1. No she won't. The only other book in the series would be Midnight Sun, Twilight from Edward's perspective It was leaked. Smeyer chucked an immature hissy fit and refused to publish it. It will be released when the stupid nutcase gains some maturity.
You can read what Smeyer has to say about it here:
And the first 13 chapters here:
August 28, 2008: Midnight Sun leaks onto the interwebs. A butthurt Stephenie Meyer writes about how the leak saddens her on her website. The culprit of the breach isn't some l337 hacker, but in a true showcase of stupidity, Meyer herself. She's been throwing around unfinished drafts like they were confetti, even giving one to the guy who plays Edward in the shitty movie adaption of Twilight so he could "better understand his character." Rpattz most likely leaked the manuscript in retaliation of being stuck playing a character he hates. Someone needs to call the WAAAAHMBULANCE! There is now a Publish Midnight Sun (PMS) Petition full of illiterate aspie fangirls bawwing and begging for Midnight Sun in caps lock.
2. I hate New Moon the most of the books. It was slower and I couldn't piss myself laughing the entire time at the ridiculousness. I was just sitting there hating on Bella
3. No she's only writing Twilight, the others would be boring she said. And again, she might not even publish that
4. My favourite character is Tyler's Van
5. Twilight was probably the best. I thought the sheer ridiculousness of Breaking Dawn was comic gold though
6. A Twilight themed room? I saw this question the other day. The suggestions were glitter everywhere (so you felt like edward was there), a chess set like breaking dawns, posters (although they warned this may look tacky), painting your walls black and red and putting the flower from New Moon somewhere. It would be hte most disgusting room her
7. Actual filming starts in March. The photography and all the pre-stuff started last year
8. March 21st
9. Harry Potter
Ok Twilight is, I can honestly say the worst written book I have ever read
Bella: I love you Edward
Edward: I love you too you are so beautiful
Bella: No YOU are so beautiful. I love you. You're all sparkly
Edward: You are the most perfect creature ever
1000 pages and 3 books later
Bella: I love you Edward
Edward: I love you you are so beautiful
OMFG it's just them proliferating their love for each other for 1000+ pages. And right at the end Smeyer is like JESUS CHRIST I NEED PLOT and throws some crap in.
Ok Edward is not hot. He is a creepy stalker. he watches her sleep. He won't let her see her friends. He follows her around. He won't let her drive. He beats her up while they're having sex. He gives her a c-section with his teeth. Come on that's gross. Bella is disgusting, falling apart as soon as Edward leaves and only getting some semblance of togetherness back when she finds another guy to take Edward's place. PATHETIC.
Harry Potter beats Twilight hands down. Harry Potter caters for a much wider audience, while Twilight appeals to tween's. Every single one of my friends hates Twilight. Thinks it's absolutely ridiculous, the writing is terrible, the characters one dimensional and the plot cliche. We're 18. My sister, who is 13 is in love with Twilight. So are all her friends. They get together and talk about it and how 'awesome' it is and 'how much they love Edward' and how they 'just wish Jacob would die'.
Younger kids love the earlier Harry Potter books. But can you really see a 10 year old finishing Order of the Phoenix. They'd have to be a pretty smart 10 year old. But Harry Potter has fans in every walk of life. The Harry Potter phenomenon started, really, about 7 years ago. The people that started reading Harry Potter at say, age 10-14, are now 17-21. They're adults and the majority of them still love Harry Potter. And there's the giant adult fan base. Basically every single harry potter fan site it run by an older adult. And there's hundreds of them. I made my parents read Harry Potter. They liked it. Read the whole series. My sister made them read Twilight. Mum said the first book was terribly written and couldn't continue. Dad couldn't even finish the first book. They both have uni degrees, they're not idiots.
Basically Twilight is aimed for girls 12-16. Smeyer writes likes she's swallowed a thesaurus, her books are riddled with plot holes and discrepancies. How can Edward, who has been dead for nearly 100 years, have sperm, which is alive, and has the capability to father a child. Yeah makes awesome sense. Plus he's a complete stalker. And abusive. Bella is portrayed as a woman who relies entirely on a man, after Edward left she completely fell apart. And this girl is supposed to be a rolemodel for other girls.
Now compare this to Harry Potter. Please show me one plot hole. The main characters have substance and flaws and are amazing role models. Look at Hermione in comparison to Bella. She's smart, loyal, courageous and stands up for what she believes in. She loves Ron from the age of 14, and despite his not realizing it, she still stays strong and continues on in her life. The perfect role model for young girls. Harry is also a great role model. He continues to love despite the terrible events which have occured in his life. He is even willing to sacrifice his own life for everybody else. There's hundreds of other amazing characters. Ron, Snape, Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Ginny. The list goes on and on. Who have you got in Twilight? more and more one dimensional characters who are nothing more than pretty stalkers.
Ok and every single character in Twilight is one dimensional.
Bella: Pathetic Mary Sue
Edward: I love you Bella. And the oldest virgin ever
Jacob: annoying.
And that's it. That's all the major characters. If you include like Emmett and Jasper and Alice. They don't even have personalities. The best one, in my opinion is Rosalie.
Every single Harry Potter character has a background, unique personality and REAL faults. Choose me ANY character and you can pull faults and positive traits in their personalities. Not like Bella being "clumsy" which everyone seems to find endearing so isn't really a fault at all. And what's with her supposed to be average looking? yeah ok coz it's not like every guy in the school wants to be in her pants apparently. At my high school all the guys went for the average girl, definitely. Sorry now I'm onto the Bella being a Mary Sue rant again.
And JK obviously put some effort and research into Harry Potter. I mean look at the deep roots into mythology, legends, latin and other languages. Stephenie meyer had a pretty dream. Good for her. Even other authors acknowledge how much better Rowling is to Smeyer. Stephen King, best selling author for decades said:
"The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn," he said. "She's not very good."
JK Rowling intertwines foreshadowing through the entire series, with events in the first novel foreshadowing events that occur in the seventh, which was written 17 years later. What have you got in Twilight? certainly nothing that would match Harry Potter. You simply have a love story which appeals to kids who haven't got the maturity to realize how fake it is, or the life experience to realize it is appallingly written
10. Team Tyler's Van
11. I would be Tyler's Van