to fans, not hating just voicing an opinion. :)
2016-10-02 11:22:14 UTC
while Jericho made his debut, it grew to become into wonderful.. He have been given to feud with distinctive the perfect Legends in WWE history [The Rock, Stone chilly, and so on.].. Then he had a number of face/heel turns, which continually worked completely effective.. He knows that the followers prefer, he does what he think of that's perfect to get a reaction, and his character has never been uninteresting.. His ability never ends, and his mic capacity skills makes him between the perfect.. Now, there is part.. between the rather properly suited heels that WWE has ever had.. He has made the followers scream to their lungs how a lot he sucks, and to no longer point out his storyline with Vickie Guerrero, between the main hated personas in WWE.. Then I might desire to chosen who's extra suitable: Y2J Chris Jericho, or the Rated R celebrity part.. properly, this one is going for Jericho.. you spot, after the two-12 months smash, Jericho has grow to be extra suitable than ever.. He hasn't bogged down his moveset, and he has had wonderful fits using fact that his comeback [Ladder adventure with HBK, Cena adventure on uncooked that led to a DQ, his adventure with Rey Mysterio on the Bash].. His ability and velocity remains the comparable, or much extra suitable.. His gimmick is amazingly setting up, and how he does promos makes it extra extra suitable.. yet part on the different hand is amazingly diverse.. He has bogged down a lot, and his gimmick isn't as efficient because it grew to become into earlier.. His mic skills are super too, however the gimmick is stale now.. probable after he comes returned from his harm, extra sparkling than ever, he can grow to be this new character diverse from all this previous years that he has been.. And if he does a baby-face turn, there's little question he will make a super effect with the followers.. So Jericho does get my vote.. WQ: in spite of ways a lot I dislike Jeff Hardy, I might desire to admit his feud with CM Punk is making Punk have an wonderful destiny in the WWE.. Jeff Hardy is amazingly a lot enjoyed via maximum followers, so while Punk assaults Hardy, the followers circulate wild.. it rather is extensive for CM Punk, using fact he's feuding with between the main important infant-faces in the history of WWE, so it could make him be an wonderful heel.. And now that's is champion, his c*ckiness will help him be extra suitable and extra suitable as time is going on..
2011-10-06 07:29:48 UTC
Rex, my understanding is that he was very good for a kid, and his parents worked in publishing. They paid for his self-published book. I don't know the nature of their jobs, but I've heard they had marketing savvy, and their efforts got him enough vanity-published sales to draw the attention of a commercial publisher.

Apparently his sales are adequate to make a profit for the publisher. That's the bottom line. Not art, not quality, profit.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.