2011-06-14 05:34:43 UTC
Sooooooooooooo, what's your greatest problem in writing? Mine would be grammar, spelling and reading aloud. I'm half deaf, so i have great difficulty knowing what sounds right sometimes. I find reading aloud awkward, since I say a tenth of my words wrong. Not that I can't read very well, now way, but I don't move my mouth right for some syllable like th or s's. (Your probably wondering why I write than. Well because its much easier than speaking :/)
BQ1: What instruments do you play, if you do at all?
(I've played piano for seven years and tuba for two.)
BQ2: What's you dream book cover for your novel?
Probably one with my main characters trampling through a thick mist (it would be black in the background) with the Thief King's face grinning from the shadows.
BQ3: Have you ever had a crush with one of your characters, or could you see you with them?
(All my characters have someone they like, so I wouldn't be able to 'come' into the relationships without being beaten black and blue or forming a love triangle, and what writer wants to start a love triangle (except for Stephanie Meyer.)
BQ4: As we all know flowers have secret meanings, like: Lillie's sweetness and Neetles Hate. Which Flower would suit your story the best?
(A Blue rose and Monkshood. Blue Rose, since they don't exist, represent fantasy or imagination, Monkshood represents (or means if you see one) approaching foe and evil.
BQ5: Did you know that, every eight letters you read has an E? If it doesn't (which is rare) it has an A instead? (Check out excerpt of the story Gadsby which has not a SINGLE E in the entire novel.)
(Guess what? I did because I found out about it :D)