Cloots Tokala
2010-10-01 15:02:03 UTC
I've also recently heard that Ayn Rand is a crazy *** bltch, Her philosophy is insulting to almost everybody, and disturbing, and that Laura *******-wack-job Schlessinger is a huge follower.(that last part is enough to make me not want to read it anymore) I have also been told that the only people who like Ayn Rand are 16 year olds and assholes.
For anyone that has read it, Is it really as distasteful as some say? Is she really a rape apologist?
OR are some people who recommended strongly against it making a big deal out of nothing?
Tell me if you agree or disagree with her philosophy and is it at least a good read> will I be entertained?
I dunno, I'll probably read It anyway, I don't want to be defeated by a book (or waste my 10 dollars)
No matter what I think I'll still want to see for myself.
I'm just really curious what others think. The book seemed to be very controversial. I wonder what I'm in for.