As an antidote to a really discouraging day struggling with InDesign, I've decided to put together a guide to the most popular print-on-demand services used by self-publishers. At least two of you folks here might be interested by this information. :)
(Those of you who are knowledgeable, please correct any mistakes I've made.)
Currently, the Big Three are Lulu, CreateSpace, and Lightning Source. All three services take care of printing and distributing books for self-publishers, for fees that range from moderate to zero. All three are recommended frequently enough to suggest that they're reasonably satisfactory services. I've only used Lulu myself, but I've hung out at forums where CreateSpace and Lightning Source self-publishers post.
Types of services: Lulu is divided into three services: Basic Distribution (in which the books are distributed only at Lulu's Website; this service is free), Published By Lulu (in which the books are distributed at, with Lulu as the publisher on record), and Published By You (in which the books are distributed in a variety of places, with the self-publisher as the publisher on record). In most cases (though not all), CreateSpace offers better profits than Published By Lulu and Published By You. However, CreateSpace only distributes to, so Published By You is an option for self-publishers who want to be distributed widely but don't want to deal with Lightning Source.
The remainder of this entry is about Lulu Basic, the free Lulu plan that provides the most profits to the self-publisher.
Extent of distribution: Lulu e-store only. In other words, people are unlikely to stumble across your books while looking for something else; you will have to do more extensive marketing to readers than if you chose other services. (Lulu seems to be changing this at the moment by allowing its Basic books to be sold through Amazon Marketplace, but that information isn't yet available in their Help menu.)
Friendly to international customers? Yes and no. Lulu has several printers around the world, but anyone living outside those countries may need to pay hefty shipping fees.
Customer support: Primarily through Lulu's very active forums, though one-on-one support is available too.
Minimum level of technical expertise needed: Beginner. Lulu offers the option of cover templates and automated translation into PDF. On the other hand, if you're an expert, Lulu will let you do everything from scratch. Its publishing process is simple.
Fees: There is no set-up fee for the Basic plan. Lulu takes twenty percent of the profit from every book sold. Its printing fees are higher than that of the other services.
Profit per book: Moderate, under the Basic plan.
ISBN needed? Since the books are only sold at Lulu, an ISBN isn't needed, unless you're selling the books through another self-publishing service too. That lack of an ISBN can save you a lot of money, and you can still be listed at Lulu as the publisher on record.
Pros and cons: Everyone agrees that Lulu is the ideal service for very small distribution - say, if you're likely to sell your book to under a hundred readers. It's also great for creating review copies.
However, Lulu Basic won't get your book onto the sites of online booksellers (except, maybe, Amazon Marketplace, depending on how that experiment goes), and the other two Lulu distribution plans cost so much per book that you'll have to price your book uncompetitively high, in most cases. However, if you're not interested in big sales, or if you're a total neophyte and don't want to spend a lot of time learning how to publish, Lulu is a good choice.