I'm a 15 year old girl who is writing a book and wanting to get it published one day. Can you look at some and tell me if it's good?
2014-12-30 00:16:35 UTC
As she sat there in her room. The darkness began to cover her like a blanket of fear. Silence... She never knew how deafening silence could be. She laid down against her cold hard bed, wishing to be with her mother again. Then she felt it, a burning inside herself. As if someone had lit a match inside of her. It came in shocking waves, starting from her chest and racing through her veins. The fear and pain was overwhelming. She could here that voice in her head saying, "Run...Run...RUN!" But she knew there was nowhere to run. She was locked in the dark and silent room. The shocking pain running through her body wouldn't stop. She tossed and turned as the pain overwhelmed her.

Sorry about the bad grammar. I am still working on grammar and spelling. This is a small part of a scene in my book. I really want to know if it is any good, because I really want to get my book published. Are there any writers out there with tips on how to make my writing more interesting? If you guys picked up a book and read this scene, would you keep reading? Thanks you.
Eight answers:
2014-12-30 00:33:18 UTC
Like Catherine said, grammar would be something to work on.

From this short excerpt, I cannot judge anything. I can say that the imagery you have created is compelling enough. A longer portion of your book is necessary to judge your writing.

For example, I cannot tell why you have written what you have written. What are you describing? Why does the character feel this way? Why is this being written?

I can't tell what the plot is, how well the character is written, how well the protagonist is developed, etc.

I can infer that perhaps the protagonist has lost her mother, and she is coping with that stage of grief. However, the imagery may be functional, but it does not affect me. It does not make me want to learn more about the book. Description does not mean that it is great.

The best tip I can give is to read great books, and learn from them, but don't copy them.

Good luck. :) Try not to take my constructive criticism to heart, I'm just trying to help.
2014-12-30 00:38:45 UTC
If that was the opening paragraph, no. When your grammar improves, maybe. It didn't really spike my curiosity or hold my attention. As for advice, just write and read. The more you do those things, the better you will become. The writing will help with the grammar while reading will give you ideas of how others structure sentences which can help you understand how to do it yourself. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Good luck and when your work gets criticize, don't take it to heart. Just accept it and learn from it.
Goddess of Grammar
2014-12-30 02:37:34 UTC
It is rather compelling, but I find it pretty confusing. "Then she felt it, a burning inside herself." At first I thought that meant she felt the need and ability to act, to defy whoever had left her in the dark or taken her mother away. But then after a few sentences it seemed to be literal pain, but then it did come with the compulsion to act after all. On a more practical note, where is the darkness "beginning" from? I'm guessing there's a window and night is falling? But then wouldn't that be her thought for escape? Why is she lying "against" her bed? (Maybe that's just a grammar point.)
Elaine M
2014-12-30 08:09:53 UTC
Speak it out loud, if you don't use words and phrases like the ones you wrote it'll sound 'off'. Like that 'darkness covers her like a blanket of fear'. Too heavy, it distracts from the story.
2014-12-30 00:35:18 UTC
so shes in darkness you should get people to fear that darkness make people feel the alone dark scared feeling and sometimes you don't want to rush on to the next bit take your time in describing remember when you read books how the author pulls you in to read more and not stop that's what your aiming for don't rush your book it can sometimes take years to finish to make it perfect
2014-12-30 00:39:47 UTC
It's not good. You seriously need to read a lot. And I mean good writing, not Twitter.
2014-12-30 00:22:04 UTC
grammar is one thing. you need to build it up so the reader could be more on edge maybe?
Dump the liberals into Jupiter
2014-12-30 01:17:12 UTC
You can't narrate an evocative scene into being. That has to be done through the actions and words of the characters. Just because you DESCRIBE how terrifying a situation is does not mean that your reader will FEEL it. The result will be a boring story.

Also, you shouldn't try to do too much evocation with only a brief passage. You have to tell a lot of story, get some adventuring done, and let the emotions that you want your readers to feel build up over several chapters, or several thousand words, most with character action and not with narrative. Narrative helps fill in the cracks, but it isn't your primary vector into your reader's mind.

I'll write something back at you. I'm not published, and I'm not particularly good with fiction writing. But here it is. The main character's name does not appear in this text, but her name is Brenda Jones.

--- top ---

After returning with Ms. Emory from the college campus, I bought my sixth grade textbooks at the bookstore on the grade school campus. The total (with sales tax) came to just short of $700, which, I’m sure you’ll agree, is plenty to pay for three lousy textbooks. It left me with hardly any money at all left in my account at Brookstone Bank. No doubt my father could wire more money into it, but it wouldn’t do to ask. Explicitly, that is. I might not be as slick as Sarah Weisman, but I knew that the art of getting money out of one’s father consists mostly of making him think that giving it to me had been his idea.

I was back in my dorm. It had been a wearing day, even with Ms. Emory’s help. I was on eBay looking for my two college textbooks, but nobody was selling those particular titles just now. Ruby was watching over my shoulder as I turned the browser to Amazon. I typed the ISBN for my calculus book into the search window and watched the list of offers come up.

“Eight hundred dollars?” asked Ruby.

“It was almost twelve hundred in the college bookstore,” I said, making sure that I was looking at the latest edition of the textbook. Another part of the college textbook scam involved the publishers constantly making trivial changes to the books and republishing them as a new edition, after which all of the professors would regard the previous edition as obsolete.

But I didn’t even have eight hundred dollars, so I looked for used books. There was, I discovered, a paperback version of the book. While used hardcover copies were selling for around $500, the used paperback copies began at—

“Forty-nine cents.” I laughed.

“Get that one!” Ruby urged.

“No,” I said. “See the quality description. It’s rated as ‘acceptable,’ which really means ‘not acceptable.’ Likewise ‘good’ means ‘okay in a pinch,’ and ‘very good’ really means ‘acceptable.’ I’m looking a little further down the list.”

The store selling the first book was My Grandma’s Goodies. Another book, selling for fifty cents, was rated at ‘good,’ and it was being offered by Goodwill Industries of Central Florida. Then came a listing by Belltower Books, at ‘very good’ condition, for ninty-nine cents. The next offer was from Alibris, a name I recognized, for a book in ‘good’ condition.

“I think I’ll get the book offered by Belltower Books,” I said. “They offer expedited shipping, too, which I’ll take because I need to have the book as soon as possible.”

“Still a bargain, considering the price tag on a new book at the bookstore.”

I agreed. But there was another problem.

“What is my shipping address here?”

“Oh. If you don’t have a mail box at the Student Union yet, then you get your mail in care of Norman Klang, Mathews Hall, Brookstone School GSC, Columbus, Georgia, three one nine oh four.”

I typed that into Amazon as my shipping address, right below my name. I’d had the account with Amazon already, so it had my credit card number. I found a similarly sweet deal on a copy of my physics textbook. Then I clicked on the check-out button and paid for my books, selecting the expedited shipping option, which cost me more than the books themselves had.

“Und now ve vait,” said Ruby with a mock German accent.

I began writing an email to my parental units.


Dear Dad and Mom,

I’m writing now to give you my email address and to tell you my status. I’ve moved into Mathews Hall on Brookstone’s grade school campus. I’m sharing room #107 with a very nice girl named Ruby Pierce. She’s a year older than I am, is in seventh grade, and attended Brookstone last year. She’s showing me the lay of the land, so to speak. You can send me packages in care of Norman Klang, Mathews Hall, Brookstone School GSC, Columbus GA 31904.

You targeted my funding very accurately, Dad. I paid my tuition, my housing fee, my cafeteria ticket, and I have bought all of my books. I should say, though, that the college textbooks cost rather more than they did when you were going to school, and I had to order used copies from various vendors through Amazon online. But they will arrive within a few days. It shouldn’t be a problem. I bought the three required textbooks for the sixth grade courses at the GSC bookstore for $700. This quarter, those courses will be History of the American Revolution, Algebra 1, and English Composition 1.

I would have gotten out of taking the classes that I could already teach if it were permitted. But they don’t let you CLEP the core curriculum here. However, they do permit me to take college courses in addition to the sixth grade ones, and I’ve been accepted by the college faculty for Physics 101 and for an ‘honors’ course in calculus that combines differential and integral calculus, and analytic geometry, into a single five-credit hour course.

I’ve also enrolled in some sort of track-and-field endeavor, though I’m not certain yet of the details. One of Brookstone’s executives appears to have taken a personal interest in me, and she has acted on several occasions as my patron, opening doors for me that might otherwise have remained shut. I owe Ms. Vanessa Emory a great deal. I only wish that I knew why she’s been such an avid champion for me.

Though expenses have left me broke, I’m in no immediate need of money.


I sent the email.

“Will that work?” asked Ruby, who had read what I wrote.

“It will work once,” I said, grinning.

Classes would begin tomorrow. I had all of my sixth grade lessons in the morning, all in the same building here at GSC. Algebra (8:05-9:00), English (9:05-10:00), History (10:05-11:00) with five minutes slack between classes. I’d eat in the cafeteria from 11:30 to noon. Then I’d run from GSC to the college from 12:30 to 12:45. Two miles in fifteen minutes shouldn’t be a problem for me. My calculus class began at one in the afternoon, followed by physics (2:15-3:15). At 3:30, I’d run back to GSC and join the track team out by the football field, where practice began at 4 o’clock. With all that running, my wind should be pretty darn good by the end of the quarter.

“That’s a very heavy schedule,” said Ruby. “You’re going to run two miles, twice a day, carrying your books, and begin training for the track team the moment you finish that second two-mile run?”

Put that way, the schedule did look a bit difficult. I’d forgotten about having to carry my books.

“I’d better get a backpack,” I said, and called up Amazon again.

“You’d better grow wings,” said Ruby.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.