2010-06-05 22:29:34 UTC
People hurried around me, eager not to be late for the first class of the new year. A shoulder dug into my own and I staggered slightly, the owner rushing passed me without a word of apology. I scowled and held my books against my chest like they were my shield; helping me fend off the evil robots I called my peers.
St. Venantius’ wasn’t a boarding school; it was Hell with fluorescent lighting. It was an old gothic style on the outside, with large brown bricks and tall pointed towers around the campus, sending out an instant ominous feeling. I detested that school, and the very second I graduated I was out of there. Another nuisance on the long list was that it also had terrible insulation, so the chill that set a layer of goosebumps over my skin was the norm.
Around the heads of passing students, I met a pair of eyes. The unexpected desire that swam within them made me come to a halt. I stopped trying to push my through the crowd of people, and instead returned their gaze.
There was something so captivating about them that forced me to ignore the rude students jabbing into me and just take in those eyes. They were a clear blue that seemed to impossibly radiate through the dull halls of St. Venantius’, half hidden behind a tousle of dark blonde curls. It was then that I realised the person with the cloudless eyes was a boy, and I knew for certain that I’d never seen him around the grounds before, because there was no doubt I could forget somebody that looked like him.
My eyes involuntarily blinking were all that it took for reality to flood back and my daze to dissolve. I swore at myself inwardly, a surprising panic sped my heart up as I hastily scanned through the sea of students in an attempt to find those eyes. They had suddenly disappeared and although I knew my attempts were useless, I began to push through the crowd.
He was nowhere to be found. Disappointment washed through me, and I turned in the opposite direction so that I could skulk to my first class. I attempted to rid myself of the image of those pale eyes, but failed dismally as they played out in my head over and over again.
What do you think, and how's the pace? Any constructive criticism is appreciate, but please give examples or else it's a little hard to improve. Thank you(: