Adrian's Little Dhampir
2011-07-19 02:30:21 UTC
I screamed as my skin started to turn to black fur. It pained me to look at Ashlee as tears poured down her hollow cheeks. It was her first change. "Shh... it's okay Ash." The pain surged through my veins as my arms grew black fur thicker.
Ash looked at me pain just reflecting in her bare icy blue eyes. Her scream turned into a howl. When I glanced up Ash, her bronze skin was a golden blond wolf coat. She looked at me and took off running.
My skin turned into black fur and my bone structure was turned to a wolf's bone structure. A leaped up and howled. An echo howl from Ash was retorted back to me. I sniffed and darted into the night towards Ash. I felt energy pull towards her picture thoughts.
A boy, handsome and tall. He had sun-bleached hair and hazel eyes. His skin was darker than Ash's. I followed the picture thought to Ash. She looked at me and changed her picture thought to her, the boy, and millions of golden leavea fluttering to the forest floor. I thought hard and shook my head. I sent her back a confused look. She howled and ran off. I followed as we ran deeper and deeper into the Washington forest, closer and closer to Canada.
She stopped as well as I did as five rabbits darted from bush to bush. We both had tje same thought; food. We chased after them in unison. I caught two by trapping them against a tree. I ripped their guts out then ate them. Ash came back with one dead and bloodied up. She choked it back and her eyes smiled. This was so new and fun to her; too bad this happens every full moon and it hurts like Hell. The change to a wolf and the change back to normal.
The rest of the night we ran up and down and all around the Washington forest.