2010-09-28 06:53:40 UTC
Autum Bites.
I was shocked as I looked at my passport, gosh I wish I was more prepared, my dark brown hair was un brushed, my teeth arn't the whitest and my choice of clothes was a horrible match, I wore a red scarf, black tracky dacks with "67" written on them,as for shoes I wore boots that went up to the heal of my tanned feet, but the worst bit was because I'm in such of a rush to get to the pane I've FINALLY got on, I spilt coffe on my grey singlet. I'm on my to Australia, I wanted to get a break from America, I mean on top of all my Year 10 homework I have those terribly rude girls who sits around the back of my seat in Spanish class throwing spitballs at me non-stop, my Mum & Dad didn't like the fact that everyday I come home with bluetac or on rare occasions gum in my hair! So I told my parents that I wanted to start fresh and move to Australia, they are coming down here to, in two weeks though. We are all going to stay at my Grandparents house, I think they are so nice, my Grandad is great with fixing things, like say my moterbike and my Nanna is allways there for me when I want to talk girly type stuff, in other words......boys. I mean who knows? I might even just find the right guy for me at this new school I'm going to its called "Blackberry High" its small, nothing like the school I allways go to, I mean not often do I see teenagers go shopping for clothes, or going out for pedicures. Getting my hair done, shoping forclothes, pedicures, all things like that is not my type I'm sort of, well you couldn't say reble or tom-boy jut not girl-girl. I guess you could say I'm what I do best; being me, Faith New-heart!