I'm pretty sure you can get these books in a library. Also, most are available on Amazon and e-book sites which are the least expensive.
Nokosee: Rise of the New Seminole by Micco Mann is a love story interspersed with murders, decapitations, alligator wrestling and the Texas two-step to name just a few unpredictable incidents. The love story is submerged and grows naturally. It has the defiant voice of a 17 year old girl who manages to overcome everything thrown at her in the course of the novel which is a lot-- and she does it in a way that would make all girls proud-- not in a superhuman way or through the assistance of some heroic act of a man but via her own means.
Nokosee: Rise of the New Seminole by Micco Mann. It has the defiant voice of a 17 year old girl who manages to overcome everything thrown at her in the course of the novel which is a lot-- and she does it in a way that would make all girls proud-- not in a superhuman way or through the assistance of some heroic act of a man but via her own means.
Cherry by Mary Karr. A memoir about teens, sex, drugs and growing up in rural Texas as told through the gritty, beautiful prose of one of America's best writers. It's a book every teen girl should read. If the opening paragraph doesn't do it for you, nothing will (you can read it on the Amazon link below).
The Liar's Club by Mary Karr. Another moving memoir recounting her earlier years (you should probably read this one first and then Cherry).
Think of this as Greek mythology lite (less gods, more filling): The King Must Die by Mary Renault. Set in ancient Greece it follows Theseus on a journey of discovery while painting a vivid picture of the times. Loved the descriptions of young uninhibited Greeks running buck naked up hills and through forests and making love among the flowers. The scenes of naked teens jumping bulls with back flips cries out for a cinematic interpretation. Ms. Renault's written a series of historical novels set in this period and all of them are so worthy.
The People by Zenna Henderson are psychically gifted extraterrestrials who look like humans. They become stranded on Earth after their starship crashes during a space migration they refer to as the Crossing. What transpires is an engaging look at us meeting them in a desert town in Arizona. The series inspired Francis Ford Coppola's legendary 1972 TV movie starring Kim Darby and William Shatner. I say "legendary" because it hasn't been officially released as a DVD and only exists as a subpar, blurry VHS memory (http://www.amazon.com/People-1972-USA-Ki… That's too bad because from what I heard from people who saw the original on TV nearly 40 years ago , it was magical-- just like the books.