I would like to read a good fantasy series - can you help me find one?
2007-01-09 17:46:04 UTC
I have not read a fantasy book in a very long time! As an adult I reread The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and the Chronicles of Narnia - and that is about it for my adult reading of fantasy! (I read more fantasy books when I was a teen). I like a fantasy book with a journey/quest and maybe a little realistic (not to far out there - I don't like space/fantasy fiction). Maybe something with a woman involved in the quest would be good - since I am a woman of course!!!! Although I completely loved the Lord of the Rings (the journey really fasinated me). Please help!????
21 answers:
Courtney S
2007-01-09 17:58:29 UTC
One of my favorite series is "His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman. Their really good. It's about a girl and the quest she goes on is full of intresting worlds and characters. I also love the Lord of the Rings and I loved these books too.
2007-01-09 19:48:50 UTC
Ok, if you liked the Hobbit/LOTR, try reading the Shannara series by Terry Brooks; The Sword of Shannara is the first one (and, I think, the best). It's a very good 'epic quest' book. Brooks has another series that's also pretty good, a bit on the lighter side maybe.......the first one is called Magic Kingdom for Sale:Sold!

David Eddings has some good series......The Belgariad, The Mallorean, The Elenium, The Tamuli. Also there are a couple 'prequels' to the Belgariad series, Belgarath the Sorcerer, and Polgara the Sorceress.

The Dragonlance series of books are good too. There are tons of these, written by lots of different authors. Start with Dragonlance Chronicles; the first one is Dragons of Autumn Twilight. The 2nd is Dragons of Winter Night, and #3 is Dragons of Spring Dawning. (Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman are the authors.)

The Magic of Recluce by L.E. Modesitt,Jr. (there are other books too).

I really like the Darkover books by Marion Zimmer Bradley. These are considered to be borderline sci fi/fantasy, but I never thought of them as sci fi until I read that that's what they were. lol The first one of these that I ever read was Hawkmistress!.

Anne McCaffrey's Pern books are good too, not really the quest/journey type though.

Oh, and I almost forgot about Terry Goodkind. So far I've only read one of his, Wizards First Rule, but I just bought 3 more in the series.

And one of my absolute favorites is Lord Valentine's Castle by Robert Silverberg.

Happy reading!!
2007-01-10 01:37:16 UTC
Though the Pern books aren't technically fantasy according to Orson Scott Card's definition, they read much like a fantasy series, with dragons and somewhat primitive societies and the like. Stick to the earliest published books of the series, though- they tend to drop in quality as you go on.

Avoid "Eragon" and "Eldest" like the plague- they're horribly written, have plot holes the size of large swimming pools, and the main character is the most cardboard, unbelievable, and most of all annoying character I've ever read. Not to mention that the books are a blatant (and bad) plagiarism of Tolkien and Star Wars. The only people who tend to like Christopher Paolini's work are teenagers who simply haven't read Lord of the Rings or, well, anything else.

"The Enchanted Forest Chronicles" is a series of four books by Patricia C. Wrede that I think you'll really enjoy. The main character in the books is Cimorene, a very headstrong woman who spends much of her time questing and getting herself into a great deal of trouble. Copies of the books can be difficult to find, but it's well worth the time. They've been my favorites for literally over a decade.
2007-01-09 18:06:53 UTC
One book/series you might enjoy is Green Rider by Kristen Britain. It's the first fantasy novel I read as a teenager and I totally loved it. It's an exciting fantasy/adventure about a girl who runs away from school. On her way home, to her father, she comes across a dying messenger who asks her to carry his life or death message to the king, which she accepts. She then discovers a new magic ability, is chased by murderers who want to stop the message from reaching the king, has several narrow escapes, and meets some interesting people on the way. There is a 2nd book called First Rider's Call and a third book is on the way.

Other good fantasy series:

the Winds trilogy by Mercedes Lackey

Chronicles of the Cheysuli by Jennifer Roberson

Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
2007-01-09 20:15:46 UTC
The 'Earthsea' books, by Ursula K. leGuin

'Song of the Lioness', by Tamora Pierce

Alanna: The First Adventure

In the Hand of the Goddess

The Woman Who Rides Like A Man

Lioness Rampant.

The 'Immortals' quartet, by Tamora Pierce

Wild Magic


Emperor Mage

The Realms of the Gods

'Protector of the Small', by Tamora Pierce

First Test



Lady Knight
2007-01-09 18:12:29 UTC
I am an adult who loves fantasy and hates books about space (the only person in America who's never seen an entire episode of Star Trek)

I loved "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman - great books

(It seems I waited my entire adult life for Lord of the Rings to be made into a movie - now I am anxiously awaiting "The Golden Compass" (called "Northern Lights" in Britain) - heroine is Lyra Belacqua who travels to the north and meets and befriends witches, armored polar bears, Gyptians, oh, it's such a good book!.

I recently enjoyed "The Stolen Child" by Keith Donohue (about a band of changeling children)

"Flora Segunda" by Ysabau Wilce.
2007-01-10 03:15:07 UTC
The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan ( the only thing better that the Lord of the Rings)

Eragon, Eldest by Chris Paolini

The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks ( It's very similar to Lord of the Rings, the guy should be charged with plagarism)
Dani G
2007-01-09 19:54:57 UTC
You should try The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind. It's The series is made for an adult audience and it causes you to reflect. Now, there are ten books in the series and the last will be released in 2008.

Here's a link that describes it better than I can:
2007-01-09 18:19:16 UTC
Ursula K. LeGuin:

A Wizard of Earthsea

The Tombs of Atuan

The Farthest Shore

2007-01-09 18:18:51 UTC
How are you with humor? If you like a good chuckle along with a great story, you should definitely try Terry Pratchett. His series takes place in 'Discworld' and draw a lot on old myths but with new twists. He looks at them satirically and just has a lot of wit and humor in his writing, while never losing track of the plot or his awesome characters.

You should definitely try a novel of his and see how you like it- I bet you'll quite enjoy. To start, try "The Wee Free Men" or "Wyrd Sisters" and go from there (he has tons of books).

Happy reading, whatever you choose!
Petrea Izefia Matkeoo
2007-01-09 18:00:47 UTC
Have you tried the 'Water' triolgy? I read and love it!!! It is by Kara Dalkey.

Another series is 'His Dark Materials' It is by Philip Pullman. The first book is called 'The Golden Compass' (It's kind of hard to see the series name.)

The last one isn't a series but it is a great book. Very long with an awesome journey. It is called 'East' by Edith Pattou.
Gabriela Z
2007-01-09 20:04:12 UTC
Sabriel, Lirael and Abhorsen by Garth Nix is a great trilogy. It's about this young woman (Sabriel) who can enter the realms of death by using a set of seven bells, each bell has its special purpose.

Also try Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke, about a magician and his apprentice (this book is not intended for kids or even young adults).
Kimberly B
2007-01-09 19:32:45 UTC
A good auther wood be Mercedes Lackey. She has quite a few good serials out there. The bardic series would probably be best not that far out there. People with magic through music (bardic magic). All of ther series are good though.

I also agree with JTBW and the green riders series she mentions
2007-01-09 18:05:12 UTC
My best recommendation would be Tad Williams "Otherland" series.

Its more of a technical fantasy, as it is about a group of people who get stuck in a virtual reality creator, but all the elements of a great fantasy are there...reluctant heroes, (BTW--the main character is a woman!) impossible odds, great scenarios, great characters, awesome mythology. I wish words could describe what a fantastic set of books this is, but they can't. I think it is one of the best fantasy series since Lord of the Rings.
2007-01-09 18:04:31 UTC
The Neverending Story is a good one. While these may classify as science fiction, Harry Potter, Ender's Game.
2007-01-09 18:10:49 UTC
how about lord of the flies its about these kids trapped in a jungle n some kill each other.

n why not harry potter the books rock. you can also try the sisterhood of the traveling pants 1 and 2 their really good
2007-01-09 17:53:13 UTC
Try reading Harry potter, Lemony snickets a series off unfrotunate events or nancy drew books
2016-10-30 15:44:14 UTC
have you ever tried any of Anne McCaffrey books?I certainly have examine all of hers.She has many distinctive settings in fable form. Dragonriders of Pern numerous books in this one Acorna (The Unicorn female) 6 books To holiday Pegasus (using PSI powers occasion Telekinesis and Teleportation) 2 extra books The Rowen (following the tale of PSI powers) with 4 extra books I certainly have additionally examine all the Shannara's sequence with the aid of Terry Brooks they have been super. Piers Anthony has the Xanth sequence.I certainly have examine over 20 of them and that they actually made me giggle.
2007-01-09 17:52:30 UTC

The Eye of The Hunter

By: Dennis L. McKiernan
2007-01-10 10:39:39 UTC
The Time-Master trilogy By Louise Cooper.(review from Amazon)The books are 'The Initiate',The Outcast and The Master.It tells the story of Tarod a fascinating anti-hero, evolving throughout the series from a loyal disciple of Order to the God of Chaos that is his true heritage, with the repeated examination of his humanity thrown into the mix.

Exile's honor,Exile's valor by Mercedes Lackey.

Valdemar and Karse have long been enemies. The Karse have made an art of it, sending bandits to plunder Valdemar, having their priests train the people to believe that anyone with a Herald's Gift is a demon in need of death. Alberich of Karse, newly-made captain and gifted with a handsome white stallion, has never formally committed himself to battle with his hereditary enemy. He has the gift of foresight, which he has long tried long to hide, but cannot when he sees that a village is about to be attacked and destroyed. He rallies his men, and saves the lives of many, only to forfeit his own. Two men who wanted his commission take advantage of the situation and have a Priest condemn him as a demon. They throw him in a small barn, planning to burn him to death. His white stallion charges in to save him, but he is still badly burned. This stallion, a Companion named Kantor takes him to Valdemar, where he is healed... only to find himself facing a whole new set of problems.

Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote the Mars novels and the Tarzan novels.There are 11 novels in the Mars series beginning with 'A princess of mars'.Captain John Carter of the Confederate Army is whisked to Mars and discovers a dying world of dry ocean beds where giant four-armed barbarians rule, of crumbling cities home to an advanced but decaying civilization, a world of strange beasts and savage combat, a world where love, honor and loyalty become the stuff of adventure. The later books are about his son Carthoris,daughter Tara etc.John carter is a recurring character in all these books as martians live for 1000 years.

Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks.Living in peaceful Shady Vale, Shea Ohmsford knew little of the troubles that plagued the rest of the world. Then the giant, forbidding Allanon revaled that the supposedly dead Warlock Lord was plotting to destory the world. The sole weapon against this Power of Darkness was the Sword of Shannara, which could only be used by a true heir of Shannara--Shea being the last of the bloodline, upon whom all hope rested. Soon a Skull Bearer, dread minion of Evil, flew into the Vale, seeking to destroy Shea. To save the Vale, Shea fled, drawing the Skull Bearer after him....

Chessmen of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.Tara of Helium,a Martian princess gets lost in a storm while riding in her flier and blown halfway across the surface of the planet, and the Prince Gahan(who had been unsuccessfully courting Tara) goes in search of her.However he assumes the identity of a common soldier.They have many adventures on their way back.I've given a link where you can read the novel online for free.
2007-01-09 18:16:26 UTC
totally read eragon... really wonderful fantasy.

have you tried gone with the wind? i know it's really far from fantasy, sorry, but it's SUCH a great book.....

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