The Illiad is a very long poem but you find that the translations are in prose. It´s about Helen of Troy, the most beautiful girl at the time, the face that launched a thousand ships as one poet said, was kidnaped by Paris, when she was the wife of king Menelao, and that started the War of Troy. That is the story in poetic explanation, but the truth is that there were many other reasons: power, economical, jealousy between different greek nations. They were camped outside the walls of Troy for many years, in a war that seemed to have no end, so Odiseo Lartieades, know most as Ulyses, whose journey home took many years and gave his name to the second part of the book: The Oddisey, devised a very clever way to enter Troy. He built a very large wooden horse and filled it with soldiers, and the greeks left camp. Seeing it the Troyans brought the horse inside the walls and at night they got out of the wooden horse, opened the gates and greeks went in and defeated the Troyans. There is a saying today: Beware of Greeks wearing gifts, and also a troyan is something to get into your computer.There are many other incidents in the book, too many to recount here, so I recommend you to read it if you get a modern translation. By the way, Homer was the author, blind, and maybe he didn`t exist and all is a recopilation in a poetic way. But Troy existed although many doubted it, and in excavations made by Schliemann was found under nine cities.
As for War and Peace by Leon Tolstoi, is one of the greatest books in Literature, and is about the Russian Society in 1812 at the time of the French invasion by French forces led by Napoleon, with very good descriptions of battles, principally that of Borodino.
I`m sorry but I don`t know what you mean by Fifth business, and Maid of Orleans. If you explain it to me by mail, may I will find something in my own library.