Hi, Sterling :)
I kind of struggle with *writing* description, but I know what I want to get across. Anyway -
When description is bad -
- In action scenes. The reader doesn't want flowery words, metaphors and similes, they want it to be to the point, they want to know what happens next, not that the curtains have a flowery pattern on them when a murderer is coming towards them with a knife.
- Dialogue. Only sometimes, though. If people are having a conversation, then it's good to have some description but you don't want too much so that it disturbs the flow of conversation.
Good -
- When the MC (or whoever's POV you're writing from) goes somewhere they haven't been before.
- When meeting someone new.
- When something is unusual. Ex - Someone comes in on crutches. This is important because if you said someone came into the room, you wouldn't automatically assume that they're on crutches.
- To... how do I put this? To emphasise the character's personality. Ex - (And, yes, I know an example was needed after that description, lol) A character (let's call them Susan) is about to hit... Jillie because Jillie has been bullying Susan. Is Susan's face calm? Angry? Scared?
It's more of the little things with this one, like if someone plays with their hands when they're bored or whatever. Hope you got the point.
Mainly it's needed when you feel it's needed. And the thing to remember with description is that only mention the things the character would notice. If your MC is a thug, they're not going to notice the flowery curtains. (Why do I keep using curtains as an example? Lol).
Personally, I hate it when there's too much description, it's annoying and boring. But then I also do want some, but in the right places.
Good example of description - The Maze Runner by James Dashner.
Bad example - The Awakened Mage by Karen Mills. Some parts were good, but at others it was like, "I DON'T CARE WHAT THE FLOOR LOOKS LIKE!"
Lol, well, hope I helped and if I didn't I just made you read through all this and wasted five minutes of my life in the process.
Edit - Wow, I wrote a lot.
And - AAAAH! I forgot BQ's
BQ - Unpredictable (because I never know what's going to happen next, not because I'm just *that* good, lol)
BQ2 - Oh, uh, Michael. Forty seven.
BQ3 - Oh, god, no. You should be banned from B&A for mentioning it in this section. (Yes, that is how strongly I feel).