I absolutely love to read, and almost always have 3 I'm reading at any given time: one that I read aloud to the children, and two for myself, a fiction and a non-fiction.
Currently ... I'm reading "Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf" to the children. It's quite a thick novel, the sixth in the series, and we have loved them all.
For me ... "In this House of Brede" by Rumer Godden is my current novel. I have read it before, and loved it. It went out of print and was not possible to get in my country, but I was able to order in a used copy from America, in excellent condition, and I was just so thrilled. It is a portrait of religious life in a Benedictine community, the main character is a real eye-opener. The book was first recommended to me by a very dear friend, a former nun, who left the convent.
So, that is the novel I am reading to fill in time until the much anticipated release of "The Miracle at Speedy Motors" (rel. date April 15). It is the new Alexander McCall Smith novel, the next in The Ladies No 1 Detective Agency Series (which is neither about gender, nor detective work really, just a beautiful story of wonderful values in very traditional Botswana). I love anything McCall Smith writes, but this series I loved so much, it made me fantasise about moving there! He has lived and worked there for many years, although he's currently in the UK.
For my non-fiction fix, I generally like good biographies best of all, or, less commonly, something interesting from history. My current read is a biography of Ann Landers ... witty, sensitive and interesting.
I'm cheating at the moment and indulging in a fourth book by Mark Haddon, an award-winner for teen fiction. It's called "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" and is a real insight into the workings of the mind of someone with Asperger's.
My own novels are on the coffee table, so I can read them when I'm relaxing in the living room, the children's book is on the sideboard in the dining room, as I read to them during dinner each night, and the biography I keep on my bedside table.