2010-06-15 03:26:45 UTC
Sept. 25, 2009
Dear Diary, I'm assuming that's how you start a diary entry in all the books I've read that's how they started. This is the first diary I've ever had I always considered them to girly for me, but don't be to offended dear diary. My name is Anna Thomas I don't like it very much, but I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life. I decided to write you diary because I need something to complain about my life to and my parents are to far away to listen, and the friends I have I don't trust enough to keep a secret, so you were a last resort I guess. I should give you my description, but I don't see the point your an inanimate object what are you supposed to do write back and say "Wow you sound really pretty". No? I didn't think so. Diary if you were human you would never hear anything that I will write in you. I'm sorry that you will just have to listen and be trapped with these secrets forever, but diary remember your inanimate, and I love you for that. I have a troubled life so if one day I find you shriveled up and destroyed I wont blame anyone, but myself after all I'm the one who filled you up with terrible things. Sincerely, Anna T.
P.S. Please forgive me diary I'm sure after time we will be best friends
Sept.26, 2009
Dear Diary, I bought you second hand please don't be offended for me asking this, but I am truly curious. Were you ever used as a diary before this? Or were you just an old school notebook that someone no longer needed? I think I remember tearing out a few pages that looked like they had a little bit of math on them, but I don't really know I wasn't paying a lot of attention, I was more focused on being able to write a diary without skipping every other page. Oh and by the way diary I think in my entry the other day I forgot to tell you how old I am so I figure I should tell you now even though I see no point behind since your just a notebook that I write a few sentences about my day every now and then. Well I just sighed to myself so I might as well tell you, I'm fourteen. Yes, I know fourteen and with so many issues that I need something I consider girly. Diary I have more questions that you never have to answer (scouts honor you never have to) do you know what color you are on the outside? Also can you tell what kind of ink I'm writing in? In case you want to know you have a lovely pale purple cover and a brown back with a spiral binding. I usually write in black ink which is what I'm writing in you now. Diary did you know that I'm a certified mentally handicapped person? I'm not stupid or anything, but everyone thinks I'm a bit off my rocker so my parents sent me to live in a hospital so I can get back on it. I don't get what they mean most of the time. I don't mind it though sometimes I swear I'm the smartest person in the room, but they don't let me near the knives. That's a story for another entry though. Since I'm only fourteen I have to go to school still (geez the people they let in schools these days) its like normal school only the teacher goes over things very precisely I don't know why though were just off our rocker (whatever that means) not dumb maybe they just don't want to startle us causing us to go on a rampage ha-ha that would be funny though. Just think of it diary me and everyone else in the school running around the hospital terrifying everyone. Anyway diary the only reason I wrote in you today was because I needed to clear up a few things oh and by the way how are you I forgot to ask? Goodbye Diary, Anna T.