Why read books when the movie version is available?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why read books when the movie version is available?
36 answers:
2008-04-02 01:41:57 UTC
Usually the book is better than the movie!

When you read a book, your mind is free to imagine everything: the characters, the places..

In a movie, other persons decide what you see!

A book is always better than a movie! (That's my personal opinion)
2008-04-02 01:42:26 UTC
I take it you have never read a book that has been translated into a movie? You can't even come close to the character development and universal development given in a book in a movie. Plus, the images that you create are yours, and unique. You can read slowly or fast, comprehend everything, and just connect on an emotional level. Movies are great, but books are so much more satisfying, so many more answers to questions. It is not boring to read, on the contrary, it is a way to adventure into realms we never thought possible.

Reading class promotes literacy. It allows for us to have a dignified discussion through text, it allows for you to read and comprehend a newspaper article, and it also helps with conversation in general.
2008-04-02 01:41:19 UTC
because the book has more stories in it

if u saw jurassic park or harry potter try reading one of the books and u will see the difference between books and movies

i saw jurassic park movie and read the book as well and i liked the book better then the movie

u can use ur imgination when ur reading book??
2008-04-02 01:41:10 UTC
The movies are never as good. Books have originality and the author's viewpoint which the movies mostly lack. So its always better and fulfilling to read the book if you want to know the Full story.

Amy W
2008-04-02 01:41:04 UTC
Books are almost always better than the movies!

The people who read are not "bored" reading, they are enjoying it. It is much better to read the book and imagine the scene for yourself.

(BTW, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is not racist. The remarks in the book are to show what it was like then.)
2008-04-02 01:39:55 UTC
Movies cannot cover the entire events mentioned in the book, probably a tv series can.
2008-04-02 02:31:16 UTC
The fun with books is that it lets you use your own imagination. While movies leave nothing for your imagination.

Reading books are like eating a fruit plucked fresh from the garden. While movies are like the food that someone has already chewed for you and ready for you to just gulp.
2008-04-02 01:56:37 UTC
When you read, you recreate the scenes in your mind's eye.

How the characters look, how they sound, are left completely to your imagination. In many cases, you are building your own worlds - just that for the moment, they are being populated by the writer's characters and events.

When you watch the film adaptation, you are watching a story that has already been interpreted by the filmmakers.

The art department decided what the sword, armour, and guns should look like. The director and casting director decided that willy wonka should look like johnny depp, or gene wilder. You're being spoonfed all the visual information, and naturally many details that were in the book have to be scrimped on to fit it within a couple of hours.

Also, it's hard to look at movie adaptations and their source books as the same thing. They both might tell a siimlar story, but they're done differently.

Simply because a novel is written 'internally', where a character's thoughts, actions, and events are privy to the reader. A film, by its nature, is 'external' - only the character's actions and events are seen. (this is also why many movie adaptations use voiceovers to 'cheat' around this.)

to each her/his own. both mediums are powerful in their own right. for many, the romance of being in complete control of their imagination is alluring. others with less time to commit might prefer just getting the story shown dynamically to them in 90 minutes or so.
The Answer
2008-04-02 01:43:09 UTC
Because no matter how good the movie is, it cannot convey the whole message/intention the writer wants to give the audience. Plus, when you read, you dont simply read for the story, you also read for style, word usage, etc. That is: you read to see why a certain piece of literature is so wonderful. Ever wondered why Shakespeare's work are so famous? There's actually nothing special about his stories. It is the way he wrote it that makes all the difference. Being able to go beyond just the story means you are mature in your mind. If you only read a book to know the story then yes the movie is enough, but then a ten-year-old kid can do that too.
2008-04-02 01:43:07 UTC
Good question in AD, i mean, we can read fine so why 4 years of that in high school?
G i R i S h
2008-04-02 01:48:25 UTC
How much can a 1 and a half - 2 hour movie reveal of what's in the Book that's about 500-600 Pages?

Do you just like to get the brief summary from the movie?

Personally, I like reading...

The books for example, Harry Potter books - If you read the books, you will find out that the movies do not have all the details and many things that were in the book are not in the movie.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the longest book in the Series (Books) and the movie was the Shortest in the Harry Potter Series (Movie), so many things were cut out., you see what I mean. Besides the above reasons, most of the people love to read the books.
2008-04-02 01:54:16 UTC
Have you ever seen "Bram Stoker's Dracula"? It's a great movie. And you know what? It's a completely different story than what takes place in the book. The characters are the same, the locations are the same, and much of the dialogue is lifted right out of the book. However, the core premise of the film has nothing at all to do with the book.

Making a really faithful film adaptation of a book is very difficult. Even really great directors have failed. They fail because the film they make is the book filtered through their own eyes and experience. There are some very good film adaptations of books, but they aren't always even the same story.

I understand that reading may not be a pleasure for you, but it is for me. So are films. And I can honestly tell you I have only seen a handful of films which are true to the book in every way. Books are more subtle, and give you room to use your imagination. And the book is usually better than the movie.

The one exception is plays. Movie adaptations of plays are usually accurate, at least as far as dialogue goes, because they don't use a screenplay, they use the stage play for all the dialogue and scenic directions. "The Crucible" with Daniel Day Lewis is a great adaptation, and accurate in all ways. Part of that is because he is married to the daughter of Arthur Miller, the playwright, and wanted it to be accurate, but the bigger part of it is because they didn't have to try and interpret anything. If you pick up the play, all the dialogue and everything else is spelled out for you explicitly. If you wanted to, you could watch the movie and read along as you listened. But that's plays, not movies.

And the reason why you have reading class in high school is because literacy is very important. Despite all the technology available in the world today, the written word is still the most popular, and often the most accurate way of disseminating information. You can get your news off of Yahoo News, but you have to READ it. Good reading skills are necessary in nearly every walk of life, so they want to make sure that when you graduate from high school you are prepared to enter a world where a large amount of the information you will need to live and thrive will be delivered via the written word.
2008-04-02 02:18:01 UTC
Have you ever thought that if there was no book there would never have been the film as well. If the movie producers had as much imagination as the writer, they would have thought out the film plot before the writer did, which is not the case. Anyway, it is always better to get the original version of anything because it is far more imaginative. And since the original of a movie adapted from a book is the book itself, it is more suitable to go for the book.

Besides, while reading a book and watching a movie adapted from it, you will definitely find a world of differences. Some movies do not even portray characters as they are described in the book simply because there are no actors or actresses who can suit these recommendations. Also, you will find that most films are said to be adapted from the book, which means that the film does not follow closely all the details of the book, which is a disadvantage. Movie producers have to follow certain restrictions when making a film, including elements like the tight time-frame and it is not always possible for them to produce the book exactly as it has been written.

You said it yourself, why read for hours when the movie is shorter. The fact is that something spread over hours is generally more enjoyable than something done too quickly and which is over before we have the time to start enjoying it.

Everybody has his taste, so it really is no problem if someone prefers a book to its movie. On the cotrary such people deserve praise for they still give importance to books. Reading is indeed becoming an obsolete practice. I am myself an incurable bookworm.

Reading class is part of the school curriculum to encourage students like you, who do not like reading books, to start liking them. I assure you that this does not come easy to some. I myself hated to read until the age of ten when a friend lent me 'Black Beauty' by Anna Sewell. I love animals and this is one of the reasons why the book influenced me so very much, so much so that I have not given up or even been remotely bored with books since then.

Reading in spare time is a choice many people opt for. The reason why reading class is obligatory is precisely because it is generally known that pupils will hardly ever devote their spare time to reading.

It is hard to read when you do not like it, but there are some books that could make you love books like The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. You could even go for fairy tales and children's stories by the Grimm brothers, Hans Anderson and Charles Perrault in spite of the fact that you are no longer a child. I still enjoy these stories because thay recall happy memories.

I did not mean to preach, but I'm sorry if I did and anyway, I sure hope this helps!
dark flower
2008-04-02 02:57:28 UTC
People should read for a number of reasons. The least of all being, it makes you smarter. Some people aren't bored when they're reading. They're very attuned to what's written on the page, and if it's well written, it can transport you to whatever world you're reading about. You can become friends with the characters in a way. Not to mention, it can help your spelling and grammar, by the way yours is atrocious. Maybe you ought to find books in a genre (subject) that you're interested in. Like sci-fi? Try vampires, werewolves, or outer space stuff. The possibilities are limitless when you read. Where as movies, are just getting dumber all the time. Look at how many of them are remakes. More than you think. Pick up a book and read, it won't hurt you.
2008-04-02 02:49:01 UTC
1. I do both, but if there is a movie and I haven't read the book yet, I watch the movie first. I'm less dissappointed that way.

2. If the book is good enough it doesn't feel like hours. You end up reading a few pages before going to bed, get really into the story, and all of a sudden it's time to get up for work.

3. A movie is fine, but if you really want to get into character motivation or background, sometimes you just have to read the book. The movie won't always go into that kind of stuff unless it's a miniseries or something of the kind.

4. Have you ever noticed that in Historical dramas the main characters or the "good guys" always have the best teeth? That's because you're seeing someone else's vision of what they think the characters should look like. That vision belongs to someone trying to lure people into a movie theater. Even if the character is described as good looking in the book it's usually a let down when you see the character on screen because you have your own image imbeded in your brain and it just doesn't mesh with what you're seeing.

5. Reading isn't like algebra. Trust me. You will need it, even if only to read the warning labels on the backs of medicine bottles. You say you hate this reading class of yours? Try a little experimentation...(wiggles eyebrows) get you into the mood. Go to the library and search through the stacks. Find at least one book in every genre. Romance, thriller, science fiction, horror, a combination of each, etc. It doesn't have to be Shakespear. Then read the first chapter of each. If any of these books grabs your fancy, try reading it all the way through. If not, try another genre or if you really have a short attention span, try getting a book on tape. Sometimes it's easier to listen to the story than it is to read it.

6. Reading isn't just something I do in my spare time. It's my drug of choice.
2008-04-02 02:04:37 UTC
Books usually give more information to the story, and I'm guessing the reason for reading class is because when you read your brain works harder. People have different Interests. America wants us to be smart so thats also probably why the reading class is required. Now for the movie; sometimes it changes the story some, or almost completely. Sometimes when if the book comes out first, Readers who have read the book may have enjoyed it. And watching the movie may have made the experience they felt when they read it better or worse. Basically, it's all just a certain point of view; some people may like reading and not movies, or vice versa. So there both out there. And sometimes the movie makes it easier to understand.
2008-04-02 01:55:26 UTC
Often times, the movie adaption either leaves out important details (Harry Potter series, Lord of the Ring series), adds unnecessary scenes that are not in the book (Cat in the Hat, Rebeca of Sunnybrook Farm) , or just plain stinks and should have been left alone (Flowers in the Attic, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas).

Why do you assume that people are bored when they read? Some people LIKE absorbing a story longer than an hour and a half.
2008-04-02 03:24:39 UTC
Quote: "Personally i dont like reading but people who do why read and be bored staring at a book for hours instead of watching a movie?"

One question: you've just acknowleged that ther are people who do like to read. You don't like to read because it bores you. Isn't the obvious mental conclusion that people who like to read don't get bored by it? Just asking.

There are some movies based on books I've read that I seriously didn't like. When you read, you get to imagine all the characters and the voices and scenes, but in movies, you're confined to the director's 'vision' for the story.

Many people who say they don't like to read just haven't found the right book yet. I personally don't see how sitting still and staring at a screen is much different from sitting still and staring at a page. There are boring books just as there are boring movies. But there are also some really great books out there.

One alternative to actually reading the book is listening to the audiobook. I have recently discovered audiobooks, and I love them. But they do require a lot of concentration, so if your mind tends to wander, they can be difficult.

Reading and writing are neccessary skills, and practice does make perfect. Illiteracy is one of the biggest plagues in today's Western culture. certai nbooks provoke thought in ways that a movie simply can't. And, movies generally skim over the parts of books that force you to think. And reading expands your vocabulary.

I can see why you might be feeling this way if being forced to read a book you don't like. I've had the same problem once or twice. But you know what? When it's finished you can forget about it if you want. There are many worse things you could be forced to endure.

Huckleberry Finn has a lot of racist remarks because it is set in the South in the 1880's during the period of slavery. It isn't necessarily a reflection of the author's true views. It is a representation of the culture at the time. And again, the reason you read it in class is to get you to think. Believe it or not, racism like that is still major these days. Being a racial minority, I see it myself all the time. Getting people to think about it will hopefully make them stop others from acting that way.

Why I read:

1. Um, not every book has become a movie.

2. Did you know that watching tv shortens your attention span? That makes it harder to concentrate in other parts of life.

3. Maybe if you read, your grammar would improve. Do you know how frustrating it is to try and decipher where your sentences begin and end? And let's not get started on your lack of capitalizaion...

4. How easy is it to hide a tv under the covers at night? A book and flashlight are a lot easier to conceal.

5. It's fun! it seriously is, if you find the right book.

Question: did you know that Blockbuster has a list of criteria a movie must fulfill in order for them to have it on their shelves? Every movie released has to follow the rules for it's genre or Blockbuster won't have it, and the movie basically won't sell. That means one corporation is basically dictating what movies we are allowed to see. If that isn't the first step to world domination, I don't know what is.
2008-04-02 04:23:32 UTC
Movies are nothing to books! a movie cannot hope to cover the scope a book can. And a book interpretation is personal, it gives u a change to create the world for yourself instead of being fed every detail of how someone else sees it.

Why would u waste 2 hours of ur life sitting in front of a glowing screen when u could be immersed in a book and your imagination!

And you have reading classes to improve your communication skills.
2008-04-02 04:05:12 UTC
Are you kidding? Books are so much better, there is so much more detail, so much for your imagination to feed off. The book is ALWAYS better than the movie, only amazing books get made into movies and usually they can't do them justice with special effects and stuff. (LOTR exception)

Granted though, I think it takes someone with a strong creative mind and vivid imagination to be able to really truly appreciate books. I think you just haven't read a fantastic book yet, once you do you'll be hooked. The high school reading material is usually quite outdated... go to Borders and check out the Sci-Fi and Fantasy/Horror section - there will be no boredom!

Once you get used to the slower pace of a book, it's very relaxing and it's so good for your mind and your vocabulary. It's an important skill for you to learn, to be able to read a text and be able to analyse what's being expressed and conveyed. As you become an adult, it will be crucial that you have good reading and writing skills for pretty much every profession you might decide to go into.
Older and Wiser
2008-04-02 01:43:03 UTC
For your information, people in white collar careers do have to read. With that said, books exercise the creative side of your brain. Books provide more detail than any movie could ever have. The books and the movies for the Lord of the Rings is remarkably similar; however, the books actually has you looking through the eyes of Frodo and sparks your imagination. I loved the books, but the movies didn't do it for me. They were a one time watch.
2008-04-02 04:43:54 UTC
Since you say you don't like reading I will try to keep this short. MAYBE you just haven't found a book that holds your interest. My sister always claimed to hate reading until I found a book for her that she couldn't put down. It captures you and holds you and you have to know what happens next. That's how it should be when you read a book. I know I haven't exactly answered your question but enough other people have, and they are ALL right. Books are generally better than the movies.
Celtic Dragon
2008-04-02 01:42:21 UTC
The movie is never as good as the book! Of course, this is coming from an avid reader! I won't see a movie until I've read the book, I don't want to be subject to another's interpretation!

I know many who never read, beyond the sports page, and I often think how dreary their lives must be! They're not much in the conversation department either!

Yet, I understand your each his own!
Edith Anne
2008-04-02 15:01:01 UTC
"Reading isn't just something I do in my spare time. It's my drug of choice."

Thanks karmagirl - that may be the best thought I've read all day!

Why should you read? Books like Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 can give you a glimpse of what we would be like if we didn't seek knowledge on our own but only accepted what we saw on TV, in the movies, or on the web.

I agree with most of the folks here - movies are someone's interpretation of a book and not often incomplete. "The Neverending Story" is one of my favorite books, the movie version just doesn't compare.

I want to see things and understand them the way the author wanted me to - not the way someone else wants me to understand it. You need to find the right kind of books for you. My sister and I would devour any sci/fi, fantasy or mystery novel we could get our hands on, but my brother hated to read until he discovered war novels (navy, army, whatever military he could get). He went on to become a Lt. in the Navy.

Do you want life spoon-fed to you or do you want to expand your universe the way YOU want to?

BTW, if you read all of Huck Finn ?tam Sawyer, you will begin to understand the culture and the changes that were happening in society at the times Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) wrote his books.

And truly - once you find a book that sucks you in, you never notice how quickly time flies!
2008-04-02 07:29:02 UTC
The books have so many more details. Exspecially in longer books, that they turn into the Golden Compass and Harry Potter.

Also..they books let you think for yourself, you get to imagine the characters...with a movie you see everything, nothing is left to the imagination.

I love to watch movies, but most of the time I like to read the book first. I never used to like to read either, but now I love to.

I hope I helped. = )
2008-04-02 01:47:25 UTC
Well, generally, the book is more full of information, and tells you more about the story. The background is more fleshed out, and you get a more in-depth understanding of everything. Of course, to each their own, but if you see a movie, read the book, and watch the movie again, you'll find there's usually a lot missing.
2008-04-02 02:49:13 UTC
being forced to do something, its inevitable you will hate what you are reading. i enjoy literature though because there are so many hidden messages and by the sounds of it you have the ability to uncover them. reading is very enjoyable as long as the genre is right. for example you may enjoy biographies of sportsmen more if your a football fan. i like reading books because its always better than the film. i read captain corellis mandolin and loved it. i cried and cried because you feel their pain, you read about the characters lives long enough, so you feel like you know them. bare with me I'm not some emotional sap. the film however did not even touch the greatness of the book. its hard to explain, not everyone likes reading but if you find an author you like who is funny and writes about things your interested in, only then will you appreciate books.
2008-04-02 02:13:23 UTC
very few movie are anything like the book. I listened to the audio book " I Robot" but only one of the many stories in it was in the movie.

One of my math teachers said English was the most important topic because you can read the instructions in the math book.

Isn't it your free time now and are you not reading?
2008-04-02 01:45:38 UTC

basically reading activity is activating more cell in our brain rather than watching activity..

besides, by reading, you can broaden your imagination..

for example if in the book said:

"she feels her first touch with the earth, and thinks..'the short green grass with its fresh smell giggling my bare foot'."

then one may imagine, that the grass is usual garden grass, or one else says it as a light green grass, or else other may say that the grass is dark green..

and the foot of the woman is long and slim, so smooth.., or other may picture it as a rather long and skanky foot...

but in the movie, that beautiful words is directly tranlsated to a picture of a woman standing in a grass,.., that's all..

the viewers and the readers must feel a different emotion..

try it..

though it takes hours to read and an our or two to watch the movie, but the satisfaction is indeed greater on those hours spending on reading..

2008-04-02 01:40:57 UTC
i like reading bcos it's not like tv. the sound, d flash, everything just tormant d eye, eyes need rest too. n reading a book is not that boring. i can read hrs after hrs. but now a days im busy with my work, don't get that much time.
2008-04-02 01:47:12 UTC
I like to think my imagination is more vivid than any Hollywood producers', conceited though that may be. I also think if you enjoy reading it isn't boring.

Literacy is important for everyone because it allows you to be informed and express an opinion. Just think - if you were unable to read, you wouldn't be able to use this site..
2008-04-02 01:40:46 UTC
becuase what you get out of a movie isn't as good as a book. A book has more detail.
2008-04-02 01:38:50 UTC
It's something you need to do.

Countries full of people who can't read are subject to worse propaganda and they have nothing else to go on.
2008-04-05 23:22:17 UTC
book is better than movie because reading books have their own enjoyment.
2008-04-02 02:39:41 UTC
reading is thousand times better than watching enhances your creativity...and ..there are so many good things abt reading.......can't finish in just this much space...
Suresh M
2008-04-02 01:40:21 UTC
They have the capacity to intertain as well as to change your life.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.