2011-02-28 13:27:17 UTC
Brooke heard waves crashing against the shoreline as she woke. She sat up quickly with a jolt and looked around. Palm trees swayed in the wind. She wondered where she was and how she had gotten there.
“Brian?” She called out.
There was no answer. She looked over and saw Brian was on top of a cliff sitting with a girl. Slowly, she walked toward them. After hiding under about a million tropical plants and trees she reached them, carefully not making a sound.
“The real reason I brought you here was to tell you something about your past...” Brian said.
“What do you mean? I thought you brought me up here so we could catch up.” The girl asked, suddenly sounding worried.
Now that she was closer, Brooke could see that the girl was dark skinned, like a Native American’s.
“I- I know. Dyna, your parents, they adopted you when someone left you on their doorstep fourteen years ago.” Brian explained.
“So? What does that have to do with anything? My real parents abandoned me. End of story.” The girl named Dyna replied.
Brian sat still for a while, then took a breath and said, “They didn’t want to. They had to.”
“‘They had to,’” Dyna mimicked. “How do you know that?” She spat.
Brooke could tell that the girl seemed to really hate her biological parents. She couldn’t blame her. She herself had many times when she questioned about the kind of people who gave up their children to an orphanage.
An awkward silence settled over them for a moment. As Brooke shuffled in the bushes, she made a bit of noise. Before they got a chance to get a glimpse of her, she recovered her lost balance and was camouflaged by leaves yet again. The two seemed to discard the sound, thinking it was their imagination. She felt as though it was a flashback to yesterday when he was talking about her parents leaving her to her adoptive mother. So far, everyone that she had met in the past twenty-four hours had been adopted. She wondered if Brian had done this often. He seemed calm enough. She heard them start to talk again after the short silence so she saved her thoughts for later.
“Because your dad is Zeus and your mother was a nymph.” Brian said with a quiver. He seemed not to want to tell her this, but he probably felt that he had to.
“That’s not funny Brian!” She stated with power and frustration in her voice.
As she stood up to leave, the wind started to blow and swish around Dyna. The sunlight was drained from the sky, responding to her emotions.
“What’s going on?” Dyna said with confusion.
Brooke could only hear part of what Brian and Dyna’s conversation over the wind. She made out that Brian said, “If --- would calm down---weather-------better.”
The rapid breezes slowly calmed down. The clouds withdrew and let sunlight pour onto the beach. Brooke decided that it would be a good time to give away her hiding spot to talk to her brother and his friend.
“You okay Brooke?” Brian said concerned.
“Yeah...” Brooke said, slightly in a daze. She seemed to shake it off and continue, “Blimey Brian! Who is she?” Brooke asked curiously.
He laughed and the mood lightened drastically. Dyna seemed tired. As she was about to fall, Brian caught her.
“Thanks...” She mumbled as she tried to stand up.
“That was your first time using your powers. You haven’t even tapped into any of your nymph abilities.” Brian said.
“Powers?” Dyna said.
“Wait. What powers do I have?” Brooke asked.
“Brooke, your the daughter of two nymphs, a nereid and a satyr. However, you inherited our mother’s genes and are not a satyr. As for you Dyna, you have both the powers of a demigod and a dryad, also known as forest nymphs.” Brian said.
Dyna looked down then went over to Brian and said, “I’m sorry- this is just too much.” She tried to turn around to leave but he stopped her.
Brian spun her to face him and said, “If you leave you will be killed. I can’t let that happen to you.”
“Dyna, I know what you’re going through. He took me yesterday. Listen, I don’t think we have a choice.” Brooke stated nervously.
Dyna looked around. Seeing that she had no escape she said, “Okay. One condition.”
“And what would that condition be?” Brian asked.
“Introduce me to my dad.” Dyna said.
“Eh, here’s the problem with that...” Brian started to say.
“If you don’t, I won’t go with you.” Dyna said forcefully.
“Another question,” Brooke said before Brian could answer Dyna, “I thought nymphs were trees or something.”
Gladly escaping from Dyna’s glaring eyes, Brian said, “Well a nereid is- well- a nymph in the form of a mermaid. Our dad,” Brian said quickly after seeing Brooke’s worried face, “since he was a satyr, you and I can work with nature. You know, tell it to do things through music and things like that.”
“What?! I’m pretty sure I’m not a mermaid if you haven’t noticed!” Brooke screamed at him.