First part of Chapter1?
W K H A A R T I ? S
2008-02-23 01:05:49 UTC
Okay, If you read my prolouge, here's the first part of the first chapter in Part I. (I changed Robbie's name a bit)

Part I: Three Months Before

Chapter 1

“Megan Doyle?”
I looked up from my doodle of a bird into the face of an unimaginably pale face with. The boy standing over my desk looked down at my drawing with curiosity in his wide, brown eyes. He had those dark circles that really fare people get under their eyes, and his dirty blonde/light brown hair was wild and messy around his slender, feminine face.
He held out his hand. “My name is Jacob Marks. Ms. Thompson put us together as lab partners.”
“What?” It was already February and even though I rarely paid attention in AP physics, I knew everyone in my class. Yet, I had never before seen Jacob Marks.
“I just moved here from Nebraska. Ms. Thompson paired me with you.” His eyes took on that wide, childish look again that made me uneasy, but I could tell that there was something different about him. Maybe he was just socially inept, or maybe it was something more serious, but the way he stood, his face so close to mine, his hair so ruffled, as if he just got out of bed, told me that something was up.
“Hey! Ok, lets get started!” I answered in an overly cheerful voice. “Um…what are we doing?” I whispered. Like I said, I rarely paid attention in Physics.
“I think we’re using magnets or something.” There was a black box sitting on our lab table and in it were five, carefully wrapped, horseshoe magnets. Next to it was a two page “Experiment Packet.”
Uggghhh. When was Rockwall High School going get more creative with stuff like this. I did this lab three times from
ages fourteen to sixteen. Well, I guess in Texas, all of the high school funding went to football instead of innovative lab activities. Oh well. I loved football, especially since my best friend in the world, Robert Andrew Michaels, became starting quarter-back for the Rockwall Yellow Jackets.
“Hey, I’ve done this lab a million times. I’ll just fill in the answers and you can work with the magnets,” I muttered to Jacob as I began writing in my signature, messy cursive on the familiar page. When he didn’t answer, I looked over to see him trying to force two repelling magnets together. Yep, there definitely was something different about this boy.
Different was fine by me though. It seemed that Rockwall was the same as any other bible-belt Southern town. Everyone was the same, friendly person as the next, and no one shared opinion or true emotion except for me and Robbie.
I scratched down the answers quickly enough that I had time to finish all my homework in class. Now I just had to entertain Jacob who, as was customary, would not receive homework until he had been here a week.
“So… Jacob…um…where did you live in Nebraska?”
“Lincoln, I think. Somewhere near a cornfield,” he chuckled with a nervous and obnoxious laugh that sounded more like a goose honking than any person.
Somewhere near a cornfield, you think? The whole freaking state is one gigantic cornfield! How could he not know where he lived for most of his life? I could feel the frustration start inside my stomach. I held very little patience for morons. ‘Stop it Meg’ I thought, ‘be nice’
“That’s cool. Why did you move to Rockwall?”
“My dad’s retarded job. He’s some kind of an account-tant or something.” He spoke with such forced annunciation; it was almost painful to listen to. You could tell he was trying to impress me. Something about this idea endeared him to me. He was trying to make me like him.
I smiled. “That must suck. I bet you had a lot of friends back in Lincoln…or where ever you came from.”
Once again, he started that same laugh at this comment. “I didn’t have any friends. No one liked me,” his once cheerful face changed glum in an instant. “No one ever really likes me.”
I don’t know what prompted me to say these next three words, but it was these word that would change my life forever.
“I like you.”
“Really?” His eyes were wide and genuinely excited.
“Yeah, really.”
Four answers:
2008-02-23 04:20:08 UTC
Except for your mistake in using "fare" which should be "fair", wow!!!! It's really good. And I'm not saying this to flatter you or anything, but it's just really great. Wow again. Although it makes me smile that I read your work, you should not post these kinds of things on the Internet. Even though this is just your 1st chapter, you provided too much info for someone who will want to plagiarize your work. (Well, that couldn't be me because people who do that say, "Wow! Tell me more!")

I do want to read more, but I’ll just wait until it is published. (Tell me the title )

And oh, delete this, hurry!
2008-02-23 01:26:39 UTC
I just have to tell you that posting on a forum will make it virtually impossible for you to ever publish this if that is your intent. According to the new Federal Copyright Laws the moment you write something, you own it. You do not have to apply for a copyright anymore. BUT - there are no Copyright Police out there to protect you in the event you get plagiarized. Persi's Law #2 - No copyright is worth a darn without a high priced, badass lawyer to protect it. This could be stolen and published in China and you would never know. Even if you did know - what could you do about it? It would cost you thousands to defend your copyright.

A publisher will go to bat big time for Dan Brown (and they did!) and defend him in a plagiarism suit. But for a novice author, you will find yourself out there on your own. If the publisher Googles and finds it online, you will be rejected automatically. It is just too expensive to pay a legal team to go to the trouble of figuring out who owns what and when they owned it.

There is only one sure copyright. Write it, back it up, tuck it in your desk and don't post it online. When you are ready, send it to publishers or agents. You have now posted your prologue and first chapter here. It could already have been stolen. Several commented on liking your prologue. You are dealing with strangers. You have no idea who will steal your work.

Once, as a favor to a friend I wrote two great short stories for his brand new website. He was thrilled and posted them immediately. The response was great. I even got marriage proposals! (The stories were kind of hot!)

About a year goes by and another friend e mailed me with an attachment. It said "You MUST read this story it is incredible!) I opened the attachment and much to my horror it was MY story with someone else's name on it. The only thing I could do was go to the server who was hosting his website and show that it was my story (by the date it was posted on the other site, I had it first). They took it down, but I am sure he put it up on another site the next day. I know exactly who the person is, and even where he lives, but there is nothing I can do. I cannot carry on a trial 2500 miles away for a single short story! I lost it.

That day, I took them off the site and closed down my own website. From that day on, I will never again post anything on line. No samples, no stories, no nothing. My work gets sold, and I will not do anything to damage that. Virtually every publisher now has a disclaimer on their websites in the submission guidelines stating they are NOT interested in work previously posted on the internet.

I say this here day in and day out. Earlier tonight a girl wrote to me all upset because somebody stole some of her poems. The internet is like a buffet. If it's here and you can cut and paste, it's yours. Not legal, but they do it anyway. I know you young kids post online because you love the accolades and attention, but it is worth it for another kid your age to say "Wow ur story iz cool! Can u send me more?" Is that really productive critique for you or is it just something to stroke your ego and make you feel like a great writer? Be honest with yourself now.

Sure - they want more. They want it all - then it's their book. See?? Don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, it's fair people not fare people. Pax-C
: )
2008-02-23 09:01:50 UTC
I thought that this would be boring when I first clicked on it, but it was fantastic! Keep writing!
Twilight Luver!!!
2008-02-23 07:42:16 UTC
It is really good.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.