Writers: How would you feel if one of your characters became the object of teenage lust?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Writers: How would you feel if one of your characters became the object of teenage lust?
28 answers:
2011-01-19 07:37:27 UTC
My main character's 14 and female, so it would be a bit weird :) One of the male characters? Honestly, it wouldn't worry me that much. I'm a fanfic writer. I write about characters who vast numbers of people lust over already. Two of them frequently have extremely explicit slash written involving them. That isn't how I see them, so that isn't how I write them.

BQ: I was about seven when my best friend went away to boarding school, and we started writing little stories to one another. About nine when I started writing fanfic. I started writing the fanfic because I was a real loner at school so I wrote about my favourite characters being friends with me and _not_ thinking I was a freak for liking maths :)

BQ2: Reading and fantasising about what her life would have been like if the world had been different.

BQ3: I'd go get one of my backup copies. The only thing which could take out _all_ my backups would be something so catastrophic I wouldn't have time to write anyway.
2011-01-19 07:31:56 UTC
I'd be surprised. It would certainly prove my current opinion of many teenagers--that they want beauty over brains. I couldn't imagine anyone being obsessed with the kind of stupid idiots I create.

BQ: I don't know...I just starting making plots and short stories in about eight grade, but didn't become serious until about tenth grade.

BQ2: Falcon practises his mastery of the sword.

BQ3: Thank you, System Restore. (I have savepoints of every day for the last seven days.) :-D
2011-01-19 07:31:10 UTC
The most teen-friendly male character in my book is gay. I can see girls wanting him to be their best friend, but I don't think he'd be an object of teenage lust. The only other male character is not at all good-looking and is well into his 30s, but there's probably a certain sort of teenage girl who might find him attractive in a quirky way. Not, however, the type of girls who like Edward Cullen, and not in any great numbers.

I wouldn't be disgusted - more just amused. I once read an interview with JK Rowling where a few fans said they liked Snape, and she found it funny, which is probably how I'd react if girls liked this character.

BQ: According to my mother, I was three. I don't really remember that, but I have always enjoyed writing stories and it was always my favourite thing to do. When I was at infant school (age 4-7) and we had free time to choose what we wanted to do, I always chose to write a story.

BQ2: She likes reading, wildlife and old films. She also likes singing, but she never does it unless she's sure that nobody can hear her.

BQ3: Spitting mad, but I'd start all over again (and back up this time).
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2011-01-19 11:03:08 UTC
I don't really know how I'd react. At first I might like it, but then I'd get annoyed.

BQ: 7 I think. I wanted to write my favorite TV show with me as the main character.

BQ2: Swimming

BQ3: Honestly, the novel I'm writing right now is a piece of crap. It's more like an emotional outlet at the moment. I wouldn't be too distressed.
2011-01-19 08:10:20 UTC
Oh my. "Edward Cullen status" is a high ranking, though I don't understand why -____-

Um, I suppose I would be sad, because my character deserves true love and that's what she's been searching for practically her entire life.

BQ: I suppose it started in the first grade, when I had to write a "book". I got an A and it made me feel good, so I re-wrote it, and re-wrote it, then eventually started writing my own stories (:

BQ2: Well, she plays volleyball, but she secretly loves the baseball games her Dad and her best friend drag her too <3

BQ3: I write everything down on paper as I go along, then transfer it onto the computer. So I'd be thankful I was smart enough to do it :D HEHE.

This was fun. Thanks <3
2011-01-19 07:37:09 UTC
I'd feel mixed emotions. Disgusted because it's like you know the characters, and that they're yours and nobody else's, but also kinda happy that people like them and are attracted to them even though they are fictional characters, but still. Yeah. I guess I wouldn't be too happy about it but I wouldn't care enough to go on a complete rage. xD

BQ: As soon as I knew how to speak. I would just write random things, then about the age of five I used to write short stories. I started because...I don't know. Something about writing just makes me happy and it's as if it's my own little world I can just make things up how I want to...It's a magical experience :3

BQ2: Singing. She sings all the time. Not with people around, she's cautious, but honestly? She just gets carried away with herself and never stops. Something about singing makes her happy :P She's always caught singing lullabies which are years old, but people are literally fixated on her voice. She likes playing the piano too, but once her mother died she just hasn't had the courage to play anymore, because it was her mother's piano.

BQ3: I would be so....Gah! I would go crazy! First off, I would start in a total rage, then start crying from anger, and then realize I have backup. And then cuss at myself for being so stupid. :)
2011-01-19 07:25:12 UTC
I would laugh out loud if I created the lesbian Edward Cullen (most likely), unless they became sex objects.

BQ: 17. I ran into someone online who wrote, and he got me into it.

BQ2: Siren reads; Diven enjoys talking with others and hunting.

BQ3: I would probably... cry. :'(
★☆ L⁴☆★
2011-01-19 07:23:40 UTC
I would be flattered, but at the same time a little weirded out. That was not the original intention of creating said character.

BQ: I honestly can't remember. I know I wrote stories back in grade school, only for fun. I became Sirius about writing over the past six years, however. I saw it as a craft instead of just a fun pastime.

BQ2: Daydreaming and walking around while musing.

BQ3: I would probably throw a fit beyond all fits, to be honest. Overreact will be tame compared to what I'd do.
2011-01-19 07:23:11 UTC
I don't really know that much... I guess I'd feel kinda disgusted, cause your characters are practically your family... but I'd also feel quite proud :)

^^ Are we meant to answer the other questions... I will anyways ;)

I was about 10 i think... Cause I wanted to let out my feeling more and stuff...


I would... probably punch something... then scream... and then eat loooaaadddss of chocolate to make me feel better :) Then I'd have to go to the hospital to get my hand bandaged probably... :L
2011-01-19 08:22:06 UTC
I'd feel really weird about that. I suppose it would be better than Edward, though - my character's love interest is a generally good guy who's supportive, respectful, and fun. Even my antagonist is a better person than Edward. I'd rather have young girls idolize a kind of old-fashioned gentleman who's in a healthy relationship than a controlling, emotionally abusive stalker. I guess I'm okay with it...

BQ: I was thirteen, and my schoolteachers had confiscated all my books because I kept reading in class. So I started writing my own stories, which looks a lot like taking notes and is unlikely to get confiscated.

BQ2: She loves to dance. It's in her genes.

BQ3: I'd be crushed, of course, but I back everything up, so I'd be able to get it all back. That's happened to me before without a backup, and I lost everything. Writers, please back up your work! Get a dropbox account, it's brilliant!
DNA - Countdown
2011-01-19 09:48:31 UTC
Ooh, interesting. I think I'd be flattered because to know that someone is thinking about *your* character is quite cool, and, at least your character was memorable.

BQ: How old were you when you started writing? Why did you start? I only seriously started writing about two/three years ago. I guess I started because I felt... not like an outsider, but nearly. So I created characters that I could relate to, and it kind of spiraled on from there.

BQ2: What's your main character's favourite pastime?

Sports, any kind of running.

BQ3: How would you react if you opened your novel tomorrow to write some more, only to find it had been deleted? I would be momentarily confused, then go on a rampage to find out who deleted it without very satisfying results, lol.

Good q's xx
Alyssa Rose
2011-01-19 09:04:53 UTC
What an interesting question, I mean I think I'd be utterly surprised at first. It's hard to tell if I would like it or hate it - after all, the character is created by me, he's made of my thoughts and dreams and would be odd to see millions of people to lust after him.

BQ: I was young but I'm not sure how young. I still remember how slow it was to type - I was still learning how to use a computer. I wanted to give something for my friends so I actually copied a story from a children's book and wrote that. After that I started writing my own stories.

BQ2: Avoiding responsibilities at the moment.

B3: Well that's just an evil question! At first I'd feel angry at myself, then sad and after throwing something through the window I'd realise that the end of the world has come. No biggie.
2011-01-21 18:05:35 UTC
I'd feel a bit.. well odd. It would be weird to be walking around and seeing fan girls wearing shirts with my male characters faces on them and be arguing over "who's the hottest and sexiest character."

It would be even more weird to find out if guys were masturbating whilst reading about my female main characters.. O_o

I would let it go though, just some odd teenage phases.

BQ: 10. I started writing officially then when my grandfather died. I wanted an escape and I'd always wanted to write a story when at younger age, and at that time I felt like it's was my moment. Now I'm many years older and look back at that as my biggest accomplishment.

BQ2: My MC female Elisabeth enjoys making healing potions being a healer, making perfumes and reading.

BQ3: I would punch the computer.
The Witch-king of Angmar
2011-01-21 13:04:33 UTC
I would be proud, to a certain extent, but I'd also be really creeped out. To think that the character I spent years digging up every little detail on, getting to know, and writing a story about is now on teenage girls' bedroom walls... *Shudders* I don't like to think about that much, seeing as I consider my characters family, and having my family up on teenage girls' walls... O.o

BQ1: I was around 7 when I started writing _actual_ stories. I'd always had a good imagination, and I guess I just needed an outlet. :3 I had been scribbling on pages when I was as young as 3 and 4 though; my parents think this was my early story-writing stage.

BQ2: My main character's favorite pastime... Hanging out with friends. :)

BQ3: If I only had one copy of the story, I'd be REALLY freaked out. However, considering I'm paranoid (thus, have 3 copies of the book in different places), I wouldn't be freaked out unless I realized that every single one was deleted.

2011-01-19 08:38:48 UTC
Alex, the teen heartthrob...that would be weird. xD

He's average looking, but jovial and friendly so I wouldn't be very surprised if people did like the character. It'd be rather odd if they "luvd" him and went all fangirl, though.

I honestly don't know how I would feel. I suppose I'd feel alright if they liked the character but a little amused if they went all "I wanna marry him!". Hell, there isn't much I can do about it, is there?

BQ: Hm, I've been writing for a while, but only started writing seriously around my 15th birthday, so almost two years.

BQ2: She doesn't really have a lot of free time, but when she does, she prefers to just hang out with Mark or Alex.

BQ3: It's happened to me before with my story 'Eyes in the sky'. I now backup everything.

But when it did happen, I flipped out. However, that story wasn't very well written and I'm now re-writing it.
2011-01-19 16:50:52 UTC
First, I'd be happy that people like my characters. However, I'd be unhappy as well, since this would show that readers cared more about my characters' appearances than the actual writing.

BQ: Around eight or nine. Why did I start writing? There's no specific person or experience that made me want to write, it's simply because I like to read.

BQ2: Listening to the radio.

BQ3: I would be furious!! After I get over the immediate feeling of rage, I'd attempt to re-write everything from memory...even though it won't be as fun the second time through. :(
2011-01-19 23:37:42 UTC
Definitely disgusted. My main character is ten years old. . . If she was older, say sixteen or older, I wouldn't really mind. Teens can drool over teens.

BQ: I started last September and I'm fifteen. I started writing stories when I was in first grade. My reason? I wanted to be an author.

BQ2: Playing games like Hide and Seek. She's good at hiding, even though her shadow gets in the way.

BQ3: I would freak out. Then remember, thankfully, I have copies of my notes everywhere.
2011-01-21 19:21:20 UTC
Haha I think I would kinda love it, but dislike it all the same. Love it because then I would know that I have succeeded in creating a great character that people would want to be real, if that makes sense. I would dislike it because my characters feel real to me, I have connection with every one of them and it would just trigger something if I found that out.

I've been writing for as long as I can remember. As a child, I'd always write short stories that for me now, seem to be rather good for what my age was. I can't remember why I started writing, the urge has always been in me. I guess I was just 'born' with the feeling of wanting to write. If that makes sense haha I can't really explain it.

Usually my man characters enjoy writing, playing an instrument, hanging out with their mates, sometimes computer.

That has happened to me and I actually cried. I felt like screaming and as if I wanted to give up.
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2011-01-19 11:17:49 UTC
O.o and then i just chundered everywharrrr. lulz. I would feel the character isn't being taken seriously. The characters have views and emotions and there the girls are to just talk about how hot he is or whatever. I would hate it. But then again it would feel good my character is liked- ive always wanted that.

BQ: Primary school; teach told us to write a story about... something. It went on the wall. Parent's evening my mom and teach had a serious coversation about how i had a "gift". Back then i didn't realise i was good. People had to tell me- i just thought it was that easy for everyone. Call me arrogant if you want, i just did it because i liked to hear people telling me it was good.

BQ2: crying or watching tv- doing things normal teen girls do :P

BQ3: i had that not long ago... my comp crashed and i opened it and my first words were: "oh. my . god!" and then it got louder and louder until it was a cussing fest. Then i realised it wasn't deleated after all... :P
2011-01-19 11:28:05 UTC
Disgusted to say the least.

Most of my main characters are smart, headstrong girls who don't follow the "trends".

1. I was seven when I wrote my first story.

2. I've started writing over thirty books and haven't finished one, but if I had to choose a main character.. I'd pick Molly. Her favorite past time is tumbling with her best friend.

3. I'd be lost.

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2011-01-19 07:39:01 UTC
I think it would be flattering, but at the same time, I would be really...freaked out? I don't know; it just seems weird. Unless I created the character to be said object, of course.

BQ1: Twelve or thirteen, I think. That's when we started learning how to write (like poems, etc) in my school district and I just took to it.

BQ2: Drinking excessively whenever there's ale or whiskey around.

BQ3: The same as I've felt every time that's happened - AUGH!! KHSKL(&WY$IHWL#(@#^@! And then I would find my last saved copy on another drive somewhere and re-write what was missing.
2011-01-19 08:51:30 UTC
I'd feel DEAD ANNOYED but wouldn't say anything. To be honest with you, I've never felt any lust over a character in a story because they aren't real people and I don't expect anyone to feel the same way, and if they do, then that's just taking the piss.

BQ: I was seven. My first story was based on a game I played with my cousins, 'twas HIGHLY clichèd, and I did a lot of self-insertion.

BQ2: I guess annoying his best-friend, really.

BQ3: I would be _so_ pissed -_-
pj m
2011-01-19 08:22:53 UTC

That could only happen if the "author" decided to become an object of teenage lust, since the author is all his/her characters.

BQ: How old were you when you started writing? Why did you start?

I was around 52 I would say. I Loved the horror genre and decided to try my hand at it.

BQ2: What's your main character's favourite pastime?

It all depends on what pastime I decide to give my character(s).

BQ3: How would you react if you opened your novel tomorrow to write some more, only to find it had been deleted?

I wouldn't be very happy at all. However, my books and stories as ALWAYS backed up. Only a fool would leave their work on a hard drive only.

2011-01-19 07:46:39 UTC
Oh dear god. I would be in fear. Freakish fear. I mean, it would be kinda awesome to have that much hysteria about something I wrote, but at the same time, it would be fear creeping through my skin. I don't know if I could handle that...

BQ: Um... I'm not entirely sure. I've always done poetry since I was a little kid and I did like writing for myself-just for fun-when I was younger too. But I think really really starting to write was about ten years ago. I've always loved writing and figured why not? Even though I can't spell and probably don't know much about writing, it's something I like doing.

BQ2: Um.. haven't thought about it. :\

BQ3: Pissed off cause I'm getting close to finishing it. I think I need to go save it on a separate disk now...
2011-01-19 21:03:17 UTC
Um... I think I'd be amazed. Weirded. But like it.

BQ: 14. I started because I was doing a lot of roleplaying at the time. Doing them got me interested in creating my own plot and story.

BQ2: Dancing.

BQ3: I'd die!
2011-01-20 16:14:01 UTC
It'd be pretty screwed up. I would feel disgusted.

BQ: I started when I was 11

BQ2: Controlling the stars

BQ3: I would die
2011-01-21 13:47:13 UTC
awkward. Very Awkward
2011-01-19 08:31:50 UTC
I would laugh until I cried, literally.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.