People like this see a paycheck or fame, but not the joy that comes with writing a novel or short story. There is no way anyone can understand unless they try, and too many people are too damn lazy/ignorant to even contemplate "wasting their time on a book"!
Do ask how this makes sense i ntheir heads, because I don't see how you can possibly expect to become rich or famous without actual work. In fact, very few writers make enough money to quit their day job. It irks me to no end that someone can expect this! They have NO IDEA what writers go through. Aside from the fact that not every writer gets published, it is very hard to complete a good novel.
Writers suffer; they thrive on cafine and work long hours everyday in order to finish that next chapters, or flesh out that flat character. Although you sit down and type, the creative process is often a grueling one, and can leave you so frustraited you want to rip your hair out. Writing, for me at least, is 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration, and 100% editing. Yes, editing is the hardest, if not most important, part.
It is embarrasing to think that people claim to have the patience, dedications, and adoration for writing it takes to be a writer. No lie, it takes much, much more, but if you aren't born with those traits, you weren't born to be a writer. They lie. You cannot love writing until you have cried over that beautiful passage, beat your keyboard, spent time with characters you love and are annoyed by, and WROTE!
Hope I helped to some degree,