Yes, it does sound like a case of Writer's Block.
But what caused it? What made you suddenly lose you confidence? Did someone criticise your writing at any point? That can be a killer.
I remember when I was at school, I'd write and write non-stop - I'd fill up exercise books at the speed of light - it was a real passion, and it was all I wanted to do.
Then I changed schools, and my new English (Creative Writing) teacher made a criticism which crippled me for years - she made the observation that I only ever wrote my fiction in first person, and made me feel like it was a real sin. I couldn't write for years after that, and like you, I mourned the loss of my "obsession."
But take heart, it'll come back. It sounds like you were born to write, and soon the need to create will flood back and drown out all self-doubts you may have.
Just believe in yourself. Trust that you have a precious gift, and no-one can take that away from you. And trust that you'll never run out of ideas. Do you keep a journal? Jot down every interesting thing you hear, cut inspiring things out of the newspaper and glue them in. You'll amass a wonderful treasure chest of ideas that will inspire you during a "dry spell" - it definitely works for me!
Good luck, and I hope your writing bug comes back VERY soon!
Hafwen x