2009-11-25 22:52:33 UTC
each paragraph will go on a separate page
On Our very own Sandy Island,
The waves curl, then spin towards the sand,
Carrying with them, Shells, sea critters and reeds, onwards to the land
When the sun is high, and the salty breeze strong,
we play on the shore
Building colossal Castles and moats
We run along the beach,
early in the morning,
Our bare feet, leaving prints in the sand
Mum brings our lunch out onto the jetty,
And we watch the pelicans play around us, diving and splashing, in the sea
Then when we Get into our togs,
We grab our towels and rush to the shores of Sandy Island
We see something moving and the sand, so I run ahead…
To find a group of baby turtles, making their way to the water,
The predators are stalking, so we watch them, until they’re safe and sound
When we are sure, that they’re going to be ok,
We wade out into the shallow clear water,
Where we see fish, darting around amongst the reeds
We play, and splash about
Jumping up and down with the waves
Our feet sinking in the sand.
Dad comes in from the beach and lifts us high above the water,
So the waves only brush against the tips of our toes
Then he takes us out deeper, deeper into the dark blue sea
None of us can see the bottom of the ocean any more,
Its dark and murky, even dad seems a little bit scared.
I feel safer when I can see the sandy ocean floor,
When I can see what's around me
Like shells and driftwood washed up on the shore
The sky is getting dark, so we rug up and gather around the barby
Where dad cooks up a storm,
The smoke from the fire, drifting out to sea
The next day when it’s cold and rainy,
And the sky is dismal and grey
We dress warmly and go exploring around the rocks
A little grey crab scuttles past me,
Along the green, moss covered rocks
Through the sparkling rock pools
Little sea urchins, spiky as can be,
Wallow in the depths of those little rock pools
Staying still, even when they waves, try to wash them away
Ahead, I spot a damp little cave,
And I skip carefully across the rocks,
Until I’m close enough to climb inside
Its dark, and mysterious, and I hear a noise, further down the cave,
When suddenly a little black bat flaps its wings and speeds past me,
Flying far away into the distance
The sun is sinking lower into the sky,
And the lanterns on our porch are becoming a distant glow
So I skip back along the rocks, with the waves, racing me to the shore
Thorough my window
The glow of the moon makes the water shimmer in the darkness,
And I can hear the owls hooting down below, as they fly along the bay
I pull back the curtains, early in the morning
And the sun, beams through the glass
And I sigh as the waves move along with the tide
Thanx for reading