Wiki is supposedly supposed to be unbiased, but when it is compiled together by people, odds are you are going to get shout outs from haters and lovers.
I really don't care for Twilight because of all the popularity and hype (as lame as it sounds) . Why do I need to read a whole entire book that I can summarize just by reading comments and questions and comics based on the book.
I am also a traditional vampire fan as well and while I believe that any writer can do whatever they wish in their world of fiction, I think that Meyer's should have stuck with the traditional vampire instead of creating a new form of vampire out of convenience. If it were a completely different world then I would be fine with it, but it is based in modern earth where vampires are typically (or were typically) stereotyped as 'Dracula' in dress and in mannerisms.
It's cool that her book is making people want to read more, but just all the hype about the stories and the characters has gotten a little out of control. Granted, it has gotten better over the past few weeks, but there is still a lot of Harry Potter vs. Twilight going on out there. While I have contributed fair amount to the debates, I am finding that more and more that it is just not worth the effort. What I say will not change any one's mind and all it will accomplish is just more conflict and drama.
So as of now, I guess you could say that I am indifferent to the books.