Okay, here is a critique. Bear in mind that I am this harsh on everybody, so it's not just you.
-First of all, the beginning sentence is confusing. You say "thanks to them". Who is "them"?
-Be careful with confusion with words. You say "there normal" when it should be "they're normal". Remember:
They're = They are
Their = Something belonging to someone
There = "It's over there"
-The sentences don't make sense at all. I tried making sense of it, but it is impossible to work out what is going on. Make sure you take time with your sentences and read back to see if they REALLY make sense.
-You need a new paragraph whenever someone else talks. I know on your other question you said you didn't have time, but the bottom line is that if you want people to help you, you should at least make an effort.
-Your dialogue is messed up. I have no idea who is speaking and when they are speaking because the speech runs into each other. You need to press "Enter" once and then indent it by pressing "Tab", then use an opening quotation mark, write what that character says, then when the next character talks do the same again. Do not just use one opening quotation mark for a whole conversation. Look in published books to see how they do it.
You don't need to start over, you just need to edit this a lot.