You will want to research journals and magazines that publish in the same genre as your poetry-- really look for things that print similar works.
To begin your research, take a look at the current edition of the book "Writer's Market". It is a fairly comprehensive listing of locations to submit work. Then, head down to your local public library and see if you can track down copies. Make sure it is appropriate or it will be a waste of time and postage to submit.
Each publisher has different submission guidelines, so make sure to research the specifics. Oftentimes, they are now on the web so it's much easier. Most only want you to submit three to five poems in each submission package, and they generally have length guidelines as well.
Do not submit your poems to multiple publications simultaneously unless you specify it in your cover letter and you are sure that the particular publishers accept simultaneous submissions.
For formatting your poems and manuscript, see if you can locate a copy of "Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript" (which is actually published by the folks at Writer's Market). It's my favorite reference for all sorts of literary queries.
It could take a long time, and be prepared for multiple rejections. Such is the life of an author! But, if you are persistant, you will find homes for your poems.
Let me also suggest checking out the website to help you avoid other scams in every aspect of writing.