i need a new book to read any suggestions?
2007-02-03 14:05:55 UTC
Eighteen answers:
2007-02-03 14:30:41 UTC
Tony Abbot

•Secrets of Droon

Peter Abrahams

•Down the Rabbit Hole

Richard Adams


Lloyd Alexander

•The Wizard in the Tree

Jennifer Allison

•Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator

Laurie Halse Anderson


Jeffrey Archer

•Kane & Abel

Kelley Armstrong [author]

Louise Arnold

•Golden and Grey

Sarah Ash

•Tears of Artamon series

oLord of Snow and Shadows

oPrisoner of the Iron Tower

oChildren of the Serpent Gate

Isaac Asimov

•Robots and Empire

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes



Margaret Atwood

•The Handmaid’s Tale

•Alias Grace

Jean Auel

•Earth’s Children series

oClan of the Cave Bear †

Natalie Babbitt

•The Search for Delicious

Frank Beddor

•The Looking Glass Wars

Hillari Bell

•The Goblin Wood

•Fall of a Kingdom

•The Wizard Test

Alice Borchardt [author]

Jorge Luis Borges

•The Book of Imaginary Beings

Tim Bowler


•Storm Catchers

Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown

•Wish You Were Here

Stephen Brust

•Vlad Taltos series †

Lois McMaster Bujold

•Miles Vorkoskigan series †

oCordelia’s Honor

oYoung Miles (etc.)

•The Curse of Chalion †

•Paladin of Souls †

Jim Butcher

•Codex Alera series

oFuries of Calderon

oAcadem’s Fury

Meg Cabot

•Avalon High

•The Mediator series

Trudi Canavan

•The Black Magician trilogy

oThe Magicians’ Guild

oThe Novice

oThe High Lord

Orson Scott Card

•Maps in a Mirror

•Ender’s Shadow

Jacqueline Carey

•Kushiel series

Hillari Bell

•The Goblin Wood

•Fall of a Kingdom

•The Wizard Test

Alice Borchardt [author]

Jorge Luis Borges

•The Book of Imaginary Beings

Tim Bowler


•Storm Catchers

Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown

•Wish You Were Here

Stephen Brust

•Vlad Taltos series †

Lois McMaster Bujold

•Miles Vorkoskigan series †

oCordelia’s Honor

oYoung Miles (etc.)

•The Curse of Chalion †

•Paladin of Souls †

Jim Butcher

•Codex Alera series

oFuries of Calderon

oAcadem’s Fury

Meg Cabot

•Avalon High

•The Mediator series

Trudi Canavan

•The Black Magician trilogy

oThe Magicians’ Guild

oThe Novice

oThe High Lord

Orson Scott Card

•Maps in a Mirror

•Ender’s Shadow

Jacqueline Carey

•Kushiel series

Patrick Carman

•The Dark Hills Divide

•Beyond the Valley of Thorns

Patricia Clapp


Clara Gillow Clark

•Hattie On Her Way

Mary Higgins Clark


Vera & Bill Cleaver

•Where the Lilies Bloom

Bethany Nicole Coffey

•Moon Beam and the War of the Witch Queen

Stephen Cole

•Wereling trilogy

oThe Wereling: Wounded

Eoin Colfer

•Half Moon Investigations

James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier

•My Brother Sam Is Dead

Caroline B. Cooney

•Driver’s Ed

Robert Cormier [author]

Shawn P. Cormier



•Necromancer [not yet released]

Sharon Creech

•Chasing Redbird

•Ruby Holler

Alison Croggon

•Pellinor series

oThe Gift, or The Naming

oThe Riddle

oThe Crow

oThe Singing [not yet released]

Kevin Crossley-Holland

•King of the Middle March

Chris Crutcher

•Whale Talk

•Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes

•Chinese Handcuffs

Cecilia Dart-Thornton

•The Ill-Made Mute

Julie Reece Deaver

•Say Goodnight, Gracie

Charles DeLint

•Wolf Moon

•Waifs and Strays


Gene Del Vecchio

•The Pearl of Anton

Catherine Dexter

•The Oracle Doll

Chris D’Lacey

•Fire Star trilogy

oFire Within



Roddy Doyle

•Rover Saves Christmas

•The Giggler Treatment

Dave Duncan

•King’s Blades series

oThe Gilded Chain

Lois Duncan

•Down a Dark Hall

Clare B. Dunkle

•The Hollow Kingdom trilogy

oThe Hollow Kingdom

oClose Kin

oIn the Coils of the Snake

Helen Dunmore


Umberto Eco


•The Name of the Rose

•Foucault’s Pendulum

Sylvia Engdahl

•Enchantress from the Stars

Steven Erikson

•The Malazan Book of the Fallen series

Jeffrey Eugenides

•Middlesex †

Jennifer Fallon

•Hythrun Chronicles

•Wolfblade series

Terri Farley [author]

Nancy Farmer

•The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm

Raymond Feist


•Prince of the Blood

Jasper Fforde

•The Big Over-Easy: A Nursery Crime

Ken Follett

•Pillars of the Earth

Charles L. Fontinay

•Kiplinger and Gruff series

Alan Dean Foster

•Pip and Flinx adventures

•Stories from the CommonWealth

Lisa Rowe Fraustino

•I Walk in Dread: the Diary of Deliverance Trembly, Witness to the Salem Witch Trials, Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1691

C.S. Friedman

•Black Sun Rising †

Ray Friesen [teenage author & illustrator]

•Lookit! Series

oA Cheese-Related Mishap

oWaaay Too Much Mayonnaise

Diana Gabaldon

•Outlander series †

Neil Gaiman

•American Gods


•Smoke and Mirrors


Gregory Galloway

•As Simple As Snow

Gabriel García Marquez

•One Hundred Years of Solitude

Adele Geras


Debi Gliori

•Deep Water

Stephen Gould


Serena Graff

•Blackwell’s Island

John Granger

•Looking for God in Harry Potter

Peni R. Griffin

•The Ghost Sitter

John Grisham

•The Firm

•The Street Lawyer

Michael Gruber

•The Witch’s Boy

Magaret Peterson Haddix

•Double Identity

Deborah Hale

•The Wizard’s Ward

Shannon Hale

•The Goose Girl

Laurell K. Hamilton

•Anita Blake series

Victoria Hanley

•The Light of the Oracle

Charlotte Haptie

•Otto and the Flying Twins

Harry Harrison

•Stainless Steel Rat trilogy

Kim Harrison †

•Dead Witch Walking

•The Good, the Bad, and the Undead

•Every Which Way but Dead

J.V. Hart

•Capt. Hook: The Adventures of a Notorious Youth

Lian Hearn

•Tales of the Otori series

oAcross the Nightingale Floor

oGrass for His Pillow

oBrilliance of the Moon

James Heneghan

•The Grave

Brian Herbert

•Butlerian Jihad

•House Atreides

Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis

•Death Gate cycle †

Stuart Hill [author]

Odo Hirsch

•Will Buster and the Gelmet Helmet

Alice Hoffman

•Green Angel

Robert Holdstock

•Mythago Wood

Jennifer L. Holm

•The Creek

Tess Uriza Holthe

•When Elephants Dance

Josef Holub

•The Robber and Me

Kay Hooper

•The Shadow series

Anthony Horowitz

•The Power of Five series

•Diamond Brothers series

oThe Falcon’s Malteser

oThe French Confection

oThe Blurred Man

oSouth by South East

oI Know What You Did Last Wednesday

oPublic Enemy Number Two

oThree of Diamonds

James Howe


•The Celery Stalks at Midnight

•The Misfits

•Totally Joe

Norma Howe

•The Blue Avenger trilogy

Irene Hunt

•The Lottery Rose

Brian Jacques

•The Ribbajack and Other Curious Yarns

•The Angel’s Command

Michele Jaffe

•Bad Kitty

Traudl Junge

•Until the Final Hour: Hitler’s Last Secretary

Lene Kaaberbol

•The Shamer Chronicles

oThe Shamer’s Daughter

oThe Shamer’s Signet

Elizabeth Kay

•Jinx on the Divide

Susan Kay


Marilyn Kaye

•Replica series

Victor Kelleher

•To the Dark Tower

Sherrilyn Kenyon

•Dark Hunter series

Barbara Kingsolver

•The Poisonwood Bible †

•The Bean Trees †

Sgt. Charles D. Kipp

•Because We Are Canadians

Dean Koontz

•Odd Thomas

•Forever Odd

Gordon Korman

•The Dive series

•Island series

•Everest series

•Born to Rock

Elizabeth Kostova

•The Historian

Mercedes Lackey

•Mapping the World of Harry Potter [editor]

•Dragon Jousters series

•The Lark and the Wren series

oBardic Voices

Mercedes Lackey & Andre Norton

•Halfblood Chronicles

Justine Larbalestier

•Magic or Madness

•Magic Lessons

Emma Larkin

•Finding George Orwell in Burma

Dennis Lehane

•Mystic River

Stanislaw Lem

•The Cyberiad

Madeleine L’Engle

•The Moon by Night

Gaston Leroux

•The Phantom of the Opera

Lois Lowry

•Gathering Blue

S.J. Maas

•Queen of Glass

R.A. MacAvoy

•Tea with the Black Dragon

•Damiano trilogy

D.J. MacHale

•The Quillan Games

Kerry Madden

•Gentle’s Holler

Gregory Maguire

•Son of a Witch: A Novel

Anne McCaffrey

•Crystal Singer trilogy

Ellen Jaffe McClain

•No Big Deal

Virginia G. McMorrow

•Tuldamoran trilogy

oMage Confusion

oMage Resolution

oMage Evolution

Stephanie Meyer


•New moon(next thingee in series)

Calvin Miller

•The Singer

•The Song

•The Finale

Rand Miller

•Myst series

oThe Book of Ti’ana

oThe Book of Atrus

oThe Book of D’ni

Sarah Mlynowski

•Bras & Broomsticks

Karen Marie Moning

•Highlander series

Elizabeth Moon

•The Deed of Paksenarrion [trilogy published as one volume]

oSheepfarmer’s Daughter

oDivided Allegiance

oOath of Gold

Christopher Moore

•Lamb: The Gospel according to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal †

Gerald Morris

•The Squire’s Tale

•The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady

•Parisfal’s Page

•The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf

Gilbert Morris & Aaron McCarver

•The Spirit of Appalachia series

Lynn & Gilbert Morris

•Cheney Duvall, M.D. series

•Cheney and Shiloh: The Inheritance series

Christine Morton-Shaw

•The Riddles of Epsilon

Joshua Mowll

•Operation Red Jericho

Robert Muchamore

•CHERUB series

Ted L. Nancy

•Letters from a Nut

Suzanne Newton

•I Will Call It Georgie’s Blues

•Purro and the Prattleberries

•Where Are You When I Need You?

Jenny Nimmo

•Charlie Bone and the Hidden King

Andre Norton & Sasha Miller

•Cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash and Rowan

oTo the King, a Daughter

oKnight or Knave

oA Crown Disowned

oDragon Blade: The Book of Rowan

Naomi Novik

•Temeraire series

oHis Majesty’s Dragon

oThrone of Jade

oBlack Powder War

Charles Ogden

•Edgar and Ellen series

oRare Beasts

oTourist Trap


oPet’s Revenge

Baroness Orczy

•The Scarlet Pimpernel

Edward Ormondroyd

•David and the Phoenix

George Orwell

•Animal Farm


Mary Pope Osbourne

•Magic Tree House series

Katherine Paterson


James Patterson

•2nd Chance

•Maximum Ride: School’s Out -- Forever

Gary Paulsen

•Harris and Me

•The Boy Who Owned the School

•The Time Hackers

Dale Peck

•Drift House: The First Voyage

Richard Peck

•Blossom Culp series

oThe Ghost Belonged to Me

oGhosts I Have Been

oThe Dreadful Future of Blossom Culp

oBlossom Culp and the Sleep Of Death

S.D. Perry

•Resident Evil series

Jodi Picoult

•My Sister’s Keeper

•Vanishing Acts

Meredith Ann Pierce

•Birth of the Firebringer

•Dark Moon

•Son of Summerstars

Carol Plum-Ucci

•The Body of Christopher Creed

Terry Pratchett

•Monstrous Regiment

Mario Puzo

•The Godfather

Thomas Pynchon

•The Crying of Lot 49

L.M. Quinpool

•Children of the Amulet series

oFight for Chystalina

oBattle for the Empire

oHope and Victory

David Randall


Silver Ravenwolf

•Witch’s Chillers series

Dietlof Reiche

•Ghost Ship

R. Reisfeld & H.B. Gilmour

•T*Witches series

Judith Merkle Riley

•The Oracle Glass

Ann Rinaldi

•A Break with Charity

Katherine Roberts

•The Echorium Sequence

oSong Quest

oThe Crystal Mask

oDark Quetzal

Emily Rodda

•Rowan of Rin series

Michael Scott Rohan

•Anvil of Ice

Salman Rushdie

•Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Louis Sachar

•Small Steps

Angie Sage

•Septimus Heap series



Marcus Sedgwick

•The Book of Dead Days

•The Dark Flight Down

Darren Shan

•The Demonata series

•The Darren Shan Saga

Jan Siegel

•Prospero’s Children

•The Dragon Charmer

•Witch Queen

Matthew Skelton

•Endymion Spring

Susan Smeltz

•A Story of the Wyrld

Sherwood Smith

•Wren to the Rescue

Zilpha Keatley Snyder

•The Velvet Room

•The Magic Nation Thing

Wen Spencer


Mary Stewart

•The Prince and the Pilgrim

R.L. Stine

•Fear Street series

•The Sitter

Frank Stockton [author]

Laurie Stolarz

•Blue is for Nightmares series

Jeff Stone




Todd Strasser

•The Wave

Evangelynn Stratton


Shanna Swendson

•Once Upon Stilettos

Theodore Taylor

•The Weirdo

Lilli Thal


Pascal Khoo Thwee

•Green Ghosts of Burma

Sue Townsend

•Adrian Mole series

Eleanor Updale

•Montmorency series

Wendelin Van Draanen

•Sammy Keyes series

Various Authors

•Doctor Who novels

oThe Clockwise Man (Justin Richards)

oMonsters Inside (Stephen Cole)

oWinner Takes All (Jacqueline Rayner)

oDeviant Strain (Justin Richards)

oOnly Human (Gareth Roberts)

oStealers of Dreams (Steve Lyons)

Ned Vizzini

•Be More Chill †

Kurt Vonnegut

•Slaughterhouse Five

Walter Wangerin

•The Book of the Dun Cow

Elizabeth E. Wein

•The Winter Prince

Kathryn Wesley

•The Tenth Kingdom

Deborah Wiles

•Each Little Bird that Sings

Tad Williams

•Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series

oThe Dragonbone Chair

Ellen Wittlinger


Chris Wooding


Patricia C. Wrede & Carolyn Stevermer

•Grand Tour

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

•Saint-Germain series

Jane Yolen

•Young Merlin trilogy

Gabrielle Zevin


Marion Zimmer-Bradley

•The Mists of Avalon

Paul Zindel

•The Pigman
2007-02-03 21:14:54 UTC
I would say Piers Anthony, but someone else suggested them, you could also try Ann McCafferty, the Rowen Series ( ie The Rowan, Damia, Damia's Children, Lyon's Pride, The Hive and the Tower) or the Brainship series ( ie The Ship who Sang, The Partnership, The Ship who Searched, The City who Fought, The ship who won, The Errant Ship, and The Ship avenged) Tamara Pierce is good with Magic and fantasy adventure. David Webber has the Honer Harrington series. they are Space Navy stories. There are so many possibilities, i have bookshelf's full of books that i read and reread all the time, i am always at the Library as well.
2007-02-04 06:45:54 UTC
Wen Spencer wrote Tinker and Wolf Who Rules which are really a combination of sci-fi and fantasy. I read both of these books recently and really enjoyed them.

This is the review I did of Tinker on

"Tinker is an inventor and a girl genius who lives in Pittsburgh. But it's not the Pittsburgh you and I would be familiar with. It's a Pittsburgh which has been pulled into another dimension called Elfhome, complete with elves. During a "shutdown" where Pittsburgh is temporarily returned to Earth an elvish noble is chased into Tinker's scrapyard chased by a number of huge doglike animals called Wargs. Tinker knows the noble as Windwolf, the elf who had years before saved Tinker's life and cursed her with a life debt thus entertwining their destinies together. Realizing that Windwolf being killed in her scrapyard would be really bad for her as well Tinker pulls out all the stops (not to mention her entire home) to save his life.

I found Tinker to be a very enjoyable science fiction/fantasy story. Although I couldn't begin to keep up with the science/mathmatical part of it that was Tinker's guiding light I found that not understanding didn't detract from the adventure. Tinker was a very strong central female character which I found very compelling. I loved how Tinker was always saving the lives of the men around her, and they didn't feel threatened because of it.

Before I picked Tinker up it had been a long while since I had read any books classified as science fiction. I couldn't have asked for a better re-introduction to this genre. If you like fast paced fantasies with a bit of humor I would definately recommend Tinker as a top pick."

I won't list the review I did for Wolf Who Rules because it assumes you've already read Tinker and could potentially spoil the first book.
Black Dog
2007-02-03 14:20:28 UTC
I just finished book four in Stephen Donaldson's Gap series; they're plotty and exciting and edge of your seat imaginative space sci-fi reading. Hard sci-fi mixed with some intricate characterizations, and everyone has a scheme. There are five books in the series, and Donaldson says he had a sort of framework based on The Ring of the Nibelungen, the saga of the Norse Gods...a real epic tale so far. If that's what you're looking for...

Oh yeah, they have lots of bad language, violence and some sex of a violent sort, just to warn you. But it has been a good story so far, really engaging. (I'm the sort who can look past violence and heavy swearing if it fits the story, and it does in this case.)
2007-02-03 14:12:53 UTC
'The Prydain Chronicles', by Lloyd Alexander

1. The Book of Three

2. The Black Cauldron

3. The Castle of Llyr

4. Taran Wanderer

5. The High King
Foxy Roxy
2007-02-03 14:11:33 UTC
The Briar King by Greg Keys, The World According to Garp by John Irving or any of the Tek series by William Shatner.
2007-02-03 14:16:41 UTC
Read "On a Pale Horse" by Piers Anthony

and then suggest Harry Potter Seven When it comes out in 6 months. :)
2016-09-28 13:20:43 UTC
be attentive to you stated no vampire books...yet i think of Twilight is super! that's a solid e book and it is in a human beings attitude, not a vampires! it is likewise a movie. there is: Twilight; New Moon; Eclipse; and Breaking break of day... nevertheless Breaking break of day isn't out interior the cinema's yet... If not Twilight, then how approximately some Jaqueline Wilson books? they're spectacular!!! and definitely humorous. desire I helped(:
2007-02-03 21:02:07 UTC
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings


2007-02-03 14:14:04 UTC
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (Start with book one or you'll be lost, silly people sometimes try to start in the middle....)
2017-03-05 06:12:04 UTC
TV is produced to the lowest common denominator - i.e., the common IQ of the general public, whereas a reserve is written to the highest common denominator
2017-02-03 06:34:42 UTC
I love watching TV, I love the pet shows, the medical shows and the judge and Judges shows
2007-02-03 14:16:08 UTC
The Giver by Lois Lowry.
Ace Librarian
2007-02-03 17:24:08 UTC
Try Robert Heinlein.
2007-02-03 16:44:08 UTC
If you're looking for a good psychological thriller check out "Angelhair" by Joseph Noga.
A Shaker, But Not A Mover.
2007-02-03 14:14:42 UTC
dan brown's are good stuff like, Angels & Demons, The Davinci Code, and Digital Fortress.
The Chemical
2007-02-03 14:15:37 UTC
The "A Child Called 'It'" series, the "Chronicles of Narnia" series, and the "Kinsey Milhone" series.
2007-02-03 14:53:42 UTC


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.