2011-08-09 06:03:24 UTC
That was our President James Shepherd who spoke on TV that was one of the glass walls of the bus stop on Michigan ave. during the year 2058, Chicago IL, USA. Yeah, It was the future and there has been many changes over the last fifty years.. Such as touch screen televisions everywhere you look. There were auto driving taxi’s and trucks. There were even auto-dog walking robots that picked up poop. All you had to do was put some money into the payment system or a credit card will do, and hook your dog on a leash. That was ONLY if your dog got along with other dogs though. If not you also get a very hefty fine for your dog biting another dog or anything for that matter. Yes, lots and lots of changes in those fifty years. Power companies manufactured fuel cells now. It was actually illegal to use any burning products for fuel. Our automobiles all had electric motors in them. Trains hovered over the ground at speeds of 400 mph. It was really great changes actually when it came to technology and everything. Well... not everything... there was also another change. Vampires...
They came out of no where during the year 2030. Actually no one knows why, how, or even where they came from. They just appeared and it wasn’t just in the USA it was everywhere. That’s when governments around the world started a task force to fight them. It was called The Vampire Task Force. That was mainly know as TVTF.
"I got you! Kara! Come on baby! We can make it!" Mason screamed sincerely to her. He took her hand and exclusively picked her right up. Then he went down again and grabbed up her purse with his other hand.
They ran together while they held hands as fast as they could toward the building his dad lived at.
"We are almost there Kara." said Mason as he breathed deep and filled his lungs full of air. They ran up to his dad’s building. They both were breathed heavily. You could see their breath as it floated out their mouths with every breath and on into the air.
"Mason hurry up! Type in the code! Come on!!" She said as she looked around everywhere, up, left, right. She seemed horrified and frightened.
"Got it!" He said as they ran inside and slammed the door shut.
The door locked. There were two loud sliding dead bolt sounds to secure the door closed. The UVB light shined out on the sidewalk from inside bullet proof glass of the building.
A huge flash from a vampire hitting the lights flashed up like gunpowder getting sparked up. Then the smoke slowly started to float up into the air.
"AAH AAH AAH” Kara breathed deeply and fast.
“Oh my god!! Did you see that smoke!?" said Kara as she breathed like she was going to have a heart attack.
"YEAH!! Did you see that FLASH!? We made it!" Mason replied in an excited and exasperated voice. "That was a god-damn VAMPIRE!!!! Two more seconds and we'd be dead!" he spoke as he stared out the window and began to scan around to look for anything else.
“Hey look I see it’s fangs or nails or something laying there,” Mason said.
The vampire’s fangs and nails were made of a type of metal no one on the planet has ever seen anywhere or found except for on these vampires. The shine off the metal fangs made them have a scintillate look as they rolled back and forth in the street.
“Should I go out there and get them? They are just outside the light in the street,” asked Mason to Kara while he gave her some very eager looking eyes.
With vampires you never see them. No one does. They were like the great white sharks who swam around in the green murky ocean waters of the California coast.