2010-12-19 00:05:59 UTC
Please, something gripping - captivating - with a 'best-book-I-ever-read' feeling. Nothing ancient and sleep-inducing like LOTR/Dune. I don't mind the Sci-Fi, if it's not too Sci. Nothing for children(twilight), please, like HP or Percy J or Earthsea... No romance (sword of truth - richard-kahlan)
Doesn't have to be very long. Doesn't have to be epic fantasy. Modern fantasy is good, if it's good. With some comedy, doesn't have to be funny ha-ha, sarcastic funny or ironic funny is good too. Some politcal intrigue is nice, (still nothing like Dune where I feel like I'm memorizing a constitution of intergalactic relations), elves are always good, no dwarfs/gnome/goblins as main protagonist.
Some violence... gore...so on is good but not cumposlory... I should probably give a list of things i've tried...
GRRM; Rothfuss; Mistborn; Runelords; Gunslinger; tithe; Anne Rice before she went religious/blasphemous; wilbur smith; the briar king thing...sword of red ice or the books about the different colour ice with Rafe; coldfire...
Near the bottom line - anything approaching song of ice and fire goodness to hold over till when? 25/12/2012? Please!
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! Help Me!! Not twilight! And not Vampire diaries neither!