I like to write. How often should I write a week?
2006-10-20 14:08:51 UTC
I'm working on a story called speak, and i really want to finish it but i have a busy life, so i don't have much time at night left over for free time.
23 answers:
2006-10-20 14:20:35 UTC
Stephen King's formula is:

1. Read four hours a day

2. Write four hours a day
2006-10-20 14:33:33 UTC
According to How to Write and Sell Your First Novel by Oscar Collier and Frances Spatz Leighton, you should set a goal of typing 3 pages a day, one side of the page, 12-point type, double spaced on plain white paper. You should have a one inch margin all around, except on the left, which should be one and a half inch wide. You should get a average of 250 words per page, give a little, take a little.

If you follow those directions, 3 pages day; after 3 months you'll have a novel-length book. But then, that depends on how long your novel will be :)
2006-10-20 14:28:52 UTC
I am a story teller, writing is difficult for me, so it is a slow process. I write at least fifteen minutes a day, someday hours, others I am re-reading six hours a day, trying to correct flow, and managing corrections. When I drive, sleep, any down time, I rethink my stories. What I am saying is that, I try to live my stories, and find that writing comes from the heart, and time is irrelevant. You have a life time, nothing can be that pressing, unless you are writing something that is time-sensitive. What is destined is, by way of blind faith!
2006-10-20 14:11:42 UTC
Just try writing everyday for like 1 - 2 hours
2006-10-20 14:13:21 UTC
Perhaps Hemingway, when asked how often one should write if one wished to be an author, put it best:

Write yesterday, write today and write tomorrow.

It depends, I guess, on how much you really want it.
2006-10-20 14:18:42 UTC
If you are short of time, keep a pocket size note book handy to jot down notes to use when you do have time to sit down and write. I think the quality of your writing is more important then the quantity. Best wishes!
2006-10-20 14:13:04 UTC
There is already story called SPEAK. If you want to complete your story, write at least 15 minutes every day.
2014-09-24 16:13:10 UTC
Affiliate marketing is the best way of making money online. Website which ask for a initial payment before geeting the job, most of them are fake! You can learn how to make money online with affiliation marketing for free here

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2006-10-20 15:24:27 UTC
A writer writes whenever an idea strikes.
2006-10-20 14:12:59 UTC
Any artist of any craft does this:



Whenever you just think ! of it - write! When you're waiting in line - write! When you are on the phone - write! When you are watching TV - write !

And when you think you're spent and you just CAN'T write another word:

2006-10-20 14:18:03 UTC

I like to write to but like you I dont have a lot of time to either! So I set up a little time in the morning a little time in the afternoon and a little time at night so maybe you should do what I do.Everyday I get atleast a page done!!
2006-10-20 14:12:41 UTC
you know sometimes it takes a lot of time to finish a maybe you could consider just jotting your ideas down and whenever you have some free time in the future, put it into words....but if it's very important to you why not just stay up at night and rough'll be worth it in the end right?
2006-10-20 14:17:17 UTC
2 times a week for a half hour
2014-08-25 00:37:02 UTC
You can get Zumas Revenge for free from this link:

Zumas revenge is anew series in the zuma adventures.The is practically a match and win.The basic character in the game is the from with which you can shoot balls from to match the colours,balls of three matching colours wil automatically be destrouyed living a gap.Continuous gaps will lead to your win.

Try it out
2006-10-20 14:24:02 UTC
You should write so often that the pen you are using fuses in with your hand and finger bones!
2006-10-20 14:12:39 UTC
whenever u want or have time there is no set requirements or limits by the way u might wanna think of renaming the story there is a very good book and lifetime movie already by that name which i highly recomend people might get confused or ion know can u be sued for that?
2006-10-20 14:09:57 UTC
Write whenever you can, but try for everyday
2006-10-20 14:14:35 UTC
if u like good things do it for a lot of times so whenever u get time from your busy shedule go on writing

best of luck
2014-08-20 01:10:42 UTC
Hi there,

I easily got for free Zumas Revenge here:

no surveys, no scams, just the full game!

It's surely the leader game of its type.

2006-10-20 14:10:41 UTC
just try to write your story whenever you have free time
2006-10-20 14:10:57 UTC
As much as possible. in your spare time but make sure you get some sleep. but make sure you take a few breaks so you don't get burned out.
2006-10-20 14:12:01 UTC
devote the time when an inspiration hit's you..some books take years to develope...stick with it and the best of luck to you....
2006-10-20 14:13:34 UTC
Well met, weary traveller

Allow me to glue a short technical note here for the benefit of some poor soul who might googling desperately for help while in the predicament I found myself in on Wednesday. In recent months I've found myself increasingly convinced, by research and experience, that added monitor space can improve the efficiency of a desk jockey and possibly even pay for itself. (When I lived with Kevin Grace I used to make fun of him for his geek-macho preoccupation with monitor size; now, and not for the first time, I find myself grudgingly accepting what he seems to have known all along.) This morning I spotted a good "instant rebate" deal on a 22-inch monitor at Staples, and I managed to get to the shop just in time to grab the last one in stock. The resolution of the new monitor is 1,680 pixels by 1,050, giving me more than twice the acreage I formerly had. I have owned Japanese cars whose hoods weren't this large.

But I began to panic when I went to readjust my monitor settings and I found that the maximum monitor size my XP box and its graphic card seemed willing to handle was 1,600×1,024. Moreover, at this close-but-no-cigar resolution, text and images on the new monitor were unacceptably rastery. It slowly dawned on me that I probably should have made sure my graphics card was capable of communicating with the new display and that I might have to go back to Staples, forfeiting at least double my savings from the monitor purchase on buying a new video card.

Fortunately, I remembered one of the principles that has been battered into my soul over decades of trying to coexist with computers: when in doubt, update your driver software. Downloading the latest driver for my oldish Nvidia GeForce card magically bumped my computer's maximum resolution to the necessary 1,680×1,050, and now the new monitor is working like a dream (literally--the thing is so visually immersive that buying it might well constitute a fatal symbolic farewell to meatspace). These, then, are the lessons: check for compatibility before you impulse-buy new hardware, and update your drivers when you're having unexplained problems. Sure, these maxims are obvious and well-known. "Back up your data" is obvious and well-known too, but who amongst us doesn't still find himself occasionally embarrassed by ill-timed software crashes?

- 3:40 am, October 19 (link)


No ordinary Guy: It turns out that Guillaume Latendresse is not only the Habitants' next great pur laine hope--he's also the first NHLer to wear the number 84 during the regular season. And according to Paul "Uni Watch" Lukas, #84 is, in turn, the league's last hitherto-unused number. -5:31 pm, October 18


Weird, improbable phenomenon whose existence I had no idea of until just now: positive lightning. -1:30 am, October 17


The artist as a witness of freedom

This evening I went to a book-signing featuring Chester Brown, the acclaimed Canadian illustrator and graphic novelist. The event was exceedingly enjoyable; the helium-voiced Brown has a way of kind of sneaking up on an audience, starting with overheads of rough layouts for his Louis Riel book and working his way through the creative process to some remarkable unpublished material, including unused New Yorker illustrations and his front cover and flaps for a forthcoming Penguin edition of Lady Chatterley's Lover. (Brown's artwork will be worth very nearly the price of that book.)

I swear this actually happened: during the question-and-answer session Brown was asked about his reaction to the controversial Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons. He started by saying that, having investigated the facts, he felt that the newspaper probably was acting in bad faith and had been trying to bait Muslims deliberately. "But I believe strongly in freedom of expression," he added, "and I'm pleased that there were other publications, like Harper's and the Western Standard, that were willing to reproduce the cartoons. That took courage."

I don't know if anyone's discussed Brown's anarcho-libertarian streak--I'm sure if I googled around I'd find that Reason had interviewed him one time or another--but here's an interview with the artist in which he catches a slacker interviewer off-guard by citing Tom Bethell's The Noblest Triumph. It also contains a bad scan of his strip "My Mom Was a Schizophrenic", which features a guest appearance by Thomas Szasz.

- 9:54 pm, October 16 (link)


The cat who wore clothes

- 2:17 am, October 15 (link)


Seems like every time I try to rustle up some useful info about local dining, Google steers me to this exemplary, attractively illustrated Edmonton-based culinary weblog. Where else are you gonna find a recipe for coffee-marinated bison roast? -9:24 am, October 13


I pretty much soiled myself laughing at Phat Phree's open letter from Ethan Albright, the Redskins' long snapper and the lowest-rated player in Madden '07. Dude is pretty choked about coming so close to He Hate Me in "alertness". -9:17 am, October 13


Weblog posts I wish I'd thought of dept.: Sir Humphrey Appleby's advice for dealing with North Korea, presented by Rescorla. -9:12 am, October 13


From the world press, 10/12/06

Easy money: Malaysia goes on a crazed dam-building binge without customers, impact studies, or common sense

Partition appears on the horizon in Iraq as the parliament passes the first law governing the mechanics of federalization

High political office: of 50 Italian MPs tricked into taking a drug test by a TV comedy, 12 tested positive for THC and four for coke

Mere hours before the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize, the agency that awards it gets some bad news in the Norwegian budget

What fraction of U.S. drug prescriptions are for products that found their way into the PDR without ever being submitted for FDA approval? The answer may surprise you

Liberia began as a haven for Africans returning from the United States. In 2006, it's being pulled out of the doldrums by a second wave of returnees

Don't look now, but France and Germany are already squabbling over possible job cuts at a debt-wracked Airbus

Not long ago, cider was for winos and the senile: now it's the hip bevvie of the health-conscious, young, and affluent, but can the trend last?

Belgium revives the memory of Herbert Hoover's remarkable relief work; when do you suppose the U.S. will get around to doing the same?

A paper IPO makes Cheung Yan the first woman to be the richest individual in China

Analysts: Kim Jong-Il's nuke test isn't a message to the world--it's private theatre for the Koreas

Lula was supposed to win the Brazilian election in a walkover, but unfortunately, that's exactly how he campaigned--with predictable results

Will Pakistan be left with nothing but a hole in the ground when China's ten-year lease on a giant copper mine runs out?

Al-Ahram scopes Sadat 25 years after his murder, finding a flawed figure who restored Egyptian pride but plunged the country into a cultural deep freeze

Why is the American power tool industry giving the cold shoulder to the inventor of the miraculous but expensive SawStop?

Norway rejoices on word that new national hero and Edmonton Oiler Patrick Thoresen has been told what every rookie wants to hear: "go ahead and rent an apartment"

Efforts to pin down the ethnicity of Columbus still haven't borne fruit three years after DNA samples were taken

De Beers chairman Nicky Oppenheimer warns the World Diamond Congress that industry certification of "conflict-free" rocks is leaving gaps and will come under increasing scrutiny

"Spengler" to American neocons and loony leftists: what this here clash of civilizations needs is a dose of old-fashioned German theology

Taste the happoshu: a case study in how Japanese tax policy is changing its beer culture

Argentine president Kirchner finds in NYC that despite huge economic growth, multinationals still have their backs turned five years after the big bond default

Proton, Mahathir Mohamed's pet automaker, "will collapse" unless it can find another sucker "international partner" soon

Chosun Ilbo never misses a trick with hard-hitting stories like "Singer's Hotpants Inflame Cyberspace" [youtube]

- 5:55 am, October 12 (link)


Kathy Najimy? I thought she was a nun

NEW YORK -- As the abortion debate rages, Ms. magazine is releasing its fall issue next week with a cover story titled ''We Had Abortions'' that lists names of thousands of women who signed a petition making that declaration. ...The signatories include Ms. founder Gloria Steinem, comedian Carol Leifer, and actresses Kathy Najimy and Amy Brenneman, but most are not famous names.

Boy, the A-list really took one for the team, didn't they? Carol Leifer (sometimes referred to as "the poor man's Elayne Boosler") must be thrilled at implicitly being referred to as a "famous name" in 2006.

I've often thought it would be a useful publicity coup for the pro-choice cause if a whole bunch of really famous women, including both high-grade celebrities and women in positions of genuine social responsibility, would come out simultaneously and own up to having had an abortion. Ms. leaves the impression it tried to get some celebs for its list and failed, thus potentially doing more harm than good.

Ostensibly no woman is proud of having had to visit the clinic (with the exception of Steinem, who would surely be far more reluctant to sign a "We Got Married to Men" petition), but then we're not supposed to be proud of rehab stints either, and you can't get Hollywood people to shut their cakeholes for two minutes about those. Outside the Ms. petition, how many female celebrities can you name that have admitted to having an abortion or been reliably reported to have had one?

- 7:10 am, October 8 (link)


The kids today...

...with their iPods and their Interwebs and their Menger sponges...

- 12:30 pm, October 10 (link)



Get this--I've been battling a brutal outer-ear infection for about four days. What a thing to be stricken with at age 35, considering that I don't even swim; I always figured my illnesses would get older as I did (acne, chlamydia, arthritis, Alzheimer's), but apparently my body has chosen to revert to childhood instead. The enraging part is that it's not even reverting to its own childhood. As a kid I never suffered the recurring otitis that seemed to nag and developmentally delay of about 20% of my classmates; in general, considering the amount of time I spent running in bare feet on unpaved roads and skipping rocks off of our town's stagnant, evil-smelling "lake", I must have had an immune system that was could have warded off Exocet missiles. Now, for no particular reason I'm aware of, I'm half-deaf and stuck scarfing aspirin, pouring Cipro and cortisone into my head, and reading about exotic complications of simple earache that involve facial paralysis and the slow transformation of the skull into Brie. Whoopee.

- 7:40 am, October 10 (link)


I wouldn't worry about it, though. It's not a big college town.

Did you know that Gerard Kennedy studied economics and political science at the "University of Edmonton"? Other newspapers tell you what you didn't know; the Toronto Star tells you things you couldn't possibly have known.

[UPDATE, 9:40 am: The Star also calls Kennedy's Manitoba hometown "Le Pas", but then again, so did the Globe... þ: Derek.]

- 5:50 pm, October 8 (link)


Beverage review dept.

I spotted about a dozen bottles of the new Coke Blak in (an almost-hidden corner of) the beverage cooler at the local drugstore this afternoon and decided to put the new category-killing energy drink to the test. The packaging's certainly clever--the stuff comes in a slightly dangerous-looking shrink-wrapped glass bottle, producing a medicinal effect that should signal to unwitting buyers that they are not purchasing an ordinary soft drink. I am less impressed with the taste. It basically comes off as Coke mixed in about equal parts with coffee, with a strong caramel overtone. The elements never really come together, and there is a slight metallic savour, along with the distinctive presence of aspartame (as ever, stimulating your sweetness receptors in the distracted, perfunctory manner of a discount hooker giving a handjob). I hesitate to say that Red Bull tastes "better" (than anything, really), but at least it does produce its own irreducible sensation on the tongue, and since Coke Blak has only half Red Bull's caffeine it's hard to know what the point of the former might be unless you're a Coca-Cola shareholder.

You could do this better, and more cheaply, using your own recipe. By any chance is this "coffee" substance they speak of available in stores separately? I bet that would taste pretty good.

You'll notice that on the label the name of the product is actually spelled "Blāk" (hope that shows up correctly in your browser). Graduate students in history will wish to purchase this item so that they can pronounce its name "cook blake" as an esoteric joke.

- 2:10 pm, October 6 (link)


Newsstand shoppers: I will have a signed column in Saturday's National Post in Tuesday's Post, apparently... -2:10 pm, October 6


Canadian assault

Presented together, here are two rival accounts of the free concert held yesterday at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in downtown Toronto. One is by an instant-messaging correspondent, the other (in italics) is by Star critic John Terauds.

The Canadian Opera Company's new house is now officially open to all, thanks to an ambitious series of free late-afternoon concerts that will run to late June of next year. Yesterday's event marked the first in the upper-lobby amphitheatre at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts. It was a chamber concert of 20th- and 21st-century music.

i told you i was going to free concert yesterday w/ mom

it's the COC's inaugural concert to kickstart the season

this ******* bldg is brand new, smack dab in downtown

they had an open house when the bldg was completed, about a month or two ago. mom went with all her friends. when they showed up, the auditorium was *locked* and they wouldn't let anyone in.

she was told that they could only enter the auditorium on a "guided tour" and those tours were full already.

and mom said, can't we just take a peek inside? she thought, what are we, vandals?

but there is def'ly interest, lots of people showed up last night

i get there and this skinny, pimply, smarmy kid all dressed in black with wire-rim glasses won't let me in

they tell me that they've reached maximum capacity already

i'm standing there w/ this old man next to me

and i say, that's fine, but my mom is inside waiting for me

she's got a seat saved next to her

Sorry, I can't let you in.

i said, but she's got a seat SAVED, which means I'm not going to be tipping you over max cap

and he says in a smarmy tone, we COUNTED the number of heads coming in, so we're at MAX CAPACITY.

and I said, we'll she's got her cell phone turned off and she's waiting for me. I need to go in and let her know.

He says: Sorry. No.

Funded through private donations, these programs ensure that the glass-walled space overlooking University Ave. is as lively as the sidewalks outside. Yesterday's hour-long premiere wasn't the first concert to be held in that space. As was the case at events held there during the Ring cycle, the setting--a feeling of being at one with the performers as well as the city beyond--was the true star.

I started raising my voice

there were people behind me, and i knew my voice would carry through the atrium

I said this is ridiculous

i've got my mother waiting inside for me, and you won't let me in to let her know I won't be meeting her. Is this how you treat your patrons?

and at this point this plain-looking middle-aged woman in a lavender sweater set comes by and puts her hand up gently to snotty kid

we'll just check with our manager to see if we can allow a few more people, she said softly

it's a safety issue, she said

and I said, frankly, if i can't stay i'm just going to go in there and take my mom OUT, and this gentlemen here can have our seats.

it's not an issue of safety for me, it's a matter of letting me the **** in so i can get mom

and the attitude was, like, i was lying my way into a ******* free concert

like i was some kid at a nightclub going, but! my FRIENDS are in there man!!!

it was absolutely ******* ridiculous

so they finally let us in

me and this old dude

so i go in and meet mom

turns out it's not in the auditorium

the show is on like, a ******* landing in the stairway

the whole opera house has a glass front

then there's, like, this atrium bit with the stairs and then another wall separating that from the auditorium

so they've packed all these people on diff levels on these landings

and i'm at the top one with mom

Not that the musicians were anything less than stellar. They included flute player Douglas Stewart and three violinists: COC concertmaster Marie Bérard, her assistant Benjamin Bowman and Lyn Kuo. They played pieces by an international cast of composers that included Canada's Harry Somers and Clermont Pépin.

it was horrifically bad

a chick and guy come out dressed in black

there are four music stands in front of them, set about 3 feet apart, staggered

they start off at the first one

oh god

and the chick starts. hardly audible at first

she's just dragging the bow across the strings

it sounds like a dying mouse

then the dude starts in on a discordant note

two mice dying. horribly

they do that, muddling about for about 4 min

I could see the look of bewilderment on all the seniors' faces around me

one of them behind me asks her friend, When are they going to stop warming up and start playing??

halfway through the first violin piece she looked over at the CityTV cameraman and said, "I sure hope they're not FILMING this for TV!! It'll put everyone to SLEEP!!"

20 minutes of this torturous ****

when i first got there, there were all these old people, young cool-looking kids. one in particular, really good-looking kid was sitting next to me. he had shown up by himself to check this out

the second the set ended, he got up, threw his program book onto the chair and stalked out

the four stands were there to represent some kind of "continuity"

so they would finish dying at one stand

then they would pause, then walk to the next one

and start all over again

some other middle-aged dude in a MEC jacket also left. I could hear him complaining to one of the ushers: THIS IS AWFUL. he looked angry

i was pretty pissed myself, i wanted to leave. mom said, let's give the next one a try first

some solo flute piece that's supposed to be a reflection of picasso's works


The audience also got a foretaste of Swoon, a new opera by Toronto's James Rolfe (with libretto by Anna Chatterton). Sung by Virginia Hatfield, Melinda Delorme and Lawrence Wiliford, accompanied by Elizabeth Upchurch, it was a charming, witty and tantalizing taste of a full one-act production in December.

i read the program, the rest of it didn't hold any promise. in fact, the fourth piece had something to do with "pre-recorded sounds on a tape" and how the "violin initiates the gesture to the tape, with the tape responding..."

and the interplay between this pre-recorded **** and some ******* screeching. I couldn't stay. there was no ******* way

it was painfully retarded

I mean, the whole thing made me so ANGRY.

this new opera house, who is it MEANT for

the city?

the community?

and to go in there, with this nice cross-section of potentially loyal patrons

and start with this....****

it smacked of elitism, don't you think?

we're the new operah haus...we shall educate the masses with this stunning atonal composition...



it was wholly unwelcoming

the whole experience was terrible

- 11:01 am, October 4 (link)


Discussions we need to start having dept.: Is Bill Simmons' wife a better columnist than her husband at this point? Sure, it's easy to look good for 200 words a week, but her unedited sidebars to his NFL previews are awfully entertaining... Did I mention she's 25-19-2 against the spread so far this year? -11:49 am, September 30


From the world press, 9/28/06

The Telegraph checks in with Beharry VC, still struggling with his wounds and sudden celebrity, while Brit mil sources say up to six more Victoria Crosses may be in the pipeline

A teenage prank in the Altai fills a school with pepper spray and sends 65 to hospital...

...while schoolkids in Gothenburg interrupt a youth ballet by tossing stinkbombs into the orchestra pit

Jack Ma, China's rockstar dotcom billionaire, says the secret to making a fortune in technology is easy: know nothing about technology

"I want to show those scoundrels that the whole city mourns her": Florence says goodbye to the insolent, vivacious Oriana Fallaci

A TV investigation finds that a Swedish general's "very deviant" sexual tastes endangered national security by exposing him to blackmail

The paradox of Japanese baseball: Japan's complex, hierarchical idea of "teamwork" can sometimes lead to unexpected displays of rebellion and individualistic fury

Does context count? A German mail-order business goes on trial for depicting Nazi symbols on anti-Nazi badges and stickers

CSM: despite theoretical democratization at the village level, it ain't easy being the non-Communist on the ballot in local Chinese elections

In Milan, Armani learns to love self-imitation and brings back the designs that defined the 80s

As a civil-union bill hits the SA parliament, controversial politician Jacob Zuma tells a crowd that "gay marriages are a disgrace"

In Argentina, the chief witness in the trial of a "dirty war"-era general has "mysteriously" disappeared as the judge faces death threats

Mideast analyst: why is Iran ignoring its interests flagrantly when it comes to confronting the USA but protecting them carefully when it comes to Russia and the Chechens?

A fool at forty? Nigerians are better off than most Africans, but just the same they seem to enjoy a certain breezy disrespect for their nation

Economist: how protectionists are strangling the saurian flag telcos of Europe by blocking consolidation

An Italian economist sets off a national firestorm by daring to suggest that civil servants should be capable of being fired if they don't work

WW1 vet Francois Jaffre dies, leaving just five surviving poilus

When a Sony laptop battery blows up, Korean manufacturers throw a party...

...but Samsung advises you not to let your dog answer the phone if it's got a lithium-ion battery

The bizarro Lefebvre: Zambia's Archbishop Milingo [wikipedia] ordains four married bishops and is automatically excommunicated

Musharraf: the day we lost East Pakistan was the "saddest and most painful of my life"

A secret report says that some of the Madrid bombing suspects may have been trained in Afghanistan by a Moroccan terrorist group

Carlos Menem, 76, grabs his chest and collapses at an early campaign rally; supporters say it was just hypoglycemia (?)

Declaration of independence: China looks to boost its animation industry out of its cheap-labour subcontracting role for North American production

- 9:56 am, September 28 (link)


The New Muralism (introduced here, referenced here, here, here) reaches Saudi Arabia! (þ: Kaus.) -5:44 am, September 28


Coshery-in-other-venues roundup

I had a column in Friday's National Post about Mrs. Ralph Klein and the crystal-meth panic: don't worry if you missed it, because it's on the free side of the subscriber wall. Alberta citizens, and people who like to get a real good look while driving past the scene of a bad auto accident, can read the report of the Premier's Task Force on Crystal Meth for themselves. What stands out, aside from the contempt for the rule of law, is the lack of hard data, not to mention the way that every possible bad idea that ever emerged from a self-described democracy has been embraced without any attention to effects or scientific verification. (Do illiberal proceeds-of-crime seizures actually limit drug availability, or is their function merely to satiate the spirit of revenge? No one knows; more to the point, no one cares.) As I wrote in the column, I think the timing of the report's release says everything about how it's really been greeted in political circles.

If you're registered at the Western Standard's website, you can now view a couple of my recent columns there too. In one I look at the Second Lebanese War under the light of military history and conclude that "we are entering an extraordinary new age, one in which wartime propaganda will not only be intended for mass consumption, but actually mass-produced." In another I try to come to grips with the problem of transsexuals in women's sport. Incidentally, the next time you're near a Canadian newsstand you should thumb through the Standard and check out its brand-new top-to-toe redesign. I had no input into the work but I think they did a hell of a job, one that should win the magazine some awards if there's any justice (N.B.: there isn't).

Finally, I have a guest post at the Battle of Alberta hockey weblog that's timely, especially for Oiler fans of a statistical bent.

- 3:54 am, September 23 (link)


From the world press, 9/22/06

An Italian porno queen says her male compatriots are losing their traditional gusto and suffering from endemic "performance anxiety"

Is Pakistan providing most of the fuel for the fires of civil war in Sri Lanka?

Birds of a feather: a replica of Santos-Dumont's airplane will fly alongside the Wright Brothers' Flyer in Dayton, Oh.

That Muslim tradition of tolerance: Islam becomes the official faith of Somalia and conversions and proselytization are promptly banned

U.S. immigration policy faces a test as "temporary protected status" for Liberians fleeing civil strife runs out

Some Western tech companies are making millions by selling censorship technology to oppressive Asian governments: why, asks the Asian Trib, aren't others supplying countermeasures to subvert the rising firewalls?

After six weeks of cola war, a Kerala court opens the door for the sale of Coca-Cola in the Indian state

A Saudi female historian argues that the "women's cage" within the Mecca Grand Mosque is neither safe nor theologically sound

A hospital in Ghana urges TB patients not to sell the special meals they've been given to boost their immune systems

Sony's Japanese price point for the PlayStation 3 turns out to be too high at 2× the XBox 360 and the Wii

- 6:26 am, September 22 (link)


A new hare style

Randy Gregg, one of the outstanding defencemen of the '80s Edmonton Oiler dynasty, is remembered most often as one of the last professional athletes in a major pro sport to practice medicine during his career. He enjoys another lesser-known distinction: he's an alumnus of the Kokudo Bunnies, a Japanese (men's) pro hockey team. (Here's a photograph of a recent version of the Bunnies uniform.) Current Oilers assistant coach Billy Moores, former chief of the U of A Golden Bears hockey team, is also a former Bunnies head coach.

So Edmonton fans will be sad to hear that the Bunnies, long owned by the founder of the Seibu railroad empire, are no more. Major Japanese daily Asahi Shimbun reports today that the franchise has been upgraded in dignity--though demoted in whimsicality--and is now known as the Seibu Prince Rabbits. The rechristened lagomorphs are two-time defending champs of the Asia League (which also features teams from China and South Korea), and they debut against the Nippon Paper Cranes on Saturday.

- 5:45 am, September 22 (link)


First Steve Irwin...

Extraordinary news arrives from England tonight, but none of the big North American news sites seem to have placed it near the top of the queue. So let me step in on behalf of those editors who aren't aware how popular BBC's Top Gear is on DVD, cable, and the Internet: it seems co-host Richard Hammond has been seriously injured in a wreck arising from an attempt to break the British land speed record. The Hamster is known to millions as a giddy travel-sized foil to his fellow presenters, the prune-faced Tory roisterer Jeremy Clarkson and the inscrutably dry James May. Under the trio the show has become perhaps history's most popular motoporn series. Former host Quentin Wilson is probably correct to describe Hammond as "irreplaceable," but from early omens it appears that a replacement may be needed: the Guardian has the celebrity patient being treated in a neurological ward. Hammond, whose ubiquity on British TV is frequently used by his TG mates as fertilizer for jokes, often gets behind the wheel for adventurous Top Gear experiments. His unscheduled excursion, however, is certain to raise questions about why such a daunting task wasn't left to the show's "tame" racing driver, the pseudonymous Stig (widely suspected to be F1 veteran Julian Bailey).

- 2:13 am, September 21 (link)


Information discovered by accident

Yesterday, while thinking about hockey, it occurred to me that new Oiler Ladislav Šmid is actually a perfect onomastic fit for a team that already has a Smith and a Smyth. The names are all cognate with the old, old proto-Germanic word for someone who shapes metal, and the same concept is at the root of familiar European names like Kowalski and Kovács; taking the Joycean logic to its natural conclusion, it would seem that the Oilers' future hiring of Ray Ferraro as an assistant coach is inevitable. (I'm guessing that Ilya Kovalchuk is part of this same family, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.) Purely by chance, I later found myself reading a Wikipedia entry about Latin and I bumped into the very fellow who came to Edmonton with Šmid:

Definite articles formerly were demonstrative pronouns or adjective; compare the fate of the Latin demonstrative adjective ille, illa, (illud), in the Romance languages, becoming French le and la, Catalan and Spanish el and la, and Italian il and la. The Portuguese articles o and a are ultimately from the same source. Sardinian went its own way here also, forming its article from ipsu(m), ipsa (su, sa); some Catalan and Occitan dialects have articles from the same source. While most of the Romance languages put the article before the noun, Romanian has its own way, by putting the article after the noun, eg. lupul ("the wolf") and omul ("the man" ? from lupum illum and homo illum).

It's hard to see how you can resist giving Joffrey Lupul a cool nickname like "The Wolf" when he was literally born with it. (Consider this my "Orbs of Power" for 2006-07.) However, I DO NOT recommend following the same nicknaming procedure in the case of fellow new Oiler Petr Sýkora.

- 1:21 pm, September 20 (link)


"My main focus coming into this season is to be a better assistant," Sidney Crosby tells CP. Glad to see somebody else labouring under a long-standing delusion about what the "A" on a hockey player's left shoulder stands for. (Who exactly does Sid think he'd be "assisting", since there's to be no permanent captain?) -1:24 pm, September 19


I can see clearly now

Reader John Thacker writes:

Did I miss your post on the upcoming chess showdown between Kramnik and Topalov to unify the titles?

You missed it because I never finished it, but I did intend to direct readers' attention to the remarkable fulfillment of the 2002 Prague Agreement, which 18 months ago had been universally declared dead. Since 1993 chess has lacked a single world champion, with the traditional over-the-board succession to the title going one way and FIDE, the sport's governing body, going another. On Saturday, current FIDE champ Veselin Topalov and "classical" champion Vladimir Kramnik will begin a 12-game match in Elista, Kalmykia, to merge the rival claims at last and permit the re-establishment of an orderly, periodic structure of candidature tournaments.

It's difficult to market a sport or game without being able to promote a single world champion, and for more than a decade the schism in chess was universally lamented without any tangible progress being made on repairs. Then (to oversimplify) two things happened which cleared the way. The first took place in March 2005 when Garry Kasparov quit the game to concentrate on Russian politics. Kasparov had helped initiate the original title split when he found sponsorship for a title defence outside FIDE auspices; then in 2000 he handed over the classical championship to Kramnik, suffering perhaps the most surprising defeat in the annals of chess. After 2000, however, he remained chess's foremost figure and its most outstanding player. This gave him an anomalous amount of leverage, and complicated unification talks. In essence, anyone planning to get the classical and FIDE champions together over the board also had to get Kasparov's OK, because no playoff structure that excluded Kasparov could hope to be seen as credible. Kasparov's retirement, though lamented by every chess-lover as the loss of the game's most dynamic and creative active performer, was a breath of fresh air for chess politics.

The second event happened late in the year when senior figures in chess began looking ahead to June elections for the top offices in FIDE. The presidency has been occupied since 1995 by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, who is also the self-mythologizing President-for-Life of the Republic of Kalmykia. Kirsan has poured millions into chess, keeping money in the top players' pockets without quite stopping them from grumbling about the sinister figure who controls their sport. He has also messed around in tone-deaf fashion with some of the sport's traditions, awarding the FIDE world championship at glitzy knockout tournaments that featured rapid tiebreaks and drug testing. And while no one can deny the benefits to players from his largesse, he has also used his bankroll to sew up support for his presidency from backwater national federations. What happened in this election was that he faced serious, principled, united opposition for the first time; the forces of transparency and democracy, and most of the top Western players, were able to unite behind Dutch chess doyen Bessel Kok. Kok had been an original creator of the Prague Agreement, and in order to keep his presidency from becoming an even more complete joke-***-moral catastrophe, Kirsan seems to have realized that he needed to mend fences with Kok (after using Third World support to defeat him), relent a little on FIDE's control of the supposed championship, and provide the final impetus for unification. That's how the Kramnik-Topalov match finds itself in Elista, which is, to say the least, an out-of-the-way place to be holding the world championship of any sport. is, as always, an excellent place to go for daily coverage of the title match. The storyline here is an archetypal one, with the Russian Kramnik as the patient, precise defender and the Bulgarian Topalov as the fiery, improvisational attacker. The quality of play we can expect to see from the impassive, philosophical Kramnik depends heavily on his freedom from the minor health problems that sometimes derail his game; in early photos from Elista he looks fit and is seen offering a rare smile (as opposed to his usual grudging grin). Keeping in mind that I have a poor prognosticative track record when it comes to chess, however, I would put my money on Topalov, the debonair assassin. Top took the FIDE title late last year by scoring 6.5 out of 7 points in the first round-robin against a field (Anand, Svidler, Morozevich, Leko, Kasimdzhanov, Adams, and Judit Polgar) that could have been improved only by Kramnik's presence. This may have been the most impressive display of dominance in chess since Bobby Fischer's 12-0 run against Taimanov and Larsen (1971). Moreover, Kramnik does not have draw odds here as he did against Leko in 2004, when he won the 14th game to draw the match 7-7 and keep the title (yes, the man is clutch); if this match ends 6-6, the championship will be settled with a rapid tiebreak, and in that format Topalov is undoubtedly the stronger.

Despite these considerations, however, Kramnik is currently a very slight favourite to win over at TradeSports.

- 1:10 pm, September 19 (link)


Weekend YouTubeology

Classic SCTV sketches continue to flow onto YouTube, providing viewers with a grand opportunity to get stoked for the imminent release of SCTV: The Early Years. "Betty Bain, Professional Juror" features some textbook scene-stealing from Joe Flaherty and John Candy (watch for the big fella's oddly-modified left hand in the climactic scene); "Corna-Bix" is so incandescently silly that I still find myself proclaiming "Yum-bo!" in the presence of appealing food nearly thirty years after it aired; and the early "Sammy Maudlin" episode that completes the set below is one of the strongest. If you have time, YouTube also has the complete My Factory, My Self, a never-equalled send-up of glib '70s cinema. (In at least one regard My Factory couldn't be more timely: it begins with a joke about a change of anchors at the CBS Evening News.)

- 3:02 pm, September 16 (link)


From the world press, 9/13/06

Trivia quiz: name the European country whose lack of bestiality laws has made it the continent's "animal whorehouse"

Fake hate-crime watch: turns out an Italian "beaten by right-wing thugs" just fell off a railway platform

The Bible code: does a Sicilian mobfather's copy of the Good Book contain encrypted secrets of his crime empire?

Meet the Sandhurst-trained, gout-plagued new king of Tonga, Taufa'ahau V

Even under terrorist attack, Turkey remains mysteriously preoccupied with its sex-doll issue

Wouter Basson, South Africa's "Dr. Death", is still getting a $6,800 monthly paycheque from the SANDF

Beirut bombshell: hard as it is to believe, it looks like Hezbollah dominated the signals-intelligence theatre in its war with Israel

So just what are these "European values" anyway? The "God debate" continues in Euroland

Swedes are considering turfing the ruling Social Democrats: with their typical lucidity, the Economist's charts explain why

Gas and electric workers strike and cut off power to a government spokesman's home in response to privatization plans for Gaz de France

The Green Vault, a European art treasury whose inventory escaped the incineration of Dresden only to languish in Communist hands, reopens to the public

Despite opposition from Spain, Gibraltarians will now be allowed to vote in EU elections

At a Lubavitcher school in the Ukraine, Jewish students get a terrific education for free--but must accept the movement's freakish dualism about Israel along with it

Meanwhile, there's a rising need within Israel for scholarships that help the apostate ultra-orthodox recover from their stunted secular education

At 76, David Kahn, author of The Codebreakers, makes a long-anticipated visit to the resting place of the German ship Magdeburg

Uruguay becomes the surprising battleground in an economic chess game between the USA and Chavez

French prez candidate Ségolene Royal loses her cool at a party rally, needlessly berating a young woman

The Eurasian Economic Community, a talk shop for Russia, Belarus, and some 'Stans, may become an OPEC for Euro natgas

As India goes bourgeois, diabetes joins AIDS and malaria on the list of major public-health concerns

Germany is about to gain its first domestically ordained rabbis since 1942

EU court: Britain can't tax Irish-based subsidiaries at higher UK rates unless the offshore entities are "wholly artificial"

Turkey's opposition leader wonders if he has to pull a Khrushchev in order to call attention to worsening religious and ethnic strife

Joachim Fest, possibly the historian who best understood Adolf Hitler, is dead at 79

- 9:15 pm, September 13 (link)


Yes, but does anybody really want to know? British evidence-based medicine journal Bandolier looks at a prognostic index for all-cause mortality in seniors. -7:38 am, September 13


Time marches on dept.: Meet Liam Lidstrom, Edmonton-born son of NHL forward Willy Lidstrom. He was drafted in the late rounds of 2003 and is looking for a job in the ECHL this season. -10:37 pm, September 12


Schadenfreude korner

What's your favourite post from the thread about Rick DiPietro's 15-year, $67.5M Islanders contract? I have to admit I cracked up when the one guy pointed out how lucky the older fans are because they won't have to live through the whole deal. But there's also this instant classic:

Did Wang kissed too many cows? How stupid is that? He signs a goalie for 15 years and the amount is garanteed? Oh god let rain brain from the sky!

One moderator finds a slender hint of upside:

I finally own a jersey of someone who won't get traded. Why am I not happier?

- 12:42 pm, September 12 (link)


Has anybody else reached the point of wanting to scream themselves hoarse at the mere sight of the acronym "TIFF"? -12:21 pm, September 12


The new breed

I spent Sunday morning with BoA correspondent Andy Grabia and Jose Reyes worshipper Avi Schaumberg watching the Oilers rookies work out at the Black Gold Arena in Leduc. Watching, and photographing. (Let someone else do the damn reporting for once!) Here's the resulting Flickr fotoset as an ordinary webpage; here's the same content in compelling slideshow form. Oiler fans can find verbal coverage in this thread, along with my thoughts on the workout. Looks like hockey's back!

- 8:21 pm, September 10 (link)



Owing to my travels hither and thither, I might easily have missed Friday's Supreme Court decision from Justice Fish in Blank v. Canada. It's not one of those big individual-rights cases that reverberates across society like a hammerblow, but it is rare in that it is likely to occupy the general interest of all Canadian lawyers, and (by firmly establishing the distinction between the related concepts of litigation privilege and solicitor-client privilege) it does serve the beneficial libertarian purpose of removing a wholly bogus exception to freedom-of-information law. Anonymous Canadian lawblogger Pith and Substance has background and comment.

- 8:43 am, September 10 (link)


Sympathy for the devil

Just got back from a couple of days down on the farm... I've brought back some new photos for the visually inclined.

On a related note, a reader asks if I'm related to the family of Roughrider fans recently profiled on TSN. Shockingly, his suspicions are correct: the star of the clip is my uncle Robin. Which means that, vis-à-vis my father, the notorious "Sister Saskatchewan" who stalks Taylor Field in a nun's habit is actually a sister-in-law. Despite their unwise choice of role models like Trevis Smith, we all love Rob and Lori and their kids are turning out great. I'm confident that at least some of them will eventually realize that it's the Edmonton Eskimos who stand for professionalism, dignity, and integrity in Canadian football. Conversion to a faith that's founded on victory instead of victimhood cannot be far behind.

- 3:47 pm, September 9 (link)


From the world press, 9/5/06

Have we been lied to? Mandarin is often said to have nearly 900 million speakers: now a Chinese official is saying 40% of the PRC population can't speak it despite intensive education efforts

Japanese Imperial Princess Kiko delivers the dynasty's first male heir in four decades and--for now--relieves the constitutional crisis

Tell us something we didn't know--Cardinal Glemp says the Soviets had priestly spies in the Vatican checking up on JP2

Germaine Greer op-ed: "The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Steve Irwin"

The imitation of Christ: an apartheid-era National Party minister washes the feet of an ANC activist he once tried to murder

Did Israeli troops in Gaza use mystery superweapons to destroy people's organs without external damage? Al-Jazeera thinks so

Saudi girls gone wild? The Kingdom's Court of Grievances prepares to issue a verdict on a racy novel about Arab girls in revolt against conservative religious norms

Aftenposten wonders whether the newly-recovered Munch masterpieces were part of a secret deal in Norway's explosive NOKAS armed-robbery trial

The nuclear taboo is crumbling in Chile as the ruling coalition, despite Bachelet's disapproval, looks for a way to break Argentina and Bolivia's energy strangehold

Oh so civilized: Rwanda bans the death penalty

Have archaeologists really discovered the Etruscan capitol described by Livy after 500 years of searching?

A retired Indian engineer gives his US$2,200 life savings to a Calcutta high school made of mud

Austrian dungeon girl Natascha is to give her first live TV interview Wednesday evening

"Cairo will never be the same without him": a monumental statue of Ramses II is moved from Egypt's capital to Giza, inspiring (what else?) anti-Zionist rumours

Allied WW2 spy Noor Inayat Khan, a Sufi princess who died in Dachau [wikipedia], receives overdue recognition in her homeland

The traditional European tontine takes on a new form amongst female entrepreneurs in Senegal

Sport of filth: it seems even Vietnamese second-division soccer isn't free of hippodroming

The Lopez Obrador crisis hits a new level as the embittered loser threatens to defy the courts and form an alternative government

Today's African separatist movement in the news comes from the Caprivi region of northeastern Namibia [wikipedia]

Western Standard take note: Princess announces plans for the first-ever Antarctic megaliner cruise

Can a bandwidth pipe stretching from South Africa to Sudan overcome the squabbling of the 23 countries it will pass through?

- 7:40 pm, September 5 (link)


Reaugh of sunshine: hockeycasting's funniest ex-jock joins the OLN broadcast team for 06-07. Rumour is the CBC was looking at the Razor, but physicists warned at the last minute that the hiring of another ex-goalie by the Corp would cause a disastrous rip in the fabric of spacetime. Incidentally, Reaugh confirms other published accounts that have OLN shucking its past by changing its name to "Versus"... -6:58 pm, September 4


Kerckhoffs' principle in action: Cambridge professor Ross Anderson has persuaded his publisher to let him release the entire contents of his Security Engineering textbook online for free. I've been browsing fascinating chapters on the history of nuclear command-and-control and on tamper resistance in electronic systems. Did you know, for instance, that RAM content can persist without external power for "seconds to minutes" if it's cooled to below -20°C? -5:40 pm, September 4


Kneel to win: Mike Tanier of Football Outsiders discusses the use and abuse of regression analysis in a new sabermetric manifesto for football fans. -2:40 am, September 4


Another country

I've always been dialed into Canadian culture. I really dig it. I feel very at home there. It's kind of like the movie version of America to some degree, because everything is just like in the real world, or my real world, but the names are different. Everything sounds made up there. Instead of Macy's there's Roots. It feels like you're in somebody's movie, where they couldn't clear Macy's so they made up fake names for stores.

This take on Canada from Kevin Smith in an interview with Maclean's isn't unfamiliar; a lot of actors come north and experience the different shops and brands and civic features and feel as though they're on a movie set, or in some surrealistic fairyland where everything is just slightly different and skewed. This isn't a problem except insofar as it may lead some Americans to treat Canada as a joke... as they implicitly do when they wear the Maple Leaf to get by more easily overseas--a practice that is recommended often to tourists in complete earnest, that is insanely offensive, that's disgraceful from a patriotic standpoint, that (to the degree that it might even succeed) unjustly imposes on Canadians the hazards and nuisances that it is meant to deflect, and that no one in the U.S. has ever, to my knowledge, denounced or apologized for. But I digress. The opposite phenomenon for Canadians is that, when encountering familiar American venues or symbols in person for the first time, one sometimes feels plunged into a weird sort of hyperstylized reality--the "Oh, look, it's the Empire State Building" effect.

I have to admit I had some subconscious trouble dealing with Americanness when I went to Florida last year for the Western Standard Cruise. It was really my first time anywhere on the east coast proper, and my first time in the South, and as it turned out I hadn't psychologically prepared myself. So I'd run into these freakishly genial people with various flavours of southern accent--

'Ey, man, how y'all doin' this mawnin'? Y'mind if I just take a little ol' look at your bawdin' pass?

--and my first, split-second reaction would actually be rage. I'd think to myself "What the HELL? Is this guy goofing on me? What's with the put-on accent?" I kind of had to stop and remind myself: this way of speaking isn't invented. It's not just the Southern speech, which you normally only hear on television in the mouths of sitcom buffoons and which doesn't throw me for such a loop when I hear it on the phone; it's also the chatty, aggressively genteel overall approach. Which might maybe feel natural to some Canadians, ones who don't come from an introverted, cold, Protestant/East European place. All it did was vaguely antagonize and unnerve me. At first I felt most comfortable with the cabdrivers, who up here are among the most colourful and approachable people (many are Africans and Middle Easterners), but who down there seem to be mostly gruff if not outright hostile.

(In Fort Lauderdale I hailed one hack who assumed wrongly from my light luggage that I was headed somewhere other than the waterfront. It turns out his work day consists mostly of avoiding the Homeland Security hassles and lineups that you have to confront in order to drop off a cruise passenger. He had no compunctions against explaining this to me, but it was still pretty clear he was wishing he'd just stepped on the gas and flattened me like a cartoon character instead of picking me up.)

There was a related but very different effect once I got onto the boat, where the WS passengers were immediately immersed in a sea of overtanned gravel-voiced northeasterners between the ages of 50 and 80. For some reason all the Seinfeld accents (Oh my gawd, Lenny, you have to troy the smoked SAAA-m'n) just made me giggly instead of resentful. Whenever possible I'd just hang out in one of the restaurants after breakfast, listening to old Italians and Poles, folks from Philly and Boston. Everything these people say sounds like movie dialogue to me--they could be talking about shaving their corns and I'd be inhaling it like it was Chekhov. Again, it's not strictly a matter of accent but also of how outlandishly oral these people are because of the different cultural influences--it's like absolutely everything that's ever in their minds has to be communicated at once or they'll physically explode. Going to the States always makes me despair of ever writing a novel, because I discover I was born with a great disadvantage--namely, that I live in a place where people's inner lives are actually interior. It's not even fair, really: in the U.S. it just seems like you could create excellent literature with a tape recorder.

- 11:31 pm, September 3 (link)


From the world press, 9/1/06

"I'm laughing, so I'm still alive": a new book reveals the hidden history of "laughter under Hitler"

Back to the future: Greenland, whose name was accurate until the 14th century, is looking forward to a revival of agriculture and animal husbandry in the warm 21st

Boffins tell a Jo'burg conference on global security that Africa will be al-Qaeda's next playground

I'm not sure it's such a hot idea, but Czech Airlines is trying to reduce fears of terrorism by sticking passengers inside flight simulators and staging depressurizations and hijackings

Russia announces plans for a manned flight around the Moon, proving itself to be only 43 years behind in the space race

Estimated tax bill for South Korea's 2009 reacquisition of troop control along the DMZ: US$510 per person

Which European country has done the best job of integrating Muslim immigrants? You'll never believe the Pew Research Center's answer

Russia's constitution specifies church-state separation, but that's apparently not stopping regional governments from introducing new, mandatory courses on Orthodoxy in public schools

Mob rule in the Netherlands: nativist/laissez-faire MP Geert Wilders can't afford the security he needs to campaign in public, and the justice ministry won't help

Keeping up with the Gateses: Li Ka-Shing transfers $2.4B in shares to his charitable foundation

Rats, spies, storms, thieves--it's all part of camping out with Mexico's stubborn Lopezobradorista army

Argentina and Chile bicker over an Argie tourist map that undoes a 1998 agreement over a disputed cross-border icefield

Germany will contribute ships and planes to UN peacekeeping in Lebanon--but it's still too soon for German infantrymen to be sent where they might have to confront Jews

Chile joins hands with England on the banks of the Thames to celebrate the life of half-Irish, Anglo-schooled libertador Bernardo O'Higgins [wikipedia]

Embraer completes a $2.7B deal to sell 100 regional jump jets to a Chinese airline

MPs from the Faeroe Islands call for a repatriation of the Faroese diaspora

Blaming the victim: St. Petersburg authorities say that fire-code violations at the gutted Troitsky Cathedral were reported but never corrected

Does it ever seem like most of the ancient human remains found by anthropologists are murder victims?

Latin affluenza: Chilean dietary habits are taking a turn for the worse as healthy traditional items disappear from menus

SZnews has some interesting details of new Chinese anticorruption rules (much tougher than Canada's) that require CPC cadres to disclose personal biz affairs

The JPost reports that David Irving is comfortable in Austrian prison, but prosecutors are trying to lengthen his sentence

Alberta-trained TV chef and ethnic caricature Martin Yan shows off Chinese cuisine with all-American ingredients at a trade show in Shenzhen

Is a new wave of free newspapers in Denmark somehow facilitating nighttime home burglaries?

- 12:22 am, September 1 (link)


On newsstands now: more me

Subscribers to the Western Standard will have noticed that my byline now appears in the magazine a little more often. In addition to my sports column, I now have a couple of pages in each issue that fans of my old Upfront notebook feature in Alberta Report will enjoy. The plan is to devote half that spread to a piece of reportage or research--like this primer on Western Canada's underreported and unprecedented summertime anthrax outbreak [reg. req'd]. The other half contains "Satellite Dish," a digest of especially significant or amusing bits of international news from the same sources I use for my patented world-press roundups.

Needless to say, the sports columns will keep coming (here's a recent one comparing the fates of Barbaro and legendary '70s mare Ruffian) and I'll still be appearing just as often in the great and good National Post (watch for a new column from me Friday morning).

- 11:49 pm, August 30 (link)


From the world press, 8/30/06

A 17-year-old daughter of Aum Shinrikyo's leader bids for a new guardian in an effort to escape the Japanese death cult

The dazzling, absurd panoply of African currencies may be due to collapse if supporters of an African Central Bank, now slated to be situated in Nigeria, have their way

...and it can't happen too soon for Zimbabwe, where the government has bungled the introduction of new banknotes in a manner shocking even by the standards of Mugabe's fiefdom

Caesar's wife: in the world's first political podcasting scandal, a contract to produce online video messages for German chancellor Merkel goes to a firm that has Edmund Stoiber's son-in-law on the board

Meanwhile, Merkel emerges from an interview with the Pope and calls for explicit recognition of Christianity in the EU Constitution

How Morocco deals with undocumented migrants passing through en route to Europe: dumping them in the middle of the Sahara without water

The Tamil Tigers' m.o., usefully exemplified in the Daily News of Colombo: swindle Canadians, then send the money home to terrorize civilians

Meanwhile, the Daily Star of Dacca is wondering why it can't seem to confirm Canadian Press reporting on Niko Resources Ltd.

200 families from around the world are suing SNCF, France's rail monopoly, for bundling relatives off to death camps under Vichy rule

Pakistan's scandal-plagued PM survives the second confidence vote in the National Assembly's history as the army gives up on excavating the body of Baluchi underground leader Bugti

Hardball: the Russian government, hoping to acquire or starve the only refinery in the Baltic, switches off the Transneft tap delivering oil supplies to Lithuania

The premier of Flanders remarks "ironically" in a Libération interview that francophone Belgians are too stupid to learn Flemish

Gene expression? Japanese researchers find to their surprise that some people are advantageously born with more muscles, numerically, than others

In other Japanese science news, Kyoto researchers have discovered that a species of damselfish engages in underwater agriculture, pulling "weeds" that threaten colonies of its favourite algae

Fatal FieldTurf? Authorities in Arnhem find "clouds of toxic gases" emerging from an artificial surface that uses rubber crumb

Ségo may lead the French polls, but before she runs she'll have to beat the old lions of her own Socialist party--Fabius, Strauss-Kahn, Lang, and, brow-raisingly, her own boyfriend

The Turks wonder why their "world city", Istanbul, still has a problem with rampant rabies

President Bush may not take Ahmadinejad's offer of a live uncensored TV debate seriously, but unfortunately the Arab world probably will

Princeton-bound former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer leaves the Bundestag, "locking the door" on his stormy political career

Israeli medical expert: why weren't Lebanese war casualties spread throughout Israel instead of being warehoused in Haifa's overworked main hospital?

Brave Naguib Mahfouz, a rare literature Nobelist who actually had a shred of intellectual merit, has died at 94

Chavez watch: first they came for the golf courses, and I said nothing, for I was not a golfer...

OK, who had "three months" in the pool on the actual lifespan of the ETA's "permanent ceasefire" with Spain?

Don't miss this hilarious photo of an NZ cop getting Tasered

- 5:26 am, August 30 (link)


Al Gore may have invented the internet, but it takes a Canadian to ruin it

In case you didn't hear, the Liberal Party of Canada--you remember them, they're the ones who gave us the Charter of Rights and Freedoms--nastygrammed satirical website yesterday, claiming through its legal mouthpiece Guy Régimbald that a "link to the Liberal Party's website" is in potential violation of copyright law (howzat??). The Western Standard has responded by mirroring the threatened site on its own servers and sending a message of defiance to those who would use intellectual property and libel chill as tools of censorship. Decent Liberals should applaud the move--and, perhaps, check with their favourite leadership candidate whether he regards the freedoms of opinion, satire, and internet traffic as essential principles of democracy or mere obstacles to be knocked aside when the Party is criticized.

- 4:26 pm, August 29 (link)


Rae days: in this morning's National Post, I ask and answer a myriad of questions about Canadian politics. Can former Ontario premier Bob Rae win the Liberal leadership? If he does, wouldn't that raise the issue of just how many different parties of the left Canada really needs? Are we headed for a system of Starbucks socialism, wherein a dwindling rump of post-Marxist true believers hems and haws over café au Layton and Elizabeth May's Green tea? Who's really better--the People's Front of Judea or the Judean People's Front? If you were Stephen Harper, do you think that the opportunity to run against Rae's record would actually induce a physical orgasm? The column is available online to subscribers; others must hie to a newsstand at once.

- 9:08 am, August 29 (link)


From the world press, 8/29/06

The Danish government says that Christiania, the legendary anarchist enclave in Copenhagen [wikipedia], must be renovated at a cost of US$43M; residents want to know why they can't do some of the work themselves

Miracle of the cerrado: in the 1960's Brazil's savannah was deemed "improper" for agriculture, but thanks to soil science it now feeds 200 million people

After four years, the International Criminal Court has produced its first indictment: in the docket is Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, a Congolese militia leader accused of recruiting child soldiers

The city of Mantua wants regional galleries to lend Mantegna's Dead Christ and St. Sebastian for the 500th anniversary of the painter's death, but faces resistance from curators terrified of the works' fragility

Somalia's sharia courts rule on which nonreligious NGOs have a legal right to exist in the country: unsurprisingly, the answer is "None of them"

Oh **** dept.: Pakistani security forces, ordered to isolate the political boss of Baluchistan in his mountain hideaway, throw Musharraf under the bus by murdering him

Nero's House of Gold, paradoxically preserved for posterity by the opprobrium of his successors, reopens to the public after heavy reno

Australia looks at administering HPV vaccine--seen not as a liberal encouragement to sex but as a triumph of Aussie medicine--to young girls through public schools

After a year of development, the Chinese government is still awaiting the release of a state-funded (and hideously dull-sounding) video game on patriotic themes

A doctor denies a driver's license to a 79-year-old Norwegian woman after beating her at arm-wrestling

Babies havin' babies: it started as a way to protect young women from Muslim invaders, but child marriage remains a non-negotiable fact of life in rural India

Even by the standards of futile international talk shops, the Arab League--silent throughout Hezbollah's war--has to be considered a disappointment, says the Arab News

Gateway to heaven: the Antarctic ozone "hole" has stabilized and is closing, scientists say

The voice behind Chinese pop classic "I Am Ugly But Tender" plans a massive concert event in Peking*

An American counterfeiting suspect facing trial confirms that the fake $100s he distributed were "supernotes" produced in North Korea

The Mexican supreme court rules that the July 2 presidential election was fair, but loser Lopez Obrador still vows to the make the country "ungovernable"

Japan's doctors finally free up opiates for terminal cancer patients and join the wacky new trend towards actually alleviating some goddamn human suffering

Caucaz News looks into one of the Kazakh state's big internal problems--the post-Soviet rise of a radical nationalist movement among pro-Russian Cossacks

Blood brother: Barack Obama raises AIDS awareness in Kenya by taking (and presumably passing) a public HIV test

Residents of a northern Norwegian village grow annoyed with constant reindeer incursions and decide to fence off the whole place

"Keep the bastards honest": Don Chipp, founder of Australia's Democrats, dies at 81

*Pinyin fans can stop e-mailing me about the spelling--in case you haven't noticed, I don't call Rome "Roma" or Moscow "Moskva" either

- 2:40 am, August 29 (link)


Accidental ad copy of the year: "My cat was enthralled by the space food. She had a great interest in those space flavors." A Chinese weblogger joins the Mile High (Diner's) Club. -11:57 pm, August 27



This is a pretty neat idea for a website. You might as well enjoy it, since you're paying for it (if you pay taxes in Canada).

(My first candidate for a Great Canadian Mystery: why haven't we built a giant ******* gas chamber with room for every self-styled web designer who builds pages in Flash without any kind of in-browser audio control?)

- 11:55 pm, August 27 (link)


Weekend YouTubeology: caress of steel

In 1966 1967, the technology had not yet been found that would let Pete Townshend assault a guitar without knocking it out of tune every 30 seconds; in this performance from the Marquee Club you can catch him blindly throwing desperate quarter-turns into his strings in mid-performance. Keith Moon's "sloppy drums" are sloppier than usual, and John and Roger's singing wavers in and out of the same key. They may not have rehearsed the song too intensively; A Quick One hadn't been on the shelves for more than a handful of weeks. And they're obviously playing much too loud for a room whose small size is shocking when set beside its eminence. If any of the band's Motown idols had been present, they might not have known what to make of the whole affair.

Then again, Berry Gordy and Smokey Robinson knew a thing or two about songwriting, and "So Sad About Us" might be the first or second truly great song from a man who wrote several dozen of them. (Some room should probably be left in there for "Substitute".) The Who's early hit singles are snapshots of their time and place; "Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere" is more of a daring acoustic experiment than a song in the classical sense, and "My Generation" was an insincere marketing gesture that the group regrettably had to drag around for forty years. "So Sad" was one of the first indicators that Pete Townshend had the weight to muck in with Lennon & McCartney or Goffin & King. Even the solo demo, which Townshend made the very first track on his 1983 Scoop release of personal archive recordings, can't quite disabuse the listener of the suspicion that this must be some polished country-and-western standard, newly clothed in Mod battle dress.

Played by the '66 Who--at the time not only the world's best and loudest band, but also its four sharpest-dressed motherfuckers--it seems to demand the creation of a whole new descriptive concept, one that its progenitor would shortly supply.

- 11:53 pm, August 26 (link)


When math bites journalists, part n

LONDON -- A British diesel-powered car has broken its own land speed record, reaching 563.648 kilometres an hour just a day after it shattered a three-decade-old record, a team spokesman confirmed... At just over nine metres long, the vehicle has a drag co-efficient of 0.174 cd -- which compares with a typical family car's drag co-efficient of about 30 cd.

How did the physics in that last sentence come to be so badly sprained? Obviously, just for starters, someone didn't realize that a genuine coefficient probably shouldn't have units, misunderstood "Cd" in a press kit, and mistranscribed the whole in a form he hoped would be semi-intelligible. But even at that, the stated values don't make much sense together. The true drag coefficient of a family car is in the approximate range of 0.3-0.4 (the theoretical maximum being 1)*, and if the writer is instead trying to state the coefficient times the cross-section, which automotive writers sometimes cite, then there should be some kind of area unit in the sentence.

[UPDATE, August 25: Reader John Mansfield, who has a Ph.D. in fluid dynamics, points out that blunt shapes can obstruct a cross-section of airflow larger than their own forward surface area, yielding a drag coefficient greater than 1.]

- 5:49 pm, August 24 (link)


Wrong on so many levels

This 1975 Canadian government propaganda comic for children pretty much encapsulates everything that was wrong with its era, starting with the phrase "government propaganda comic for children." It makes me angry about the conditions of my own childhood in about eight completely distinct ways. I don't want to spoil anything about it--just go check it out.

- 6:13 am, August 22 (link)


From the world press, 8/21/06

Did you know there was a theme park in Switzerland devoted to the paleoastronaut theories of Erich von Däniken [wikipedia]? Apparently a businessman has just saved it from bankruptcy

Test cricket explodes as Pakistan's XI threaten to walk away from a one-day series vs. England unless the skipper is cleared of ball-doctoring

Sea Story: a nephew of South Korea's president and other high officials are implicated in working behind the scenes to approve licenses for an "addictive" gambling machine

The hobbit war continues as scientists skeptical of Homo floresiensis publish their results--they say he's just a microcephalic pygmy

Undercooked Amazonian snails send 70 to hospital in Peking with parasitic meningitis

The North Korean government says "hundreds" were killed in July flooding: a Seoul NGO now says the correct figure is more like 54,700 and that famine is in the offing

Indian PM Manmohan reminds Muslims that, as a Sikh, he knows what it's like to be a member of a religious faith singled out as a terrorist hotbed

Austria's main right-wing party says that a move to give Jörg Haider's breakaway BZÖ a seat on the national electoral commission is a dirty trick

The Uzbek government proposes harsh penalties for talking about one's religion--any religion--in public

Were Indian children killed needlessly by a bum Chinese-manufactured encephalitis vaccine grown from hamster organs?

Gadhafi's son Saif al-Islam, the public face of the chastened colonel's new-model Libya, bemoans the lack of a free press in the country he's heir to

Atlas clicked: in response to a court ruling that all broadcast movies have to be pre-approved by local censors, cable providers in Pune simply shut off the signal

Taiwanese public health officials fret over an epidemic of unsafe, Internet-arranged one-off sexual encounters

If Albania is ever going to become a tourist hotspot of the Balkans, someone's going to have to clean up the toxic filth left behind by communism

- 7:50 pm, August 20 (link)


Weekend quiz answers

Wow, lots of mail on this one. Maybe I should make this a regular feature or something? Seems like an awful lot of you are Jeopardy wannabes.

I can't say anyone improved decisively on the two main answers I had in mind. I believe the tallest adult males to become famous for reasons totally unrelated to their heights are the novelist Michael Crichton, who is 6'9", and the late economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who is said to have reached the same peak height. As a younger man Crichton was sometimes said to be 6'10", but the judges would have accepted either answer. Jamie Tucker wins the No-Prize for mentioning both in an e-mail almost immediately.

If you are willing to stretch the definition of "famous," you can arrive at other answers. (Steve Sailer, the go-to guy on all things related to human biodiversity, has a very full treatment on the sidebar of his website; scroll down until you spot my name.) The senior heir to the throne of Albania, Crown Prince Leka Zogu, is said to be around 7'. Godfrey Reggio, whose art-cinema classic Koyaanisqatsi was apparently intended to make cities repugnant or disturbing but succeeded only in endowing them with a certain entomological grandeur, is cited as being anywhere from 6'11" to 6'7". A few readers tried to make a specious case that Randy Johnson's 6'10" height has had little or nothing to do with him winning 277 major-league ballgames; they should find someplace else to sell that particular product line of bulldada. At 6'9", contemporary columnist Jim Pinkerton matches the height of Crichton and Galbraith and falls only a little short in degree of fame.

One notices, without much surprise, that the three surnames in that last sentence are all Scottish. I will not urge upon the reader the conclusion that Scotland has produced a distinctly superior strain of humankind; if he is not Scottish himself, no argument will suffice, and if he is, then certainly none shall be necessary.

- 1:59 am, August 21 (link)


Weekend quiz question

Who is the tallest adult male to become famous for reasons unrelated to his height?

I was inspired to ask this question around midweek, when I was watching Ricky Gervais's widely YouTubed industrial-training film for Microsoft. Gervais's writing/radio partner Stephen Merchant, who plays the straight man in the MS movie, is familiar as a foil for Gervais in interviews and DVD extras. But since they're so often filmed seated together in a two-shot, it's startling (frankly, almost blood-curdling) when Merchant actually stands up in the MS footage to reveal a height of 6'7". (Best guess for Gervais seems to be about 5'8".)

Merchant, however, is not the correct answer. What's interesting about the question, I think, is that it does define the line between the range of ordinary human variance and--for lack of a better term--true freakishness. Practically speaking, if Merchant were 7'3", he would not be earning a living as a comedy writer. All humans above a certain height who become famous tend strongly, for obvious reasons, to do so as basketball players or pro wrestlers or actors. I'll give you a while to work on it and, perhaps, improve on my answer.

- 7:50 am, August 19 (link)


The Reg asks and answers the question of the hour

...the fabled binary liquid explosive--that is, the sudden mixing of hydrogen peroxide and acetone with sulfuric acid to create a plane-killing explosion--is out of the question. Meanwhile, making TATP ahead of time carries a risk that the mission will fail due to premature detonation, although it is the only plausible approach.

Certainly, if we can imagine a group of jihadists smuggling the necessary chemicals and equipment on board, and cooking up TATP in the lavatory, then we've passed from the realm of action blockbusters to that of situation comedy.

...We've given extraordinary credit to a collection of jihadist wannabes with an exceptionally poor grasp of the mechanics of attacking a plane, whose only hope of success would have been a pure accident. They would have had to succeed in spite of their own ignorance and incompetence, and in spite of being under police surveillance for a year.

But the Hollywood myth of binary liquid explosives now moves governments and drives public policy. We have reacted to a movie plot. Liquids are now banned in aircraft cabins (while crystalline white powders would be banned instead, if anyone in charge were serious about security). Nearly everything must now go into the hold, where adequate amounts of explosives can easily be detonated from the cabin with cell phones, which are generally not banned...

For some real terror, picture twenty guys who understand op-sec, who are patient, realistic, clever, and willing to die, and who know what can be accomplished with a modest stash of dimethylmercury.

- 12:50 pm, August 17 (link)


From the world press, 8/17/06

Were the Dead Sea Scrolls collected by the radical Essene sect of Judaism? Conventional theory says yes, but the contrary view has found new purchase thanks to evidence that nearby Qumran was a centre for pottery

Cosh's New Muralism at work: police in Padua wall up a North African ghetto in response to open pleas for "militarization" from beleaguered neighbours

In the Kuril Islands, where Russia meets Japan, World War II has never officially ended--and now it's flared up as the Russian Coast Guard kills a Japanese fisherman

Enough self-absorbed blather about Hitler from old men, say two young German essayists in response to the Gräss scandal; we've got issues that can't be solved by means of pacifist pieties

Nickel prices hit an all-time high, raising the astonishing possibility that the mineral will be formally redefined on world markets as a precious metal

Everybody's grandpa: meet Pang Yingjian, a poor Chinese temple janitor who is raising three abandoned baby girls and found homes for three others

"A playground for proxy wars": Michael Young of the Daily Star tries to peer into the postwar future of Lebanese politics and predict Hezbollah's next move

Meanwhile, Qatar's foreign minister admits that "the [Arab] street is not with us"--"us" being moderate Arab regimes who have opposed Hezbollah

"Gofment people, make dem go find another solution": a curfew for motorcycle cabbies in Lagos causes hardship for the city's hookers

The fall of communism nearly wiped out Czech consumer brands, but now familiar names like Kofola and Jawa are becoming hip nostalgia items

Aristo Sham Ching-Tao, a 10-year-old with absolute pitch, is the new toast of the piano world after winning the Ettlingen Competition

In Italy, today's most popular names for newborn boys are Francesco, Alessandro, and Andrea; for girls it's Giulia, Martina, and Chiara

The IDF Chief of Staff is in deep doodoo for selling off a big chunk of his stock portfolio hours after the July 12 Hezbollah raid

The Pope undergoes an unprecedented battery of simultaneous interviews on German TV, admitting that John Paul's torrent of canonizations was "somewhat overwhelming" [translation: "crazy as a shithouse rat"]

Human powderkegs: in China's cities, they're mixing rural-born migrant workers, porn, and alcohol and baking up a big batch of rape

It's a battle of statistics between parties as Mexicans await a final result in their bitter presidential election

A British protectionist gesture is inadvertently helping to slow the "brain drain" of medical professionals from South Africa and Zimbabwe

A jetsetting Euro royal dies mysteriously in a Thai jail and is buried near Marbella, the Spanish resort he helped launch into the big time

Don't look for change just because the FSN iced Chechen supreme warlord Sadulayev, says an analyst: revolution in the Caucasus has its own blind logic

Eskom, the South African power monopoly, is fined US$2,200 over the accidental electrocution of a giraffe

Wal-Mart declares its first quarterly profit decline in a decade, thanks to the costs of an ill-considered entry into Germany and a humiliating withdrawal

Ladies and gentlemen, the small faces: Chinese scholars study how the human skull has changed over the last 10,000 years

Paraguayan strongman Stroessner, Latin America's second-longest-serving dictator, dies in Brazilian exile at 93

Domo arigato, Mr. Dato: Denmark becomes the latest front in the worldwide free-newspaper war

After a thousand years, the lament for King St. Stephen echoes undiminished across Hungary

Heavy rains are literally raising the dead in Guadalajara's oldest cemetery

Crying uncle: the Swiss Phonak cycling team decides to disband in the aftermath of Floyd Landis's disgrace

China's central government is still having trouble convincing its regions to stop investing in heavy industry and to help brake inflation

A building contractor doing work in Arnhem downs tools for fear of undetonated munitions from Operation Market-Garden

At least the financial implosion of Brazilian flag carrier Varig has one upside--namely, destitute stewardesses turning up in Playboy

"A nippy sensation in the pelvic region": yes, it's another Chosun Ilbo article about miniskirts

- 9:54 am, August 17 (link)


Abnormal psychology dept.

It seems damned careless to accidentally smother your kidnap victim to death literally on your way out the door of her house--but students of homicide know that we hear something like this exculpatory tale of a tragic accident from pretty much every single sex murderer in the recorded history of humankind. Even John Wayne Gacy, who had thirty-plus bodies of young male rape victims rotting away underneath his house, tried to spin elaborate explanations for how his prey, in every case, had up and died through sheer misadventure. It's a crock. It's just not that easy to kill a human being inadvertently, even a small girl. It's certainly not easy to do it on your way out of the closed doors of an utterly silent house. -this site, May 10

[John Mark] Karr confessed to the [JonBenet Ramsey] killing after his arrest Wednesday at his downtown Bangkok guesthouse by Thai and American authorities, said Lt. Gen. Suwat Tumrongsiskul, head of Thailand's immigration police.

He said Karr insisted his crime was not first-degree murder but that JonBenet died during a kidnapping attempt that went awry. "He said it was second-degree murder. He said it was unintentional," Suwat said. -the Associated Press, this morning

- 9:23 am, August 17 (link)


Woews of hatred for Toews: I have a brand-new column in this morning's National Post about the federal justice minister's proposal to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 12 to 10.

Toews might be accused of seeking a quarrel on the furthest margins of plausibility. But when the criminal culpability of young people suddenly does become an issue, it's hard to discuss the issue with a cool head. On February 12, 1993, at a shopping mall in a Liverpool suburb, two ten-year-old boys enticed James Bulger, aged two, away from his mother. They took him on a four-kilometre ramble through Merseyside; reaching a railyard, they battered him to death with iron and stones and left him on the tracks. Both came from violent, broken homes well known to the police, and had done things an older child might have been arrested for. Would Vic Toews be willing to second-guess British justice now and state that these under-12 youngsters did not "need incarceration"? How about Liberal justice critic Sue Barnes, who (in a Tuesday press release that stung the mind with its dishonesty) vilified Toews for wanting to "lock up ten-year-olds"?

You can read the whole thing at the Post's website: it's on the free side of the subscriber wall.

- 8:07 am, August 16 (link)


Spotted in downtown Toronto, Monday afternoon

It's not the only one of its kind, either.

- 2:45 pm, August 15 (link)


Brief return to the isle of supermen

Jonathan Kay has devoted a column in today's Post to Sacha Trudeau's creepazoidal love letter to the sickbed of Fidel. It's good, but in the rush to denounce something so eminently denunciable, we should not overlook its status as data. The Cuban press is now engaged in trying to persuade us that Fidel is doing fine, swapping gifts with Hugo Chavez and even sucking back a delicious smoothie or two. I would be willing to believe it, but if anyone in the free world is likely to have reliable privileged information about Fidel's prognosis, surely it is old family friend A. Trudeau? He doesn't seem to think it looks very good for el Jefe.

- 5:25 am, August 15 (link)


And I said I do, I do

Fidel is not a politician. He is more in the vein of a great adventurer or a great scientific mind... His intellect is one of the most broad and complete that can be found. He is an expert on genetics, on automobile combustion engines, on stock markets. On everything. Combined with a Herculean physique and extraordinary personal courage, this monumental intellect makes Fidel the giant that he is. He is something of a superman... Cubans remain very proud of Castro, even those who don't share his vision. They know that, among the world's many peoples, they have the most audacious and brilliant of leaders.

Communism is dead, possibly even deader than its sneering twin fascism. But the puerile, hallucinatory romance of the Dear Leader lives on--not just in the fungus-gnawed pages of forgotten propaganda manuals, but in an exclusive to your Sunday Toronto Star.

It has been a while since Western intellectuals made a habit of masturbating in public to comic-book fantasies of physically indomitable, universally erudite Communist revolutionaries. But then, an intellectual is someone who makes at least a modest effort to keep pace with the emergence of the historical record. Anyone who describes Fidel Castro as devoted to "peace" cannot be familiar with his strategic posture during the Cuban Missile Crisis; anyone who associates him with the quest for justice must not have heard about the abundantly documented "acts of repudiation" organized by the Cuban security police to terrorize peaceful dissidents in their homes; anyone who deems him a paragon of "rationality" can certainly never have imagined being thrown into a filthy jail cell with a violent rapist, or locked up and tortured in a psychiatric hospital, for such fearful crimes as "clandestine printing" or "dangerousness." Sacha Trudeau hints that Cuban friends have tried to explain life under dictatorship to him, but he reinterprets their suffering as mild psychological "suffocation"--not so much at the hands of a totalitarian state as by Fidel's personal example of "machismo and rigour." Somewhere, Alexander Solzhenitsyn is vomiting.

- 5:30 pm, August 13 (link)


Bruce Rolston is, like me, trying to fathom the details of the British bomb plot from the depths of an armchair; on this issue, wherever we disagree, I can safely be presumed wrong. -5:28 pm, August 13


And while we're on the subject,

let's remember that there has been a known field test of electronically-detonated liquid explosives placed aboard an aircraft by terrorists. On December 11, 1994, Ramzi Yousef planted an experimental bomb aboard a Philippine Airlines flight from Manila to Narita and disembarked during a stopover at Cebu. Relevant facts:

1. The explosive used was nitroglycerin, which is about 1½ times more powerful by weight than TNT, and hence even more so than TATP;

2. The bomb was disguised as a bottle of contact lens fluid, making its maximum volume about 360 mL;

3. The bomb was placed almost directly over the centre wing fuel tank of a 747;

4. It went off as intended;

5. It killed just one passenger and did no damage at all to the fuselage, allowing the plane to land safely.

Yousef had a more ambitious project for manufacturing larger bombs and concealing them inside life vests on a series of flights, but the result of the Philippine Airlines test apparently disappointed his uncle Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. KSM discarded the plan, possibly for some of the reasons spitballed in the previous entry. He liked the other idea--the one, that is, where al-Qaeda militants trained as pilots, hijacked passenger aircraft, switched off the radar transponders, and crashed the planes into landmarks and public installations.

It appears that the successors of Ramzi Yousef and KSM were prepared to go ahead with less powerful bombs, made from a less stable high explosive, than even the ones used by Yousef in a dry run. If I've got my facts straight, and the press does too, that suggests that this group is probably not too bright. And the reversion to a terror plot that was already discarded by shrewder fanatics certainly hints at some desperation in al-Qaeda ranks. But now I've talked myself into waiting for another shoe to drop.

- 5:08 pm, August 11 (link)


Um, so before we abandon the whole concept of "carry-on baggage" forever...

...could somebody in authority maybe consider providing, for the benefit of us stupid cattle who fly on airplanes, an actual model of the credible threat supposedly posed to aircraft by the participants in this new "terror plot"?

This morning's press is abuzz with talk of TATP (acetone peroxide), a liquid explosive favoured by Middle Eastern bombers that is "easy to make and hard to detect." With advantages like that, surely there's some catch? Just so--TATP is easy to make, but far, far easier to blow one's limbs off with in the making. In its high-explosive form it's even less stable than nitroglycerin. And after five years' experience with the New Transport Security, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that the scenes of security officials pouring hand lotion, hair gel, and bottled water into giant waste bins apparently represent a spectacle every bit as irrational as a witch-dunking. It didn't blow up, therefore it was safe all along! Have a nice day!

TATP is popular amongst disaffected Arab nihilists because the necessary ingredients are uncontrolled and virtually uncontrollable. It's literally a matter of putting acetone and peroxide together in the presence of any of a number of catalysts (I've seen sulfuric acid mentioned). If you're willing to invest some manpower to cover the risk of accidents, it is "easy" to fabricate.

But concealing an amount large enough to bring down an airliner in flight might be another matter. If TATP has been a threat all along, why hasn't it been used to target aircraft before? Pan Am Flight 103 was brought down over Lockerbie with Semtex. Shoe bomber Richard Reid was found with TATP in his shoes, but only as a detonator for Semtex. ABC News is reporting:

The suspected terror plotters arrested in Britain had planned to conceal their liquid or gel explosives inside a modified sports beverage drink container and trigger the device with the flash from a disposable camera. ...the plotters planned to leave the top of the bottle sealed and filled with the original beverage but add a false bottom, filled with a liquid or gel explosive. The terrorists planned to dye the explosive mixture red to match the sports drink sealed in the top half of the container.

So you tell me: we're talking about maybe 200 or 300 mL of an explosive that's not under serious compression, and that isn't quite TNT-equivalent even when it's not in liquid suspension? I realize airframes are fragile because of the annoying necessity to leave the ground, and that's certainly enough TATP to cause some death and carnage in the cabin. I'm not sure it would reliably breach the skin of the aircraft, let alone guarantee that it crashed. Even assuming you didn't bump into anything on the way through the security inspection. Or attract a whole bunch of attention by carrying a bottle of Gatorade like it was a carton of sparrow's eggs. Or get the dye job not quite right.

Obviously there is much more yet to be disclosed about this thwarted plot. What I want to hear is a sensible threat model. I'm not concerned about an advance justification of the current madness going on in American and British airports. A temporary overreaction is perhaps excusable--assuming that the resources diverted to examining carry-ons haven't been taken away from security screening of checked baggage, which all our experience tells us is more dangerous to aircraft. In fact, if I were Osama bin Laden and I wanted to smuggle something dangerous onto an airplane in 2006, I think my exact first step would be to get a couple dozen movement goofballs to risk their freedom and hides on the biggest diversionary action imaginable.

[UPDATE, 12:28 pm: If half a Gatorade bottle of TATP isn't enough to bring down a plane (and that's just a conjecture on my part), there is still the question asked by a Rantburg commenter: would it be enough to blow open the sealed door of a cockpit? My guess is that the answer is "Yes"--but anybody who wants to reprise 9/11 still has the passengers to deal with...]

- 10:03 am, August 11 (link)


Hezbollywood North: Until I saw Antonia Zerbisias make the case that faked news images are no big deal, I thought that a "media critic" was somebody who criticizes the media. It turns out that the full job description is "media critic... of non-journalists who are trying to figure out who they can trust." The word "media" as used here shouldn't be regarded as genitive like the "fly" in "flyswatter"; it indicates allegiance, like the "police" in "police dog." -6:16 am, August 11


NYT halves human species: film at eleven

Jane Brody has been on the health and medicine beat for the New York Times longer than I've been alive, and not just a little longer. So I doubt that the glaring solecism in a new column about migraine is her responsibility. Brody writes that "People who experience [aura] have a doubled risk of cardiovascular diseases, according to findings published last month in The Journal of the American Medical Association." But the JAMA article in question is not about "people" in general, as its title, "Migraine and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Women," suggests.

If Brody or some editor didn't just mess up, and instead consciously inferred that the doubling of cardiovascular disease risk found in women would presumably be matched in a similar sample of men, they're on soft ground. Prior evidence suggests that the risk burden is particularly strong in (young) women. And it doesn't necessarily reflect on the Times, but it may also be worth noting that the JAMA study apparently used loose criteria in defining both migraine and aura, and that the very different cardio-risk profiles of migraineurs and non-migraineurs would make it hard to extricate enough potential confounders to generate a reliable hazard ratio.

- 6:52 pm, August 9 (link)


This Week in Fakeball

Readers who saw my April Western Standard column about fantasy baseball (and other fan-as-GM games) may be wondering how I'm doing in my first-ever MLB fantasy season. Short answer: there's a reason I haven't discussed it much.

To recap the situation as it stood in April, I had just plunged into the deep end of the shark pool with 11 other players who have Alberta connections--most of them sports webloggers, almost all of them possessing more university degrees than me, and all very knowledgeable about baseball by civilian standards. It's a league with 27 roster spots that lets each GM keep six players from year to year. Our inaugural draft, managed electronically by CBS Sportsline, was like a ten-day childbirth, interspersed with heavy doses of terror, frustration, outrage, and hilarity. Team owners were in four different time zones, literally spread out coast-to-coast, and GMs with 9-to-5 jobs routinely received angry phone calls at work: "We can get ten picks out of the way if you'll drag your *** into the draft room RIGHT NOW!" I've never been involved in anything like it, and honestly I'm a little sad that future drafts will be shorter because 72 players will have keeper tags applied in advance.

WHAT I DID RIGHT ON DRAFT DAY: In a word, starting pitching. For some reason, my intellectual framework for selecting a rotation was unusually strong: the top ten 2006 starters in MLB under our scoring system include Brandon Webb (#2), Mike Mussina (#5), and John Smoltz (#9). I snagged Smoltz with the #90 pick overall, Webb with #127, and Mussina #186. This is pretty much the only thing I have to brag about, so I'm going to dine out on it for as long as possible without mentioning that my other picks included Jorge Sosa and Casey Fossum.

I also took a chance on Nick Johnson at #162, more out of sentiment than anything--I told myself before the draft that it was best to prevent irrationality by a strategy of appeasement, i.e., smuggling one former Montreal Expo onto the roster if possible. Johnson, who is 27 and will always pound the ball and work the zone when healthy, turned out to be a pretty solid choice at first base, considering that most of the other big studs had been off the board for ten rounds or more by then.

EASY DECISIONS I DIDN'T SCREW UP: Indians catcher Victor Martinez has rewarded his pick (#7 overall) adequately at a low-offence position; so has the perennially underrated Texas shortstop, Michael Young (#18). These are decisions any decent fantasy player could make in his sleep, though I probably could have let Martinez slide for another round.

HOW I BONED MYSELF: Injuries. Injuries. Oh God, have there ever been injuries.

To this hour I don't know if I didn't factor them in enough, or if I just had a howlingly bad run of piss-poor luck. Obviously I was asking for a little trouble with Jeff Kent (#42) and Ken Griffey (#66). But I was careful to find backups for both those players; remarkably, Griffey and his backup Jeremy Hermida missed the same four early-season scoring weeks with injuries, and Kent's backup, Luis Castillo, injured a foot running the bases 24 hours before Kent got drilled in the head with a fastball. Am I stupid or does God hate me? My fellow players have been too tactful to supply a convincing categorical answer.

To top everything off, I was EXTREMELY CAREFUL to make sure my outfield was anchored by a truly blue-chip iron-man who was a mortal lock to keep collecting RBIs all year in the middle of a formidable lineup. If you asked any baseball fan in April who the most durable, trustworthy run-producer in the draft was, there's a pretty good chance he would have told you "Hideki Matsui."

Well. Matsui broke his wrist chasing a foul fly on May 11, and now it's August 8 and he's still too sore to swing a bat. The sound of the bone shattering was also the death rattle for my team. The pitching staff kept me in the running through mid-July, but on Monday of every week I was running candy-asses like Mark Kotsay and Geoff Jenkins* out there to fill the Matsui hole. Last week, nine games out of playoff contention and squatting 10th in a 12-team league table, I had to throw in the towel. Mindful of 2007, I traded Mussina and Smoltz to a contender for the rights to Seattle wunderkind Felix Hernandez. Now my team sucks and the rest of the league despises me for making a deadline swap that could decide the pennant. Cue world's smallest violin.

ASSESSMENT: Most everybody else in my league has played fantasy before, and I haven't. It did take me a while to learn how to navigate some of the intricacies of the game, like finding pitchers with two starts during a scoring week and choosing matchups wisely. So while I know "real-world" baseball, and I started with higher expectations of myself than 10th place, I probably shouldn't be too disappointed. There's even time to move up in the rankings if some of my young properties have good late runs.

It is a plus that there was one very obvious strength to my 2006 team and one very obvious weakness. Pervasive mediocrity is hard to correct. My strategic planning for 2007 will be relatively simple if I can just remember what algorithm I used to snag those awesome starting pitchers in the first place. So I got that going for me, which is nice. Plus: Felix Hernandez!

CREDIBILITY WATCH: It's not as though Tyler Dellow's reputation as a philosopher of sport needed much help, but as I write this, he possesses the best record in the Alberta Baseball Confederacy. I was in a playoff fight for a while with Andy Grabia, but some visionary draft picks (including Jon Papelbon and Francisco Liriano) and wise trades sealed my fate. He is tied for 4th overall. Since I've sagged to 10th, I'll be inviting karmic retiribution by making any mention of Alex Abboud or Matt Fenwick; let's just say there's a tie for 11th.

*This reference is a little unfair from a real-baseball standpoint. Kotsay is having a fine season for a center fielder, and I've appreciated his consistency; it's just that in a 12-team fantasy league that doesn't differentiate between outfield slots, you've got a serious problem if you're putting a line-drive-hitting CF in the lineup every week. And Jenkins is worse off in a scoring system that penalizes strikeouts heavily that he is on a real field.

- 12:10 am, August 9 (link)


From the world press, 8/8/06

Viktor Yanukovych, unseated by Ukraine's Orange Revolution, has ended up on top in multiparty talks and will be PM; here's an extensive Transitions Online feature on how President Yushchenko got trapped into handing parliamentary leadership to his bitterest enemy

A former foreign minister of India and his son have been indicted for involvement in the oil-for-food scandal, but there's no evidence against the Congress Party--so far

Meanwhile, the High Court of Rajasthan rules that playing hide-the-salami is an essential component of a husband's duties, without which married life would be a "curse" to any woman

A relief distribution centre in a drought-ridden part of Kenya is beset by baboons who attack the humans and steal the food as soon as they leave the compound...

...and elsewhere in the nation, imams are trying to convince their parishioners that nothing in the Koran says you have to mutilate your daughter's genitals

Number-one fashion item not being worn in Bermuda this summer: Bermuda shorts

In Amsterdam, Europe's first free-standing clinic for the treatment of video game addiction opens--but take note: it's not yet covered by public health insurance

A union of African centre-right parties elects a new head, who says it's time the continent embraced democracy, the market, and rule of law

Israel's 3,000 Jews of Indian origin, many of whom live in rocket-blasted Haifa, say they won't give in to Hezbollah terror

In China, film censorship may be losing the fight against the irresistible force of foreign cash

Pakistan tries to turn a tiny Balochi village into an energy superport for China's millions--but can the dream overcome an anarchic hinterland and a paranoid Indian neighbour?

Oh dear: an Australian cricket broadcaster probably shouldn't have shouted "The terrorist has got another wicket!" when the RSA's Muslim star dismissed a Ceylonese batsman

Here's a fun gallery of pop-culture appropriations of the Swiss red cross...

And here are a few photos of Chinese teahouse visitors enjoying "crosstalk" (xiangsheng), a traditional form of stage comedy now undergoing a revival before live audiences [wikipedia]

As Chad officially recognizes the People's Republic of China, Taiwanese diplomats claim the split happened because the PRC had been arming border rebels to build pressure on the African nation

Pre-Ramadan shopping in Saudi Arabia means it's time for the annual reappearance of the kingdom's familiar Yemeni "human trolleys"

The quest for the median voter is on in Kazakhstan as supporters and opponents of crazycrat Nursultan Nazarbayev coalesce around two poles

Australian banana prices, recently so high that they were pulling Aussie inflation out of the central bank's comfort zone, face a welcome downturn

An expatriate Russian master is trying to save the neglected but first-class church organs of Costa Rica

US$11,000: that's the average selling price of a baby in Taiwan, according to child welfare groups--but a boy will of course cost you a little extra

Seller beware: inside the Turkish lingerie caper

- 6:04 am, August 8 (link)


Prediction: Connecticut's Democratic Senate primary will be super-duper close. I'm not saying Lieberman will win; there are few things more unpalatable than a man who combines cowardice with sanctimony. But has a bet against ever cost anyone money? If I'd bought Lieberman at 31 I'd be feeling pretty good right now... -6:02 am, August 8


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You know, I was certain for days that I'd seen the shape of that new Buffalo Sabres logo somewhere before... and then suddenly this morning my memory caught fire. Fire! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.