Well, you might start by recognizing that the entire world, especially the English-speaking world, MAY have something there when they state that Shakespeare is the greatest author in the English language.
The fact that YOU don't get it yet, doesn't mean that all of those people, and the prior generations since his time, are wrong.
Look, at high school age, the study of Elizabethan English is not going to be easy going for you. And drama is hard to understand by reading it. It was written to be played on the stage, and enjoyed by live audiences, watching live actors. If you don't live near a city where you can view Shakespeare on the stage, then at least rent a film of some of his best plays, and watch them. Then, bit-by-bit, you will become a bit more familiar with the language, and seeing the action, understand the plot.
Why should you study the best? So that, when you see stuff on TV, you can realize what is good and what is crap in today's drama and comedy . Human drama and human emotions don't always come in 30-minute situation comedies and daytime soap operas, interrupted by commercials. There is something more than the pablum that networks try to feed you today.
If you want to grow as a human being, and experience real emotions and real human characters being developed through the plot, hey, maybe the old guy 350 years ago might have had something that has not been equalled, much less surpassed, by today's writers.
Give it time. Just as you will grow up, so Will S. will grow on you. You will begin to understand the universal themes, like life and death, greed, anger, hatred, jealousy, ambition, love, friendship, honor, self-sacrifice, folly, humor and joy he explored in his time, making him more contemporary than the lesser people who write today. The best authors writing today have all learned something from him, or they would not be the best writing today.