2010-12-06 14:56:30 UTC
1. This one's a bit like Harry Potter because it's about magic, and it has a magic school. The main character is not a witch, but she gets into the school because they get her name mixed up with someone else, and they send her a letter. She gets the letter and it tells her how to get to the school, but you have to get through a magical barrier where only magic beings can get through. She gets through it, so the school believes that she is a witch. However, she isn't. The truth is (this will be revealed at the end) EVERYONE is magic, not just the witches and wizards. They are more magical than ordinary people, but ordinary people still have some magic in them (love), that is why the girl can get through to the school. But she's not good at magic at all at the start, and this is because she doesn't have much "love" (the magic...) in her, because her parents are busy business people and never really show that they love her. As the story goes on, the main character makes some really good friends and starts getting better at magic as she gets more "love," because she loves her friends. I have heaps of other ideas for the story, such as the main character getting expelled from school and being sent to a school for dark magic. This story will be a bit hard to write because I have to make sure it's not too much like Harry Potter.
2. Another magic story, however it's not really like Harry Potter so I won't have to worry about that. A girl finds an antique mirror but it's no ordinary mirror. It leads to another world, where everything is completely opposite to her world. Everyone she knows is in the this world, except they are opposite (a nice person would be a bad person in this world), including herself. The opposite of herself is the villain of the story.