2012-08-11 13:21:27 UTC
~For other writers~
1) How do you weave in character description? I know many people do not like having a paragraph of description just being listed off as it slows the plot and isn't needed. It also doesn't stick in the reader's mind... so it's unimportant and just takes them off topic. Now I would like to describe a bit of my character, but in a way where it weaves and flows with the story at hand. Maybe a small description of his hair color here and a sentence about his eyes in another chapter. You know... just so they can get a feel of the character. How would I make it blend?
2) Do I map out everything before I write or just go at it? I heard that when you have writer's block that you should just get a blank page and scribble down every possible thing in your head. I did that and I have a nice story coming along. Should I stop writing like that and plan out my story step by step or just keep winging it?
3) How to get an idea for a fiction novel. I don't want to take ideas from others. For example if I do wizards, I feel like I'm copying Harry Potter. If I do vampires I feel like I'm copying Twilight. I know it will sound different, have a different story, and it will be my view of it, but I would like a totally new idea. One that is creative, but not totally insane and silly.
4) Description! Do I describe the surroundings and like everything that's happening a lot or just in a couple of sentences to keep the plot moving. This is different than the character description because the character description totally stops the plot whereas this will kinda flow better. How should I describe it too?
~For other readers~
1) How do you like your descriptions? Long and blocky, where they halt the plot for awhile or weaved in subtly?
3) What type of stories do you like to read? Fictions, non-fictions, do you like magic or keeping it real? Just give me opinions!!
4) What descriptions do you like? Long flowery descriptions describing everything vividly or just a couple of sentences here and there?
Now believe me, I'm not clueless on this, I was just hoping for advice and different opinions. If you have any other tips on novels or fictions please feel free to tell them! Thank you!!