1. The Bible
2. To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee
3. The Diary of Anne Frank
4. Exodus- Leon Uris
5. The Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck
6. The Jungle- Upton Sinclair
7. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn- Betty Smith
8. The Notebook- Nicholas Sparks
9. Cry the Beloved Country- Alan Paton
10. A Lesson Before Dying- Ernest J. Gaines
11. The Fountainhead- Ayn Rand
NOTE: Most of these are classics and some are considered to be women's fiction, at least by certain groups. Still, in my opinion they are all well-written novels. A lot of it will depend on your boyfriend's specific interest. For example, you mentioned he's a deep thinker but you did not mention interests, hobbies, etc... Ultimately, you will make the final determination. I think he'll be so touched by the gesture he probably won't know what to say anyway.
Hope this helps.