What are some good ways to promote a book?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are some good ways to promote a book?
87 answers:
2006-09-30 05:12:25 UTC
The first thing you should do is to track down the magazines that are read by the people who will be reading your book.

But don't just send a press release to the publication. Find the editor who reviews books or who covers the subject that you've written about.

Unless your press release makes a soft landing on the desk of the person who might write about your book, it's a good bet that the wrong person will just toss your release in the garbage. So man the phones and find the name--or names--of the right individuals at those magazines.

Getting reviewed in a niché publication is well worth the effort because people who read that magazine are predisposed to buy your book.

Next tackle the major newspapers. Again, it's important to send your press release to specific individuals, rather than "editor" or no name at all. Most newspapers have editors for a variety of subjects--science, health, sports, lifestyle, travel, and so forth, so find the right person. Don't forget to send your press release to the book review editor, of course. But there are many other places in the newspaper where your book can be reviewed.

Next comes radio stations-radio talk stations to be precise. Mail (or fax) to as many as you can. That usually means purchasing a database of such stations (and their producers or hosts), or hiring somebody to type a database for you. There are several good lists of radio talk shows, including the Gale directory. While most of these directories are in the library, you will probably have to purchase one to make this work. Key in the individual's name, the station's name, and the station's fax number, then let your computer's faxing software do the work overnight. Depending on your long distance company, each station will cost about 20 cents to fax to.

Definitely contact your local television stations. Find out the name of the producer who arranges author interviews, or the reporter who covers the subject that you've written about. (If it's a novel, then look for the lifestyle reporter.) Don't forget cable television.

As you're mailing and faxing to radio stations, newspapers and magazines, pay particular attention to your local media. Writers always have a better shot at appearing in one of their local papers, or on a local station than across the state or in some other state. Most cities have a plethora of small, sometimes free, community newspapers. These papers are often hungry for material, especially if that material is for free.

What to send to the print media and radio stations? For several reasons you don't want to send your book. (The publisher should pay for the shipping of the books.) Instead, send a one or two page release that tells the recipient to call you (or a friend) to schedule an interview or receive a review copy. Pass along any requests for review copies to your publisher--they'll send them out. Whatever you do, don't tell the station to call you to schedule an interview and call the publisher for a copy of the book: The press hates making two calls. You will miss some prospects if you make them do too much work.

I haven't said anything about the national media--Oprah, A Current Affair, and similar shows. There's no question: You should contact them all. Get the name of a producer at each show (they're generalists, so it doesn't matter who) and send them all a press release. Between broadcast and cable television there are dozens of TV talk shows, so there's a very good chance that you'll end up on one of them. Be sure to include Today, Good Morning America, CNN, and other similar programs.

Do you have any friends in the media business? You would be surprised how hungry --sometimes desperate-- reporters, television producers and radio hosts are for guests. Call your friends and let them know that you are available.

When you contact a producer, let that person know that you are available 24 hours a day. (Never turn down a show, even if it's at 2am.) Often shows receive last minute cancellations, and if the producer knows you are available, you may get a call.

Whatever else you do, you should saturate the media.

Good luck!
2006-09-29 18:55:45 UTC
Check out any book clubs in your area. Some meet regularly at cafe's, bookstores, libraries or coffe shops. See if they would be interested in having you come and talk about your book. Offer a book signing as well.
2006-10-01 18:05:44 UTC
My mother used to work at a book store. She said that a lot of authors would call the individual stores and offer to come do a signing or a reading. Many stores were happy to set up something for them. For 'big' or 'celebrity' authors, all of this was done by the publishing house, but for less well known authors (even many most people have heard of) they took the initiative to make their own arrangements.

I don't know the details on how it all works but it certainly worth a few calls. I pretty sure you will have to pay many of the costs out of your own pocket (for travel, etc).
2006-10-01 13:06:26 UTC
give readings and do book signings at bookstores, press releases, email your friends and ask them to support you and pass the word along, advertise on your blog, donate a copy to the library, enter your book into contests,
James Henderson
2006-10-01 11:30:36 UTC
I like your little thing that you did anI am going to buy one of your books. I am nobody special that can make things happen for you but I have been looking for something to put on my yahoo 360 email me at baby I want to know if I can have permission from you to put your books website and the video on to my yahoo 360. you did that like a pro.
2006-09-30 14:11:57 UTC
do a book signing with a twist, give profits to a charity group that can tie into your subject matter. Send copies to local libraries and schools if subject is unoffensive.
2006-09-30 02:57:35 UTC
You could advertise... In newspapers, Magazine's, On the internet, In the library. Tell alot of your friends and family.... Spread the word out about the book...
2006-09-29 21:14:25 UTC
I've been to two book launches, one of which was a book to which I'd contributed a short story. Organise a book launch with complementary refreshments and publicise it well in advance. Autograph as many copies as you can. Give away a few autographed copies to anybody who might be interested. I borrowed a book from the library and emailed the author saying how impressed I was. He sent me a copy as a gift. The result was that, I've now got it for permanent reference, but I had to return the library copy. So I now quote from it, talk about it and write about it much more than if I'd only had the library copy. And in my humble opinion books will never be outdated. In 10 000 years time, if an archaeologist opens a time capsule and finds a copy of your book, they'll be able to translate it, long after everybody has forgotten the recording formats of cassettes, VCRs, CDs and flash memories.
Call Me Babs
2006-09-29 18:52:59 UTC
Small town radio. Do you realize how many people listen to the radio as they are going to work? A vast majority, that's how many. If radio could work for Howard Stern, it can work for you.
2006-09-29 09:59:09 UTC
There is a great book out that may help you. It is entitled: Over 75 Good Ideas for Promoting Your Book that I would recommend picking up.

This site

offers a number of different ideas and has some good information you might want to check out. is another great site that might spark some ideas.

All in all, just keep getting the word out as much as you can. The more you work at it and the more you promote, the faster the word will spread.

I wish you the best of luck and hope to see it in a bookstore sometime soon.
2006-10-01 06:32:13 UTC
By Advertising. You can build a website to advertise the book there. Or request other websites for advertising space where you can advertise your book. And any time you visit these sites your advert will show up once in a while.

But because not everyone knows how to use the internet,

you can also make brochures on your book and go from house to house or offices to offices and distribute about 100 brochures.

Make your brochures as entertaining as possible and make sure it has a lot of information about your book. The brochure must be polished and made at the press. You will make a lot of money if many people can read the brochure and know what the books all about.

To really make your book very very popular. You must make about a million copies of your brochures and leave them in places like libraries or buses or aircrafts. And places where you are sure people can read them.

Great idea though, interesting question


Good luck!


This is the simplest way to begin and while you are about it also consider advertising in newpapers or TV also (that is if you can afford it)
2006-10-01 16:43:18 UTC
Besides having a publisher, it's difficult, especially being new. Most book stores buy from well known authors, even if the new material is better. They base sales on the notoriety of the author. I would try going online to locate book clubs in the demographic area you wish to target. You can also try to sell it as an E-book. That might be a good way to start. You have great patience!!! What you're attempting to accomplish requires a great deal of work and can sometimes be frustrating. However, it's NOT IMPOSSIBLE and probably much more profitable. Good luck!! Let me know how it works out?? (360) It might help me avoid some of the outrageous publishing fees. By the way, your site is awesome!!!!
2006-09-30 20:41:59 UTC
Do some short one day seminars. It might go over with some Elderholtels.

Do a reading at a local bookstore and brings some copies in and let them sell them and give you wholesale.

Go to some colleges and see if you can interest the English Lit teachers or Poetry teachers into letting yoiu do a 20 minute reading and verbal essay.

Do a Cable TV show. See if someone out there is already doing some type of "talk" show on cable access and see if they'll have you as a guest.

Talk with LOCAL news TV shows. See if they might be interested. Look at you Local TV shows and see who the producer is and send them a letter and see if they'll spotlight you or have you as a guest.

Send a package to Oprah

Send one to the Late Late night shows with a copy of the book.

Post notices at all the poetry groups and clubs at Yahoo.
2006-09-30 22:40:41 UTC
Do a small party/ cocktail presenting the "movie trailer" of the book, you could also get sponsorship. In this party, you could rent some kind of house, villa, garden or something according to your story.

Also to promote with tight budget, make paper/flyers to indicate where it can be bought and separate the page you was reading..

Sign your copies at a bookstore.
2006-10-01 08:13:38 UTC
well contact a local radio station mostly talk radio or a college radio station.. chances are you'll get a live on-air interview or at the least just a call out on your book...

submit it to local mag, newspapers. for a review...

make a flier and post it in book stores...

maybe even your public local tv station... Join some book clubs and submit it to the members...

send a few copies out with your information written on the back cover to random people in a phone book! yeah you might have to bit some cost but work your words and try to get it cheap!

you also can buy radio advertistments for cheap ifyou go with a small market radio station... or even school radio's

Good luck!

Mad luv
2006-09-30 13:41:54 UTC
I watched your "movie trailer" and wanted to tell you I think it's beautifully done. I can't imagine (with the professionalism of your trailer) that you haven't already thought to check online for publishers of poetry so I won't even go there. My only thoughts would be to get statements for your jacket from other poets who have been published or newspaper writers.

Whatever it takes, I hope you're successful. I'll be looking for a copy to purchase.

Good luck.
2006-10-01 18:25:53 UTC
If ur book ended up in Oprah's book club, ur book will sell millions. Why not write and send a copy for her to review. Oh yea, a book needs to have good reviewees that will help boost its sales.
2006-09-30 07:47:32 UTC
see if your local book store or even library can have a read-in, where you can go , read something inside the book, be able to discuss with readers what they thought, have a book signing afterwards, this might bust up sales.

also if the book is fiction or truth, see the local community college, maybe they can have you and your book at the book fair, or at somekind of readoff. or even at a local coffee shop.

promote your book also in local stores that wont mind having copies of your book around. if you give them a small percentage of the sale, they might just help you out.

good luck
2016-10-01 16:14:25 UTC
because of the fact the e book isn't very humorous why not make a e book cover that announces uninteresting and pretend such as you're a con guy/woman attempting to bypass it off as humorous. or use opposite psychology like whilst Tom Sawyer have been given out of white washing the fence. basically a guideline : wish that helps
2006-10-02 05:43:54 UTC
Create some hype about it by making some treasure hunt for the books! You can plant some book in "hidden" places around town.
2006-09-30 20:04:20 UTC
Call major magazine companies, like the enquirer, get in contact with a writer and have them do a special on your book. A publicist can work this out if you have one, but it isn't necessary. If people know about your book, certainly they'll go out and buy it.
2006-10-04 16:59:40 UTC
Contact your local library/book stores and get them to carry it. You might even see if they'd let you be a guest speaker so that you can plug your book that way. Word of mouth can be a good thing. :)

Are there any local TV stations that would let you come on and discuss your book?
Amit *
2006-10-01 13:17:42 UTC
There are several ways to promote book, among them I guess best one is to Submit the Book information to search Engines.. so it will reach worldwide and one more way is to distribute some copies of book as an introductory offer so it will grab attention of people as most of the people gets attracted towards free stuff.
2006-10-01 21:59:56 UTC
Hey Hon,

Checked out your trailer! It was awesome! I'm an un-published poet, author, and lyricist myself. Generally, in my experience it has been other poets that appreciate poetry and read it. So why not try distributing fliers to places where poets hang out? Cozy mom & pops diners or cozy coffee shops?

Hope this helps!
2006-10-01 07:36:27 UTC
well if you want a younger age group,wellactually their are older poeple in there but many teens and 20,s and some early thirty,s,Go to ",My Two teenagers have page on it to talk to friends,My daughter keeps hers private,my son,s open to pyblic,Anyways he got offer from person to be friend and was a auther,And Thats how he, sell he,s book,He,d tell you about him,were he lives and what he writes about,even had pictures of him holding he,s book cover,I read one of he,s books,It cost $20.00{Detective book,My son wanted it}But we bought it right from him on internet,he gives you address to send money oder or you can order right there with charge!I,m telling you,It will help you a great deal!Good Luck,Hollywood
2006-10-02 03:52:18 UTC
-In addtion from Amazon (which you have), create Affiliate Program and pay higher commissions to online netizens/websites to help you sell

-Start a online chat/ questions and answer with the author

-Join social networking sites like Myspace, hi5

-Put your movie trailer on YouTube

-Try to get appearance on "parrot" shows like Larry King
2006-10-01 18:01:54 UTC
Tell Oprah about it! Have it be mentioned in an Anthology, Leave a Copy at your Library!

Write an Editorial about it and send that to Writers Digest!
2006-10-01 16:29:55 UTC
Flyers at coffee houses

Design your own website to sell copies from

Start a Yahoo Chat Room for your book

Go into chat rooms and talk about your book

pass out flyers door to door create one from publisher
2006-10-01 07:50:05 UTC
I say you make a page for on myspace but another good way you can show people your trailor on a global scan is throgh youtube plenty of people will see it and might be intristed in reading it
Sam X9
2006-10-02 05:53:52 UTC
Conduct a free exhibit that introduces the story and the characters portrayed. Invite all your friends, including former school mates and relatives.
in ur face
2006-09-30 11:32:00 UTC
as the prsident of pakistan musharaf. being a leader he is going to international meeting and insead of promoting peace he is promoting books(haha)

wel radio shows and good reviews always help. maybe a comercial on tv with a scence from the book. television sells more.

or sell the book to make a movie and the books will fly of the selves without any other promotion
2006-10-02 07:06:45 UTC
Create yourself a webpage.......have a book-signing!! Maybe at a place like Borders or Barnes & Noble.
2006-10-01 07:08:52 UTC
A Publicist
2006-09-30 08:21:01 UTC
If the book has a supper inspiring, or news-worthy quality to it, start calling local television stations. They may come give you an interview to be shown on air. Heck it worked for me on two different stations.
2006-09-30 20:28:02 UTC
Have you tried Barns & Nobel and see if they might do a promotion spot light on your book?
2006-09-30 18:17:10 UTC
One of the newest trends has been authors visiting book discussion groups who are reading their book. How do you find them? Many libraries sponsor book groups...
2006-09-29 18:18:40 UTC
Go to Yahoo! 360 and open up an account. There are ways to set up interest lists that you can use to draw people to your site and look at your book blogs.
2006-09-30 16:45:56 UTC
lecture at book stores and give a prize of a free book as a door prize
2006-09-30 09:59:52 UTC
Gurrilla Marketing ;-)

and passing out freebees when you can so you can get people talking to others so others can buy it ;-) Also part of Gurrilla Marketing


Oh and the internet is a powerful tool, so USE it!
2006-09-29 20:19:34 UTC
Depending on where you live, I ould do something different to attract the attention on the book you wrote but i think you are already..because this looks like a commercial to me
2013-10-29 13:31:35 UTC
Submit your book everywhere.

This is a good list to start with

subra m
2006-10-01 22:04:52 UTC
Have posters at airports ,bus and rail stations .I think travel today allows people to take to books while waiting or travelling long hauls
2006-10-01 18:27:16 UTC
Send the URL to the public through a connection zone like

bill n
2006-09-29 16:49:49 UTC
first i would have a crediable source like a maybe a teacher thats teaching writing skills second make copies if you feel its good and send them to maybe readers digest for a series like a chapter at a time and other publishers also get the original copy notorized or something to make sure you dont get plagurized
2006-10-01 07:29:35 UTC
Take out a big full page ad in the newspaper or rent a billboard.
2006-09-30 08:37:25 UTC
First of all, I wouldn't buy the book because the girl on the cover does not convey love or beauty and anything artsy-she looks like a combination of cousin it (hair) and one of those aliens that people claim to see because of all the bones in her shoulder/arm that are sticking out. So I wouldn't buy it but, I'm just one person. Try those sites with the 75 good ideas for promoting you book (below).Good Luck
2006-09-30 18:19:36 UTC
local book signings or build a website and put it in search engines
2006-09-30 17:34:45 UTC
Have a local gossip queen broadcast it for you.

That should get the word out for you quickly! lol
Johnny S
2006-09-30 20:01:18 UTC
If you have yahoo messenger do send to all people on your list then advertise on book then tell then to send to all people on list
2006-09-30 15:23:59 UTC
Try MySpace. That's how music artists promote themselves.
2006-10-01 11:26:26 UTC
have you done TV commercials? Not everybody looks ar the movie trailers!!
2006-10-01 09:43:26 UTC
Flyers & Ads.

Post them & hand them out everywhere.

While you handing them out, make a "scene".

Show your "customers" your trying to promote something. People like a Confident / Driven promoter.
2006-09-30 20:42:27 UTC
lick the book 10 times
2006-09-30 00:18:23 UTC
Progressive and steady advertising.

And doing the local scene helps too!

If you try to go national, you'll just DOA yourself instantly.
2006-09-29 21:14:56 UTC
go to book stores in your area and ask for shelf space in the local authors section
2006-09-30 04:14:04 UTC
Have you tried a good literary agent, or did you do the Press Release on your own. Forgive me if I sound harsh, but a lot of people are sending their original recipes (read review copies) to overburdened staff in a book agency. Many of us are gifted with creative ideas, and want a market to help us sell to a larger readership, and garner the kind of publicity that makes a Dan Brown or a J.K. Rowling. Although your ideas may be good, the publisher may not agree because at least a 1000 ideas are lying with them simulatneously. Why do you think the Publisher will SELECT your idea alone out of those 1000, and make you FAMOUS overnight? Why do you think anyone should take a SPECIAL interest in making you famous overnight?

It may seem unfair, but let's face it, becoming a famous writer is akin to becoming a famous Hollywood actor. Even though you may have the right mix of talent and creativity, the elites in the publishing world are not convinced enough. If you write an original concept like Da Vinci Code, and you are not Dan Brown, the book publisher may dismiss your ideas as damn outrageous, and even LAUGHABLE. If you write on a relatively simple theme, your idea will be dismissed as MEDIOCRE. So, how do we sort this mess?

The point that I'm driving home here is, it's not the book that sells, it's the writer that sells. To a book publisher, it equally matters that he can bank his faith on the writer. So, the name counts. This explains why when a celebrity punches a few lines, he needn't even proof-read his thoughts for spelling mistakes. It's not that all book publishers support this state-of-affairs, otherwise no writer would have ever thought of writing a novel in the first place. It's just that there's just too much competition out there, and everyone wants to get overnight famous.

The winning author, in this rat-race is someone who has the right mix of patience, perseverance and sometimes, luck. Luck is nothing according to me but the fruit of perseverance. It's important not to be frustrated when your best ideas are rejected. I strongly advise you not to waste money on the crap stuff like "75 ways to best-sell your book". It's important to heed advice from all corners, but utter stupidity to buy into these SNAGS. Do Google Internet search, talk to friends, go and meet publishers personally, these things will give you more information than media that dig at your pockets. Also, stay out of Astrologers and Numerologists if you believe in them. These forces always reduce your own will-power to win.

For a relatively unknown author/writer, a literary agent is often the key to success. Do a good research as to what literary agent suits your needs the best. Some of them take upfront money, and disappear overnight. They are touts, stay out of them. Often, it is useful to tap into agents who have contacts in publishing houses. They do your PR, your advertising. It's not that contacting an agent is sufficient to open your channels. Literary agents cannot always guarantee whether your idea will sell, but your probability to sell a book dramatically increases unlike when you sell it alone, thanks to the fact that these agents can pull strings with editors and publishers.

It is also important that you don't be desperate for success. It may take a year or two, but it's important to not show your overenthusiasm. Stay cool, calm and unruffled, and meanwhile focus your energy in regular work. Many freelance writers make a living out of writing for publications and periodicals, or some niche categories, e.g. Sports, Academic (I do this). In the mean time, build and consolidate your relationships with those in publishing industry. Visit them on occasions like Christmas. You don't have to be servile or fawning, you can directly talk your purpose, and discuss the good points of your idea, but main thing is ALLOW time, and don't act impatient. The publisher necessarily doesn't want to rule you out, but he needs time before you can be approved. With gradual ceremony, a sensible publisher will be willing to take a risk with your book, and if the idea is good, it will appeal to the readership, and you've done it well.

Some Do's and Dont's

1. Stay out of people who want to take advantage of you--there are enough rats out there who want favors that may range anything between sexual (for women authors) to financial advance. What is the guarantee that the person will actually help you out after the ill-conceived offer is accepted by you? Don't fall in any traps. Learn to identify a genuine person from a not-so-genuine. Learn some BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE, body language tips, that give you a better insight into knowing a person. Hiring a literary agent is one thing, but desperation for success is never the right way.

2. Thanks to the Internet, it is possible to sell your e-books very easily, even without literary agents. If you write on a very RESEARCHED topic, e.g. THE MYSTERY SURROUNDING BIN LADEN's DISAPPEARANCE, you may host a website (It costs $149 to have your own website), you may post your entries in worldwide blogs, including Yahoo Answers, and there may be people who may be curious in buying your e-book. Keep it reasonably priced, say $5-$10, and the e-book should be available in PDF format (You can download PDF writer software from, and keep payment options such as Credit Card, Diners Club and PayPal.

3. Bottomline, stay true to yourself, and don't concede your principles ever, and you may be on the right track to be a successful author.

All the best from my side, and if you do become a successful author by following tips here, do remember me at
2006-09-29 18:29:13 UTC
Don't listen to Vince, books are NOT outdated! Do you have any published? Give a few away, word of mouth is great.
2006-09-30 16:15:00 UTC
2006-10-01 17:44:58 UTC
Sounds like you got conned by one of the 'feelgood' presses...unless some of the larger bookstores pick up on lost money.
River C
2006-10-01 09:47:20 UTC

send them a pdf version or harde copy if u dont have pdf.
2006-10-01 15:42:20 UTC
Have your car professionaly painted with the title to your book Paint it in attention grabbing colors with quotes and a phone number to purchase it at...
2006-10-01 02:34:03 UTC
ask the paparazzi

use the internet

use myspace

or better yet google
2006-09-30 14:02:38 UTC
get a myspace page and "whore yourself" (I know it sounds "dirty"...but it really helps get your name/book out there!)

{"whoring yourself" means putting a special code on your page that automatically generates 100's of friend requests}

also, you could network and become "friends" with other poets/artists on myspace...
2006-09-29 21:12:48 UTC
send a free one to women on tv like oprah and elen if they are impressed then you can appear for a show and become famous
2006-10-01 08:46:04 UTC
Make it something bad about the USA or George W. Bush. The morons will come out of the wood work to buy it.
2006-09-29 23:30:02 UTC
it depends on the subject of the book
Black Sayuri
2006-10-01 14:45:54 UTC
Beg Oprah to participate in her show!!!!!

The book shelves will be empty in no time!!
2006-09-29 23:28:52 UTC
shameless elf promotion..i am the queen of it...try it it works
2006-09-30 23:06:31 UTC
Pundit Bandit
2006-09-30 14:03:40 UTC
Get Oprah to like it, then EVERYBODY will want one too.
2006-09-30 09:05:56 UTC
Write a essay of why you liked it copy it and give it to people.
2006-09-30 01:30:22 UTC
open a website.
2006-09-29 20:05:42 UTC
follow people around on the street and read it at the top of your lungs. then when they ask you to stop, act surprised and tell the nice policeman about your book
2006-09-30 19:46:37 UTC
You throw them at people!
2006-09-29 21:14:30 UTC
go on the Oprah Winfry show...hehe
2006-09-30 05:23:40 UTC
I want to know the same thing.
james a
2006-09-30 00:13:03 UTC
communicate it to other people.
2006-10-02 08:22:19 UTC
2006-09-29 20:46:19 UTC
myspace. free
2006-09-29 09:57:23 UTC
book tour.
2006-10-01 19:18:21 UTC
nothing can be done to them
patricia c
2006-10-01 13:36:23 UTC
your doing that now.tell us about it.
2006-09-29 09:53:05 UTC
by ads
2006-09-30 09:52:09 UTC
Heck if I know.
Kitty Cat
2006-09-29 16:50:23 UTC
Kek, the god of darkness
2006-09-29 09:53:07 UTC
I say books are a little out of date, but try to do something like give the books to friends and have them walk around with it like its really good.
2006-09-29 09:52:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.