Twilight. =D 10 points.?
-Yana Tantage-
2009-09-03 07:51:48 UTC
I have to get this done so any kind of help would be wonderful.
The following questions are for the book TWILIGHT. Yeah, unlike every other teenage girl I have not read it yet.
Please answer any that you can =)
I would be forever thankful.
And you'd get 10 points =D
So plz help. =)

1. How would the work be classified as to genre?
2. What is the setting or situation?
3. How might this(the setting) be important to the outcome of the
4. Who's point of view is the story being told through?
5. Who are the significant characters in the work?
6. what are they like in terms of identitty, personality and behavior?
7. What are the important experiences in their lives and how are they affected by these experiences?
8. Are the characters dynamic or static? (do they change or stay the same?)
9. What motivates each character? What are their goals? What means do they use to achieve them? What important decisions do they make?
10. What kinds of conflict is the character involved in? (person vs person, etc.)
11. How and to what extent are these conflicts resolved?
12. How do these resolutions affect the characters?
13. What are the consequences of the character's decisions?
14. What obstacles do the characters face in resolving conflict?
15. In what ways is the work about the concept of good and evil, right and wrong, justice, mortality, human relationships?
16. What is the author's message about these concepts?
17. What is the author trying to get the reader to understand about real life?

PLEASE ANSWER at least 1. I'm swamped w/ work and don't know what to do but i must get this done. don't tell me I'm lazy or dont want to read the book. Because I'm not and I do. I just don't have the time at all!

Sixteen answers:
2009-09-03 09:38:54 UTC
1. Science fiction

2. Small town, forks washington, rains all the time

3. The cullens only live in places that are dark alot so it is a good thing bella moved there.

4. Bella, the teen girl who loves edward

5. Bella and Edward

6. Bella is a sad teen girl, and edward is a sad vampire(lol)

7. when bella is attacked by the men in the ally, and when bella is attacked by james, also when bella meets the cullen family.

8. dynamic

9. edward motivates bella, bella motivates edward. there goal is the be together, they decide to lead the tracker(james) away from charlie(the dad)

10. Bella vs. james, edward vs. blood lust, edward vs. jacob

11. they kill james, edward overcomes his want for bellas blood, this confict is not resolved yet.

12. james is dead, edward has to try hard to overcome this making him love bella more.

13. edwards decition to bring bella to baseball gets james after them.

14.bella gets seriously injered

15. edward belives he is a monster. bella does not.

16. no matter what u r or who u r u r just as important as anyone else.(idk)

17.that real life is not always easy

hope this helped a little bit :)
2009-09-03 08:16:34 UTC

1. How would the work be classified as to genre?

Fantasy romance

2. What is the setting or situation?

Setting- America. If you're talking about Twilight then its Forks in Washington. The situation- forbidden love between a vampire and human.

3. How might this(the setting) be important to the outcome of the


Well, vampires often have to live in a place with little sunlight because if they are in the sun they....glitter.

4. Who's point of view is the story being told through?

Bella Swan (full name- Isabella Marie Swan), the human who is in love with the vampire.

5. Who are the significant characters in the work?

Bella, Edward Cullen (the vampire) Edwards 'family' (I put this in inverted commas because they are not really related, they are just humans who have been made into humans) His family is:

- Carlisle Cullen - the 'dad'

- Esme Cullenn- the 'mum'

- Alice Cullen - Edwards 'sister'

- Emmett Cullen - Edwards 'bro'

- Jasper Hale - Edwards foster 'bro'

- Rosalie Hale - Edwards foster 'sis' (AKA Jaspers 'sis')

Jacob Black is important, who in New Moon, is Bella's best friend and half werewolf half human

Charlie Swan is important kinda- Bella's dad

And James who is a vampire who desires Bellas blood e.g the villain

6. what are they like in terms of identitty, personality and behavior?

Omg, there are so many, I'll just do it for Bella and Edward cus they are the main ones, Jacob is only important of NEW MOON

Bella- Human, in the book she's averagely pretty, quite smart, clumsy, bad at sports, likes reading classic books. She's supposed to have no bad things about her, but that just makes her a Mary Sue

Edward- Vampire since 1918 and immortal, handsome, super strong and fast, understanding, in other words he is supposed to be perfect in every way

7. What are the important experiences in their lives and how are they affected by these experiences?

Bella- no boyfriend history (shes 17 i think)

Edward- being changed to a vamp.

8. Are the characters dynamic or static? (do they change or stay the same?)


9. What motivates each character? What are their goals? What means do they use to achieve them? What important decisions do they make?

Edward- no goals really. he tries to stay away from bella because her blood is really appealing to him, but he can't do it. He can't read her mind (which is the only mind he cant read) and thats what makes him love her at first, like the fact shes so unpredictable. Thats a main decision- to stay with her. At least in Twilight he's with her. In New moon he leaves(for her protection) and comes back (cus his weakness)

Bella- just to be with Edward

10. What kinds of conflict is the character involved in? (person vs person, etc.)

Bella - james

11. How and to what extent are these conflicts resolved?

Edward saves Bella

omg this is tooo long..please try and do the rest

sorry..i don most tho...

2009-09-03 07:56:09 UTC
read the book! twilight is amazing... and you finish it so fast because you get obsessed!!!!

answer mine:
2009-09-03 07:54:34 UTC
lol do your own homework
Lady of the Garden
2009-09-03 08:12:04 UTC
Um, I'll tell you that the genre is Young Adult Fiction/Paranormal Romance, but you really should do your own homework. I read the book in 5 days, it really doesn't take that long to read. The first half of the book may not seem to be worth the hype, but after you get to chapter nine or ten or so, it really gets a lot better. I was hooked by the time I got to the middle.
2009-09-03 07:56:15 UTC
Points you to Homework.

In the time it took you to type out all those questions you could probably be halfway through the first chapter.
2009-09-03 15:14:10 UTC
1. Young adult/Romance

2. Forks WA. A fricken amazing book. Lol Jk. A girl who falls in love with a vampire, but he really wants to kill her.

3. Uh.....Forks isnt sunny, the perfect weather for vampires.....??

4. Bella Swan

5. Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black.

6. Read the book.

7. See # 6

8. All Static

9. See # 7

10. Bella Vs Herself.

11. See # 9

12. See # 11

13. See # 12

14. See # 13

15. See # 14

16. See # 15

17. Real life? Twilight has vampires and werewolves for crying out loud.
2009-09-03 13:56:26 UTC
1.) Romance

2.) Forks washington

3.)Because the vampires live in a rainy place, they cant come out in the sun

4.)First person

5.)I don`t understand the Q.


7.)Edward was in the hospotal with the influenza



10/) Edward vs Jacob,

2009-09-03 08:47:18 UTC
I was qonna qive you lots of answers...till you said Twilight is retarted. You shouldn't have said that because you wouldn't noee if you haven't even read it. dumb. Its awesomee.
2016-05-19 02:58:20 UTC
yes, it is definitely annoying. i read the first book in 2007 (it actually came out to the public in 2005) and i enjoyed it, and i went to see the movie and hated it. It's crap and i hate how people are acting like its such a big deal (its just a movie guys). I'm also sick of seeing taylor lautner's face on the cover of EVERY magazine i pass by... he is not attractive!
2009-09-06 02:44:24 UTC
1. I guess it could work into the whole Young Adult/Romance genre, but as a whole, I would simply call it a modern fairy tale

2. This ****** up place called Forks

3. It isn't. This **** could have happened in any small town

4. Bella, and Jacob as well in the last book

5. Anyone whose name you learn will play at least a moderately important part. But Edward, Bella, and Jacob will be the most important I guess

6. Mostly shallow bubble heads, except for Jacob, who has some semblance of a real human being

7. They meet, Edward runs off, Edward comes off, they have a freaky devil child.

8. The only change made is that Bella becomes a vampire, and Jacob becomes even more fed up with life than he was before. Other than that, they are more or less the same for the entire series

9. They dont really have any goals or motivations. I guess it could be counted as a goal for Edward and Jacob that they have sweeet love with Bella, and that is what seems to consume most of their lives. Oh yeah, as well as this guy called Mike and some other guy called Tyler

10. Not much. Just trying to fight these vampire guys called the volturi and a psychotic ***** named Victoria.

11. The usual, through violence. Or in the case of the volturi, talking.

12. Like I said, the characters never change

13. None really. Bella gets away with whatever she does. I think thats what pisses off a lot of twilight haters

14. Not much

15. Hot people never have problems

16. As I said before, that once you are soooo attractive, life works wonderfully for you.

17. I think her goal, really, was to get foolish bubble heads like the person above me to become even more empty headed than they were before.
2009-09-03 07:59:26 UTC
1. Young adult fiction



4. Bella, the human girl who falls in love with Edward Cullen

5. Bella (human), Edward, Rosalina, Alice, I cant remember any other vampires but there is a few more in their family.

Jacob, Bellas dad, BUt the most significant is Bella and Edward Cullen.


7. Bella fell in love with a vampire. Edward fell in love with a human.

8. they change throughout the story




Ok im the f-ing book.
2009-09-03 08:00:14 UTC
1. science fiction

2. setting is in forks washington


4.the naratoes

5. edward bella jasper jacoub and james and vicotria





10. person vs person

11. it dosont till the last book that hasnt came out yet

12. edwatd and bella become closer

13. bella could have been killed

14bellas dad was left behind

16. good and evil

17. nothing its fiction
2009-09-03 08:08:58 UTC
do you actually have to read this book for a class?!?! is your teacher some crazy fangirl!?!?! :P whutevar.

anyhoo, the characters are all static, they don't really change at all... except Edward goes from being a creepy stalker-like stranger, to being a creepy stalker-like boyfriend. :P

The point of view is Bella's (so first person)

Significant characters-

Bella- main character, smart, quiet brunette, who falls in love with Edward

Edward- hero of our story, angsty, whiney teenage vampire, who is waaay over-protective, and lacks personality. He can read minds, except not Bella's (because she doesn't have one!! haha)

Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme- Edward's "Family" they pretend that they are all just adopted, (because they're all around the same age, and don't really look alike) but they are all just a bunch of Vampires that live together (they're all coupled up, too: Carlisle+Esme, Alice+Jasper, and Emmett+Rosalie). These vampires don't drink human blood, they only drink animal blood because they don't want to be monsters.

Charlie- Bella's dad, the town sheriff, quiet, loves his daughter, divorced from bella's mom when Bella was still really young.

Jacob- Bella's friend from childhood. (omgosh turns out he's a werewolf! and in the coming books he is Edward's only competition, but he ends up falling in love with Edward and Bella's creepy blood-drinking daughter... (she's born in the fourth book) but that has nothing to do with the first book) Jake actually has a personality, so I think he'd be a better choice than Edward, but whutevar.

Setting- Forks, Washington. Bella just moved in with her dad, and makes a few new friends, but she can't really connect with them. She thinks she's plain-looking, but gets asked to the prom by like 3 different guys... anyhoo, she sees Edward and thinks "omgosh that boi is sooo hawt!!" but he thinks she smells (really, her blood smells soooo delicious to him, he almost kills her when they first meet!) He is able to control his appetite, and they get to know each other, eventually falling in love... :P

Obstacles: well, he's a vamp and she's not, so that's a little bump they have to deal with, also there's a group of evil vampires that want to eat bella, so the good vamps have to protect her. :P

don't watch the movie, it's really lame, the book is a little better, but after reading it a couple times, i realize how boring Edward is... his ONLY thought is "keep bella safe, i love bella, keep bella safe, i love bella, etc." yes, that's romantic, but a guy ought to have other interests, right? -shrug-

hope i was able to help a little!
i love yuu'
2009-09-03 16:56:43 UTC
so i was reading your questions then when i got to the additional details, i was so shocked when your said that twilight is retarded.. why don't you do your own HOMEWORK
2009-09-03 12:03:29 UTC
do your own homework please!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.