Twilight Questions!!!!!!!!!!! Please Answer!?
2009-02-17 14:10:57 UTC
Please Help Answer These Questions.

1. Will Stephanie Meyer Ever Right Another Twilight Book On Nessie Growing Up?

2. Who Hates New Moon Because Edward Is Hardly In It, I Do.

3. Is Stephanie Meyer Going To Rewrite All Of The Twilight Saga Books On Edwards Point Of View?

4. Who Is Your Favorite Twilight Character? (Alice Cullen Is Mine!)

5. What Is Your Favorite Twilight Book? (Twilight Is My Favorite!!!!!)

6. What Are Some Good Ideas For A Twilight Themed Room?

7. When Do They Start Filming New Moon?

8. When Does Twilight Come Out On DVD?

9. Harry Potter Or Twilight? (Twilight 4 Me)

10. Team Edward Or Team Jacob? (Team Edward 4 Me)

11. If You Could Be Any Character Who Would It Be? (I Would Be Alice Cullen Or Bella Swan)

Thank You For Answering These Questions!
44 answers:
2009-02-17 14:34:31 UTC
1. No she won't

2. It's my least favourite book in the saga but I don't hate it

3. No I don't think she will but you never know

4. Male character Edward female character Alice

5. In order: Twilight, Break Dawn, Eclipse, New Moon

6. Posters of Twilight characters and painted red, black and white

7. I duno the exact date but it is suppose to be out in theaters by the end of this year or the beginning of next

8. March 22

9. O this is a hard question I love both Harry Potter by just a little bit

10. Team Edward

11. Edward
2009-02-17 14:34:41 UTC
1.No because Stephenie decided to end the series there and write Midnight Sun. Unfortunately illegal copies were found all over the internet. It's sad but true.

2.I also hate New Moon because Jacob tries to kiss Bella while Edward is gone. Team Edward rocks!

3.Like I explained in the first question, no because illegal copies were found all over the internet. It also takes a lot of work.I'm so upset.

4.My favorite charater is also Alice. She's funny.I like everybody but Alice is better.

5.My favorite Twilight book is the first. I am reading Eclipse and Twilight is the beginning and it's my favorite twilight book forever!

6.Probably the cliff in LaPush.

7.Actually, they're filming New Moon right now.

8.I know it's coming out on DVD on Mid-March.

9.I prefer Twilight. It's more romantic and it's my type. I hate Harry Potter. It's pointless.

10.I would like to be Alice because of her power, I wonder how it would be to be Bella?

Does this help?
2009-02-17 14:29:29 UTC
In general, you need to check out

She is really good about keeping the fans informed on upcoming projects and where she sees the characters going. There are movie updates and she even answers fan questions like why is Edward hardly in New Moon?

Other answers for you:

favorite Character - Alice!

Favorite book - Twilight

A Twilight themed room should have red in it. Red is a major color in all the books.

I think Harry Potter was a better book to movie adaptation. I hope that New Moon will be better now that they have a bigger budget.

Team Edward! There never was a chance for Jacob. Not as long as Edward exsists.

I would like to be Edward. He's the fastest and can hear people's thoughts. I'd love to know when people are lying to me....

Keep being a fan. There's lot more to learn. Check out the website!
2009-02-17 14:21:47 UTC
1. Probably not

2. I don't, I was always Team Edward, but without New Moon, there would be no Eclipse. When you lose something, you realize it's value.

3. Highly doubt it. It was only Midnight Sun, a companion to only the first book.

4. Probably...Alice Cullen, although I can't pick between her, Edward and Jacob.

5. Twilight, followed by Eclipse

6. idk, Quotes from Twilight all across one wall (black background, with white font), posters from the movie on the other wall

7. Pretty soon (don't remember the exact date). Google it.

8. March 21st, you can pre-order it now.

9. Harry Potter, because the characters are deeper, and plot is way more complex.

10. Team Edward - he was the only one for Bella, and always will be.

11. Alice Cullen, or Bella Swan. It might be fun being Emmett though.

That was kinda fun! :)
2009-02-18 05:20:42 UTC
1. I am hoping that she does. I know Renesmee would love that.

2. I did find New Moon very different. I disliked that Edward was only in it at the end and the beginning.

3. I think she's doing Midnight Sun to see the public's reaction, and then she'll go from there.

4. Besides myself, I'd say Jane.

5. Breaking Dawn

6. Stars, vampire fangs, any of the symbols on the books.

7. March

8. I'm not sure.

9. Twilight. It's obvious.

10. Team Edward. I'll never go against my own kind.

11. I would want to stay myself. I enjoy my vampire life enough.
2009-02-17 14:14:57 UTC
Some of these should be just one seperate question, not lumped into a group. That being said, I'll do my best.

1. No

2. I hate it, but not because edward isn't in it.

3. No

4.Alice all the way, followed by jacob

5. Twilight

6. Get posters, paint it dark colors (or paint a forect scene) paint the cullen crest on the wall display the books get a twilight bedsheet set etc.

7. They already started filming I heard.

8. twilight is march 24, 2009 at a store by my house

9. Harry potter wins no contest

10. Team Jakward (why does anyone have to choose?) but jake if you made me pick

11. I'd be alice
2009-02-17 14:21:42 UTC
1. I hope she does !

2. I did; so boring without him !

3. She should.

4. I like Bella, Jacob, and Edward.

5. Definitely Twilight, but Breaking Dawn is good too.

6. Get some Twilight posters and paint your room black or a deep red.

7. I think they already started ?

8. Hopefully soon ! i can't wait !

9. I like the Twilight books better, but Harry Potter movies.

10. Definitely Team Edward !

11. Bella !
2009-02-17 14:20:20 UTC
1. It's hard, she is working on a book at the moment, Midnight Sun, but not finish it because someone stole the first chapter and didn't ask permission, so her perspective has changed

2. Personally I love love love New Moon, but that's just me. I am a Jacob Black fan's just an opinion, but most people are in love with Edward

3. Who knows, Midnight Sun is from his few (Question 1)

4. Personally I like Embry, I pity him because he hasn't found the right person yet. I love his attitude.

5. Being a JB fan, I love New Moon

6. Posters, posters, posters! I have a million posters along with the calendar. As the months go by cut out the pics and use them as posters. My friend has an Edward pillow so there is an idea.

7. I think they start filming New Moon in march but I'm not sure. Go to

8. MARCH 21st! Yes! Just in time for my b-day

9. Twilight, I can relate to it more

10. Team Jacob

11. hmm....that's a toughy...maybe Alice or Maybe Angela (she might be a witch) inside joke
2009-02-17 14:18:02 UTC
1. Hope not.

2. I like it because Edward is no in it haha!

3. She planned on only making one with Edward's point of view, but it got leaked on the internet so it probably won't be continued.

4. Alice is my favourite too! ^-^

5. I like Twilight best too!

6. Twilight themed room: grey cloud wallpaper, posters of Twilight everywhere and those big cardboard cutouts of the characters lol!

7. I dunno when they start filimg New Moon.. I think they already started.

8. Twilight comes out March 21(?) I think it's that, I know it's the week of my birthday haha.

9. Twilight, mostly because I got bored into the third page of Harry Potter and Twilight is romance.

10. Team Jacob, haha.

11. I would be Alice!
2009-02-17 14:17:46 UTC
1. I don't know, but i hope so. i bet 2948320958045 other fans hope so too!

2. Oh god, i do. for so many pages i had to read with no sign of edward. it was devastating.

3. I hope she does! I would probably like them better than the orginial books.

4. Emmett! :D he's so big and teddybear like.

5. Breaking Dawn.. why? because Edward and Bella finally get it on!

6. red and black walls? movie posters, anything twilight related.

7. They already have. it's coming at the end of this year .

8. last week of march! can't wait.

9. oh hard one. but i guess Twilight. there's more romance . and edward has so much more charisma.


11. i would be Bella. having Edward as a partner for life is more than i can imagine.


not an addiction, but an alternative reality. :)
2009-02-17 14:21:58 UTC
1. No.

2. New moon is good.

3. Yes.

4. Edward Cullen

5. Twilight

6. Party bash.

7. Early 2009 or 2010.

8. 2008

9. Twilight

10. Team Edward

11. Bella Swan
2009-02-17 14:19:00 UTC
1.I think she might because she has a lot of books so I am sure she would come up with another one.

2.Yah I kinda hate it too

3.I don't think she will.

4.I like two characters and they are Bella and Edward.

5.I like all of them!

6.Probably a dark blue paint color and stars.Well it is Twilight.My friend says that in the CD for Twilight there is a little poster that has Bella and Edward in it.

7.I don't think they will film the books.

8.Really soon because it came out in the Movie Theater like a long time ago about.


10.Team Edward!

11.I would Bella or Alice too!

Your welcome!!
Leyla :)
2009-02-17 14:16:36 UTC
1. I hope not, I hate Renesmee

2. Yes, I hated new moon

3. Yes, at least that is the gossip I've heard.

4. Emmett Cullen <3

5. Twilight, most definitely.

6. Try for red walls and black bedding. Eerie and gripping.

7. They start filming New Moon in March. It comes out in November.

8. Twilight comes out on DVD in March

9. Twilight

10. Team Edward

11. I would be Edward. :D
Jessica B
2009-02-17 14:27:21 UTC
1. no, she is done with the whole twilight series

2. I love new moon, i love reading and waiting for him to come back, i liked learning about jacob black, she will not even finish midnight sun(read about it and the first 264 pages on her website)

4. Edward is mine, i love how he is so old fashion, he is very charming and says the funniest things, " I'm taking you to a house full of vampires and you worried not because of them, but because they wont like you"

5. Twilight is my favortie

6. twilight posters, lots of C.D.'s (classical) all the books, soundtracks, and whatever other twilight stuff you might have on display, BLACK

7.they have already started filming New moon, it will be out by next Thanksgiving

8.March 21, 2009


10. I could not decide, I love edward but edward left bella (to protect her), so i feel Jacob should have his fair shot, at least he has Renesmee( wich was kind of weird)

11. Bella Swan( who wouldnt want to mary Edward)
2009-02-17 14:26:36 UTC
1. Stephanie Meyer is half way through writing Midnight Sun, Edward's version of Twilight. She has stopped writing it as it was illegally posted on the Internet and she lost some of her self confidence due to the time being. If she does decide to write a follow on about Renesmee growing up and how she adapts to Jacob etc would be excellent. I'm not sure she will thought, but if she does it might be a while.

2. New Moon isn't her greatest book, I don't like it as much, yeah because the fact Edward isn't in half of it, but the fact that Jacob is really harsh and out of order. I cannot stand his character in the second book, but in the third and fourth book I fell in love with him.

3. Meyer is writing Twilight in Edward's point of view, but no mention of her rewriting the other three books, this is just a one off. It would be really good to have Edward's point of view in the second book to know what is going through his mind etc. and how the thought of Bella being pregnant with his child, what that must have done to him.

4. I adore Esme Cullen for some reason, I think it is only because her character is so sweet and kind and treats Bella like her own child. Other then that I absoloutely adore Alice even more. Her character has a positive upbringing to it and brightens the book up even more. Her character also has a way that makes her get her own way in everything, it is rather amusing to read.

5. My favourite book out of the saga is Breaking Dawn. This is only because they get married, have a child, then go throw her phrase, and you see Jacob imprint on Renesmee. It is full of emotional quotes that really make it an extonishing book.

6. Twilight themed room? Hmm, grey walls? Twilight posters maybe? Have a bright moon painted on your wall with clouds around it to make it look realistic.

7. They start filming New Moon in March and is set for release last 2009 early 2010.

8. Twilight comes out on DVD on the 21st March 2009, on both DVD and blu-ray.

9. Twilight and Harry Potter are both successful in their own ways, only because they are different styles of books. But Twilight wins me over every time.

10. I would have to pick Team Edward, even though I love Jacob to bits and the actor is soo hit, so is Robert Pattinson and you see more of Edward and how he reall is then you do Jacob. He is just perfect...astonishing.. and able to lift full size fans with just one hand.

11. I would be Bella Swan, because her new sister-in-law is Alice and I love Alice. She is married to Edward, soo beautiful. Baby daughter, Renesmee, and then you got Jacob, good friendship.
2009-02-17 14:23:09 UTC
1. I don't think so, but she might, check her blog.

2. I think Edward would have made it way better but i do not hate it.

3. No, that would would be pointless and costly.

4. I really like Jacob.

5. Twilight is also my fav.

6. Jacob getting over Bella(no offence Jacob<3)

7. Soon because it is due to come out begining on next year.

8. March 28


10. Team Edward i think Jacob gets kinda weird in Eclipse the whole i love you Bella thing.

11. I would be Rosalie(ultimite hotness and awsome husband!!)
2009-02-17 14:21:47 UTC
oh lordy! If you don't like the second book so much are you still gonna want to watch the film when they've made it?

I thought it was clever taking out Edward in the 2nd book, as the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You got to feel Bella more emotionally because of him not being there. The lenghts that the girl went through just to hear his voice, risking her life for it. I thought the 2nd book was better than the 1st, more action, feeling and tension. Havent read the 3rd yet - savouring the moment :)
I Brought You The Horizon
2009-02-17 14:19:47 UTC
1. She hasn't said anything about writing any books through the eyes of nessie so far.

3. She hasn't said if she's going to write all of them but she did begin to write twilight through the eyes of edward its called "midnight sun" but she put it on hold because the first few chapters leaked onto the internet. but she has said it is one of her next projects but will probably be a while. if you go to you can read the first few chapters.

4. Bella

5. Breaking Dawn

6. no idea. i'm sure you could find a bedspread or something

7. They start filming in march. they haven't said the exact date

8. March 21st

9. twilight

10. edward.
2009-02-19 20:12:39 UTC
1. I don't know.. She might. But she might not..

2. I loved New Moon.

3. Probably not.

4. Uhm.. I don't know.. I always change it. xP Right now it's Emmett and Carlisle.

5. Eh.. I can't choose.

6. Depends. Do you want to decorate it like Edward's room? Bella's room? Or just like..a I'd say..lots of black and red.

7. March 23.

8. March 21.

9. Twilight.

10. Switzerland.

11. Alice.. :)
2009-02-17 14:20:49 UTC




5.Didn't read them all yet

6.Some twilight posters, dark music, star stickers or something, moon sticker or something, and etc.

7.Probably next year because they just recently finished twilight a few months ago

8.Some time before New Moon comes out in between the time New Moon will come out and Twilight came out i guess

9.Twilight because it's scarier I guess and Harry Potter is sort of old

10.Team Edward

11.Edward Cullen
2009-02-17 14:16:15 UTC
1. i dont think so.

2.i hate it when edwards gone=(

3. i dont think so.

4.edward<3 and alice too.

5.breaking dawn!

6.umm twilight posters twilight bedspread?

7. i think they have already started filming or will be very soon.

8. march 21.

9. definitely twilight.

10. edward all the way!

11. bella!
2009-02-18 09:52:46 UTC
1. Maybe, she said she might come back to the twilight world one day but not right now.

2. New moon is probly my least fave cuz edward isnt in it but i've actually learned to like tht book somewhat

3. Probably Not. theres nothing new. we already know what happens.

4. Edward is my guilty favorite. i know, typical.

5. Eclipse or brekaing dawn is my fave.

6. idk. thts a little weird.

7.they film new moon in march

8. march 21st twilight comes out on dvd

9. pssh. twilight

10.Team Edward. i dont really like jacob too much

11. Bella only cuz i'd have edward forever =]
2009-02-17 14:20:13 UTC
All I know is that, pertaining to your third question is that she probably will not.

Some imbecile, of whom she trusted to keep it safe, leaked the manuscript out onto the internet.

You can read it on her website. Just click Twilight Series and then Midnight Sun.

I really hope she does rewrite them. It would be awesome to gain a better perspective into Edward's mind. Hopefully, she'll calm down about it soon and begin writing them again.
2016-10-06 12:41:25 UTC
I enjoyed the twilight sequence, yet I too share the opinion that she isn't precisely the suitable author in the international >.>... and that i too had the thought that she could have stolen most of the factors of her books from the southern vampire mysteries: sookie stackhouse sequence: actual blood they have been revealed first, in spite of the shown fact that it would not say precisely whilst meyer particularly wrote twilight, in simple terms that she have been given rejected billions of situations and then revealed in '05. then the whole element approximately evening sunlight. if she replaced right into a solid sufficient author she would not choose a stunt to get anyone overvalued and looking out forward to the the remainder of the radical which they're going to could desire to attend a protracted time to get it. Hah i'm this form of possibly on actually each thing. Friggin' waffle *rolls eyes*
2009-02-17 14:15:30 UTC
1. unfortunately no :[

2. i dont hate it, but its my least favorite of the series.

3. that is not confirmed yet.

4. edward.

5. breaking dawn.

6. posters everywhere, black walls with a big apple mural.

7. march.

8. march 21, 2009.


10. deff. team edward.

11. bella of course!
2009-02-17 14:19:30 UTC
Probably not about me though I truly want her to. Only other book she might come out for Twilight Saga is Midnight Sun and other books in Daddy's POV.

I do, but I then again, love my Jacob

Hopefully and maybe

Besides me, would be Auntie Rosalie. She is so misunderstood

I like Breaking Dawn because I am in it

quotes, red and black,flowers, not much sunlight, piano music, not much food


March 22nd


I cant choose between daddy and my best freidn

Well renesmee, myself
2009-02-17 14:23:13 UTC
1.) who is Nessie?

2.)Me I agree with you on that one



5.)Twilight, Eclipse

6.)posters (go to Wal-Mart for them) Collectable Figurines (go to Borders Book store for those!)

7.)sometime next year

8.)I don't know but I hope it does soon!

9.)Definitly Twilight

10.) Team Edward

11.)Bella Swan (then could Edward could be my baby's daddy! ;) )
Trust me, im English
2009-02-17 14:17:58 UTC
1. i dont think so

2.i dont hate it but i tend to skip loads when i re-read them

3.not too sure

4.either edward or carlisle

5.either twilight or breaking dawn

6.a big tree painted on the wall with red apples, and bella and edward sat on a branch together or something.


8.jan/feb? not sure

9.ooooh not sure at all, cant decide


11.bella obviously i love her ending.

2009-02-17 14:20:05 UTC
1 idk

2 havnt read

3 idk

4 edward and bella

5 havnt read them all

6 posters

7 i dont know i heard somewhere that it will come out in november

8 soon i hope

9 Twilight

10 team edward

11 bella
2009-02-17 14:17:30 UTC
1.I thought about that to and i doubt it : (

2.I liked new moon i <3 Jake

3.Who knows it's possible i do think so

4.i like Jake and Emmet

5.New Moon

6.idk im not that upsessesd lol march

8.soon within the next couple of months


10.Jacob!!!!! not sure havent thought bout it : )
2009-02-17 14:16:08 UTC
I hope so!

I do! I love Edward :)

Hope so! That would be cool, now wouldn't it?

Bella Swan! :D

Twilight! I love the original!

Hmm... maybe an apple? :)

I'm not sure, but hopefully soon! I can't wait!

Once again, I'm just as clueless as you, but hopefully soon!

Ugh! I can't stand Harry Potter! x-(


Definatly Bella!


2009-02-17 14:18:13 UTC
1. um HOPEFULLY, but i heard not.

2. ME. so boring without edward:P teamedward!

3. idunno, but that would be coool, i cant wait for midnightsun!


5. twilight(:

6. posters?

7. soon, i think march since it comes out in nov..

8. march21

9. twilight deff.


11. bella, who wouldnt wanna be with edward.
2009-02-17 14:17:02 UTC
1, NO

2 i do

3 NO, she said only twilight, and that book the midnight sun, is on hold indefinitely





8i think it already came out


10w8 what?? uhh i guess this means, who do you like better, i say edward

11i wouldn't want to be in twilight

i don't really like twilight
2009-02-17 14:17:41 UTC
Harry Potter would murder Twilight
2009-02-17 14:19:55 UTC
1. No she won't. The only other book in the series would be Midnight Sun, Twilight from Edward's perspective It was leaked. Smeyer chucked an immature hissy fit and refused to publish it. It will be released when the stupid nutcase gains some maturity.

You can read what Smeyer has to say about it here:

And the first 13 chapters here:

August 28, 2008: Midnight Sun leaks onto the interwebs. A butthurt Stephenie Meyer writes about how the leak saddens her on her website. The culprit of the breach isn't some l337 hacker, but in a true showcase of stupidity, Meyer herself. She's been throwing around unfinished drafts like they were confetti, even giving one to the guy who plays Edward in the shitty movie adaption of Twilight so he could "better understand his character." Rpattz most likely leaked the manuscript in retaliation of being stuck playing a character he hates. Someone needs to call the WAAAAHMBULANCE! There is now a Publish Midnight Sun (PMS) Petition full of illiterate aspie fangirls bawwing and begging for Midnight Sun in caps lock.

2. I hate New Moon the most of the books. It was slower and I couldn't piss myself laughing the entire time at the ridiculousness. I was just sitting there hating on Bella

3. No she's only writing Twilight, the others would be boring she said. And again, she might not even publish that

4. My favourite character is Tyler's Van

5. Twilight was probably the best. I thought the sheer ridiculousness of Breaking Dawn was comic gold though

6. A Twilight themed room? I saw this question the other day. The suggestions were glitter everywhere (so you felt like edward was there), a chess set like breaking dawns, posters (although they warned this may look tacky), painting your walls black and red and putting the flower from New Moon somewhere. It would be hte most disgusting room her

7. Actual filming starts in March. The photography and all the pre-stuff started last year

8. March 21st

9. Harry Potter

Ok Twilight is, I can honestly say the worst written book I have ever read

Bella: I love you Edward

Edward: I love you too you are so beautiful

Bella: No YOU are so beautiful. I love you. You're all sparkly

Edward: You are the most perfect creature ever

1000 pages and 3 books later

Bella: I love you Edward

Edward: I love you you are so beautiful

OMFG it's just them proliferating their love for each other for 1000+ pages. And right at the end Smeyer is like JESUS CHRIST I NEED PLOT and throws some crap in.

Ok Edward is not hot. He is a creepy stalker. he watches her sleep. He won't let her see her friends. He follows her around. He won't let her drive. He beats her up while they're having sex. He gives her a c-section with his teeth. Come on that's gross. Bella is disgusting, falling apart as soon as Edward leaves and only getting some semblance of togetherness back when she finds another guy to take Edward's place. PATHETIC.

Harry Potter beats Twilight hands down. Harry Potter caters for a much wider audience, while Twilight appeals to tween's. Every single one of my friends hates Twilight. Thinks it's absolutely ridiculous, the writing is terrible, the characters one dimensional and the plot cliche. We're 18. My sister, who is 13 is in love with Twilight. So are all her friends. They get together and talk about it and how 'awesome' it is and 'how much they love Edward' and how they 'just wish Jacob would die'.

Younger kids love the earlier Harry Potter books. But can you really see a 10 year old finishing Order of the Phoenix. They'd have to be a pretty smart 10 year old. But Harry Potter has fans in every walk of life. The Harry Potter phenomenon started, really, about 7 years ago. The people that started reading Harry Potter at say, age 10-14, are now 17-21. They're adults and the majority of them still love Harry Potter. And there's the giant adult fan base. Basically every single harry potter fan site it run by an older adult. And there's hundreds of them. I made my parents read Harry Potter. They liked it. Read the whole series. My sister made them read Twilight. Mum said the first book was terribly written and couldn't continue. Dad couldn't even finish the first book. They both have uni degrees, they're not idiots.

Basically Twilight is aimed for girls 12-16. Smeyer writes likes she's swallowed a thesaurus, her books are riddled with plot holes and discrepancies. How can Edward, who has been dead for nearly 100 years, have sperm, which is alive, and has the capability to father a child. Yeah makes awesome sense. Plus he's a complete stalker. And abusive. Bella is portrayed as a woman who relies entirely on a man, after Edward left she completely fell apart. And this girl is supposed to be a rolemodel for other girls.

Now compare this to Harry Potter. Please show me one plot hole. The main characters have substance and flaws and are amazing role models. Look at Hermione in comparison to Bella. She's smart, loyal, courageous and stands up for what she believes in. She loves Ron from the age of 14, and despite his not realizing it, she still stays strong and continues on in her life. The perfect role model for young girls. Harry is also a great role model. He continues to love despite the terrible events which have occured in his life. He is even willing to sacrifice his own life for everybody else. There's hundreds of other amazing characters. Ron, Snape, Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Ginny. The list goes on and on. Who have you got in Twilight? more and more one dimensional characters who are nothing more than pretty stalkers.

Ok and every single character in Twilight is one dimensional.

Bella: Pathetic Mary Sue

Edward: I love you Bella. And the oldest virgin ever

Jacob: annoying.

And that's it. That's all the major characters. If you include like Emmett and Jasper and Alice. They don't even have personalities. The best one, in my opinion is Rosalie.

Every single Harry Potter character has a background, unique personality and REAL faults. Choose me ANY character and you can pull faults and positive traits in their personalities. Not like Bella being "clumsy" which everyone seems to find endearing so isn't really a fault at all. And what's with her supposed to be average looking? yeah ok coz it's not like every guy in the school wants to be in her pants apparently. At my high school all the guys went for the average girl, definitely. Sorry now I'm onto the Bella being a Mary Sue rant again.

And JK obviously put some effort and research into Harry Potter. I mean look at the deep roots into mythology, legends, latin and other languages. Stephenie meyer had a pretty dream. Good for her. Even other authors acknowledge how much better Rowling is to Smeyer. Stephen King, best selling author for decades said:

"The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn," he said. "She's not very good."

JK Rowling intertwines foreshadowing through the entire series, with events in the first novel foreshadowing events that occur in the seventh, which was written 17 years later. What have you got in Twilight? certainly nothing that would match Harry Potter. You simply have a love story which appeals to kids who haven't got the maturity to realize how fake it is, or the life experience to realize it is appallingly written

10. Team Tyler's Van

11. I would be Tyler's Van
2009-02-17 14:16:12 UTC
Most Likely.

I don't care.

Most likely not.

um none.



They already did.

Most likely soon.

Harry Potter


2009-02-17 14:27:31 UTC
i doubt it, i'd like her to

I do, it's sad when he leaves ):

I don't think so, i'd like it if she did (:

Edward cullen, i love him

I like Eclipse and Breaking Dawn

mmmm idk

March 9th i think (someday in march)

The same day they start filming New Moon


Team Edward

Bella, she gets to have Edward, or Alice

you're welcome (:
2009-02-17 14:15:21 UTC
1. i dont think so

2. its okay

3. i think so

4. seth clearwater < so cute

5. eclipse


7. march

8. march

9 twilight

10 edward

11 seth's imprint haha
▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ►Kizwiz◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
2009-02-17 14:14:00 UTC
Harry Potter kills Twilight easily..
2009-02-17 14:15:31 UTC
i dont think so

its not my favorite, thats for sure

not sure but she is doing the first one for sure

alice or jasper






2009-02-17 14:13:28 UTC
1st one yeah
2009-02-17 14:14:11 UTC
sorry i am not a twilight fan
★☆ L⁴☆★
2009-02-17 14:16:21 UTC
Wrackspurt got you?
2009-02-17 14:15:47 UTC
Use the damn search bar.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.