Quote: "Personally i dont like reading but people who do why read and be bored staring at a book for hours instead of watching a movie?"
One question: you've just acknowleged that ther are people who do like to read. You don't like to read because it bores you. Isn't the obvious mental conclusion that people who like to read don't get bored by it? Just asking.
There are some movies based on books I've read that I seriously didn't like. When you read, you get to imagine all the characters and the voices and scenes, but in movies, you're confined to the director's 'vision' for the story.
Many people who say they don't like to read just haven't found the right book yet. I personally don't see how sitting still and staring at a screen is much different from sitting still and staring at a page. There are boring books just as there are boring movies. But there are also some really great books out there.
One alternative to actually reading the book is listening to the audiobook. I have recently discovered audiobooks, and I love them. But they do require a lot of concentration, so if your mind tends to wander, they can be difficult.
Reading and writing are neccessary skills, and practice does make perfect. Illiteracy is one of the biggest plagues in today's Western culture. certai nbooks provoke thought in ways that a movie simply can't. And, movies generally skim over the parts of books that force you to think. And reading expands your vocabulary.
I can see why you might be feeling this way if being forced to read a book you don't like. I've had the same problem once or twice. But you know what? When it's finished you can forget about it if you want. There are many worse things you could be forced to endure.
Huckleberry Finn has a lot of racist remarks because it is set in the South in the 1880's during the period of slavery. It isn't necessarily a reflection of the author's true views. It is a representation of the culture at the time. And again, the reason you read it in class is to get you to think. Believe it or not, racism like that is still major these days. Being a racial minority, I see it myself all the time. Getting people to think about it will hopefully make them stop others from acting that way.
Why I read:
1. Um, not every book has become a movie.
2. Did you know that watching tv shortens your attention span? That makes it harder to concentrate in other parts of life.
3. Maybe if you read, your grammar would improve. Do you know how frustrating it is to try and decipher where your sentences begin and end? And let's not get started on your lack of capitalizaion...
4. How easy is it to hide a tv under the covers at night? A book and flashlight are a lot easier to conceal.
5. It's fun! it seriously is, if you find the right book.
Question: did you know that Blockbuster has a list of criteria a movie must fulfill in order for them to have it on their shelves? Every movie released has to follow the rules for it's genre or Blockbuster won't have it, and the movie basically won't sell. That means one corporation is basically dictating what movies we are allowed to see. If that isn't the first step to world domination, I don't know what is.