1. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?
Percy Jackson. Sorry, but Percy has way more personality than Harry ever did. Percy cracks jokes, gets scared, and fights for what he believes in but he still acts his age. Harry is kind of boring when you think of it. What does he have going for his personality? That he's The Boy Who Lived? Percy is just a lot more interesting and fun to read about.
2. Ron or Grover?
Grover for sure. I just love his sweet, timid and shy personality and he's pretty funny too. I've fallen in love with Grover and Ron just doesn't do it for me. He acts moody and selfish most of the time and he basically ditched Harry and Hermione once in DH.
3.Hermione or Annabeth?
ANNABETH!! Oh my gods I love Annabeth. She's my favorite character. She's smart, intelligent, sarcastic, witty, but she also has her flaws too (we've seen that in SOM) but Hermione is only book smart and acts snobby most of the time. So Annabeth is my obvious choice.
4.Voldemort or Kronos?
I'm going to have to go with Kronos. He seems much more scarier to me than Voldemort. I've never been able to be truly scared of You-Know-Who, but there's just something about Kronos... I mean, he ate his own kids!
5.Draco or Luke?
Draco. I know I'm going to be pretty hypocritical on this one but I've just never liked Luke. I love Draco and I feel for him. His dad was never there and he wanted to make them proud but in the end he had no way out of it. I feel if he had better parents he wouldn't have done the things he did. Luke on the other hand just annoys me.
6. The Battle of Hogwarts or the Battle of Manhattan?
Can I cheat and say both for this one? The Battle of Hogwarts was so crazy and exciting and all that good stuff, but so was Battle of Manhattan. I was freaking out when Annabeth got stabbed but with all the deaths and stuff going on with the Battle of Hogwarts I was pretty much crying! I don't know, I think they were both amazing parts to read, so I'll say tie.
7. J.K.R. or Rick Riordan?
Rick Riordan. He's improved and it's definitely showing as each book goes on and he just seems to know how to write for the audience he is aiming for better than J.K. does. Plus, you just have to love that guy, he's so funny and nice :D
Also can I just say some of you guys are being really immature with your answers? ;___; And let me just say PJO is NOT a copy of HP. J.K. didn't invent all of that stuff she just used it and everyone else has the right to use it in their books too. Deal with it :)