There is quite a visual difference between dying of Covid-19 and dying from injuries suffered from being hit by a bus. There is visual difference between dying of Covid-19 and dying of pancreatic cancer, bladder, stomach, testicular cancers, lymphomas, heart disease, stoke.
Covid-19 is a contagious pneumatic disease. It kills faster than most cancers can. If you have cancer, your cancer treatments will weaken your body, but if you then get Covid-19, then it is more likely the coronavirus kills you before your cancer does. You die much sooner because the Covid-19 beat your cancer in the race to kill you. Your cancer therapy was merely the secondary cause of your death.
If you have cancer, or breathing problems and do not live in a nursing home, isn't it better to socially isolate, keep your distance from others and wear your PPE?
Isn't it better to do those things even if you are not ill? I live in an apartment building in a lower class area. I take public transit. My risk factor is thus greater than the people who own cars and live in detached houses. I keep my distance. Those who think they are immune because they are young ... They are not only my menace, they are their own. The party hearties are the worst Covid-19 carriers and they are among the patients in the intensive care units.
There are not enough ventilators for every patient presenting serious symptoms.
Now be a good troll and move your question from Books and Authors and put it in its relevant category.