2010-04-28 04:18:28 UTC
By the way, the first two and half sentences were written by the main character to make the beginning a bit more interesting for the audience to read.
He's been watching her for days and days on end, sitting in the same exact spot every single time, carefully taking notes on everything about her. Today was the day. The day he was going to... Zach dropped the pen down on the table and sighed as he scrubbed his hand over his face. He sat there for a few moments with his head in his hands, taking deep breaths. For some reason, he just couldn't get in the mood to write. Suddenly, he felt a presence at the table, a figure hovering over him, breathing down his neck. He turned around slowly to see a woman standing there, a huge smile on her face. Zach gave her a small grin back and rolled his eyes as he switched back to his original position. He picked the pen back up and wanted to start letting the words flow, but the girl sitting down in the seat across from him was distracting. "Hey, you wanna go on the boat with me and my brother?" He winced at her incorrect grammar. How strange was it that this random girl was just coming up to him and asking to go on boat rides?
Zach glanced back up from his paper, but didn't respond. He didn't know what he was supposed to say to a beautiful girl like the one in front of him. He began to tap his pen multiple times and his face fell when he realized his paper was covered with small, blue dots. "Is that a yes or a no?" The girl inquired, imitating a balance beam. He guessed it must have looked like he was weighing the pros and cons in his mind, but, in truth, he had absolutely no idea what the hell was going on.
"Uh...," was all he could manage to get out. He scrunched up his face when he thought about his response and internally cursed at himself for being an idiot. He wanted to ask her who she was and what exactly she wanted, but he figured that would be too straightforward.
"Ah, you're one of those nervous guys, aren't ya?" She popped her bubble gum after she was done talking. "Well, don't you worry, I won't let the big fish eat you." What the hell was going on? When he didn't reply again, she said, "Okay...still no talking. Fine, I'll do it like this: Hi, I'm Claire." Claire stuck out her hand, but he didn't shake it. Something odd was going on and he prayed it was something that wouldn't end badly for him. "This is usually the part where you shake my hand." That time, Zach gulped and shook it, his own hand trembling as they touched. He watched her pull her hand back and his eyes widened when he thought he did something wrong.
"Zach," he croaked.
Can you pull out any character traits from what you just read above? If so, what are they?
Also, what do you think of it so far? I know it's not very good. It's a very rough draft of the beginning and I'm just trying to get my ideas down.
Thanks! I appreciated it!