"The morning was crisp and rigid. Abagail held on the pitcher of water as the looked out into the desolate horizon above. A few shantys were scattred across the area with little to no trees. How she loved trees.
"Abgail! Dear!" the screech of the mother siren awoker poor Abagail from her trance. But before she turned around to retrieve the life water, she saw something perculiar on the hoizon. Something that seem to be redcoats."
Subject: During the time of the 17th century before the Revolutionary war, British soilders were forced to live with colonists. The colonists had to provide food, water, warmth and shelter for the soilders. They usually came in pairs. How would feel if soilders from Iraq came and bunked in your house without your say? Well, even though most of them deserve it, keep in mind most of the colonists were AGAISNT the Bristish belifs at this time. You can write a story on a family that has to live through that. Or a daughter of a poor farmer colonist/weathly colonist who falls in love with one of the Biritish soilders. There is a book out there on this topic. You can research it as well. Something to think about.
"Luca ran speedily along the watery sidewalk.s Rain fell steadfast as he hurried his way to the hole. Tripping on a peice of glass, Luca picked himself up and scrambled to the walls of the building. Suddleny-BAM! Something hit him. Flying out of the area, he slammed agaisnt the groud into a shallow puddle. Cathing his breath that was kicked out of him, he lioked up. The most gortesque twisted creature of the night. His golden teech protruding out of his longated snout. Ancd he said "where the cheese?"
subject:How about a poor small mouse trapped my the schemes of a mafia of rats? Just a random thought.
"I saw it. It was...big. It was...terrifying. It was...it was...my DEMISE.' The aged man muttered as he looked to the distance. The reporter jotted dow the notes couragously. 'Antything else' he asked. 'Yes.' the age soul continued 'It was an unfogettable moment;"
subject: A surviors tale of a pilot who survived the Bermuda Triangle. Was it REALLY aliens? Or Atlantis? hmm....
" Mary Cubbins was a young, fragine lady. A girl, a lost, lost girl. Her days, hours of wondering of space and time, spent in the feilds at midnight slowly would come to a sudden end-to DEATH. What did she ever commit? Was it her daily routine done slovenly around the house? Or her brilliant scientific mind coming to play?"
Subject: The crucible is a facsinating yet really STUPID story (my opinion) but Puritan life was harsh. Research on that and its amazing how illogical they really were. If a female did anything "man like" (or anything else different) she could have been accused for being a witch during the Salem Witch trial hysteria. How about a young girk (or expeirenced woman) who wants to go into debate, or science during this dark time in American history. Imagine what stir she might create.
"There I was! Yelping at the distance to the the most grotesque creature in my livelyhood! (more grotesque than yes, a HUMAN) AND IT PICKED MY UP MY ITS TALONS...I whined..."
subject: How a Chihuahua was abducted by aleins and shares his/her expeirence to the reader.
"Week 24: the nurse came in with a smirk on her face. How I abhore her. As if she is sane! Ha! I laugh at her....but as days grow weery, and nights grow cold here, away from Madre or Padre, I wonder, am I really becoming that of which I never was? AM I becoming...insane?"
subject: A life in an asalyum when you are not really insance. Happned alot, actually.
"He took a fork full of the dish and placed it in his mouth. Chef Louie's grim reached to his ears as the figure chewed his masterpeice. Slowly as he chewed, the more Chef Louie squimred with exitment. A cruch here, a 'mmm' that...more and more Louie felt warm inside. However, after that breif moment of happiness, he squirmed inside-the man eating the dish frowned. And swollowed."
subject: A professional culinary chef makes his very first meal for the Presidnet of the US and the next day the Pres. dies. But you arent an assasin-who killed him? You bi polar anarchist sister, your silent, antisocial co worker or large, prudish, loudmouthed boss who was telling you that morning about his callous thoughts on the Pres.?
"Tales are created as a swift bedtime story to dreamily heaad you childrent o dream land. But, as a prarent, DO I believe? Quickly, I and my beloved opened the laptop for further evidence. Like two school children looking outsdie teh windor for Santa, we were up to our noses to the screen for the REAL story. We had a mission. I had a calling."
subject: Was king Aurthur really a king? Was Geniveve really his love? Or is there something more?